>In the last 24 hours or so, Death Wish has been called everything from “racist” to “alt-right fan fiction”, and they’re not done yet. Many noted that the original flick had been set in New York City, and relocating it to Chicago in 2017 just felt plain “irresponsible.” The trailer, which also seems to emulate a pro-gun rights stance, has elicited a series of angry, shocked responses from Twitter users.
/ourjew/ eli
fuck off faggot
I want to go back the 1990s where people didn't complain like this. SJWs have ruined everything fun
killer miller is a jew too
just sayin
I personally am ok with this film. I can't understand the racism charge. The guy literally goes after someone who hit a black kid in gang related crossfire. The vigilante stance is refreshing. We need more films like this.
Doesn't matter if it's our movie or not. What we want right now, is to show that movies labeled or advertised as "Alt-Right" draws more people and more revenue than movies about "Overthrowing the Patriarchy" "Overcoming Adversity" and all that other shit. If there's one thing that Hollyjew will jump off a sinking ship for, it's another ship filled with money. If we make Death Wish a success and convince them that it's because it's an "Alt-Right" film, it will only encourage more endeavors carrying the tone. Sure alot of them will just be bullshit labels and fabrications, but it may not be too late to get them to do the remake of Starship Troopers right.
Looks kind of good actually.
holy shit guys, we've been btfo by a radical centrist yet again
I'll be sure to catch this in theaters.
Are you shitting me? Assuming these complaints aren't very clever (((marketing))), this is like a seal of quality.
Fuck off, poofter.
Nobody cares what you think.
Bruce Willis is rumored to own the largest Imperial Guard Army in the world
If it doesn't have him opening up on a bunch of thugs with a .30-cal, then I'm gonna want my torrent back.
>elocating it to Chicago in 2017 just felt plain “irresponsible.”
Fucking people, man.
All we need now is The Turner Diaries made into a film.
Agreed, but I will say I sincerely love Ver Hoeven's Starship Troopers. He tried to make a "nazis are ebul" antiwar movie but he failed to realize that by pitting the Nazi's against an unrelenting, inhuman horde of bugs he just made Nazi Stormtroopers look cool and sympathetic.
>The trailer, which also seems to emulate a pro-gun rights stance, has elicited a series of angry, shocked responses from Twitter users.
Were people always this stupid?
Why do you think there were so many great action films to come out during the Reagan years?
Oh no it's great... it's like something accidental that becomes something perfect that cant be replicated naturally. But the reboot? It could be as damaging as Starship Troopers 2... x911 9/11's.
so poor batman with a gun?
>people making this political
What the actual fug. Just looks like a fun action flick. What, because it's not the usual anti-white horseshit, it's automatically racist? Fuck it, I might actually go to the theaters for the first time in forever.
They still allow you to bring your falcon there, right?
>many noted that the original flick had been set in New York City, and relocating it to Chicago in 2017 just felt plain "irresponsible"
But shoving niggers everywhere is okay, fuckin double standards.
Verhoeven is more fash friendly than maybe he wants to admit to himself.
Yeah. The Punisher, but without the skull aesthetic.
this reeks of guerilla marketing. also bruce willis looks like a fucking mummy.
>testosterone derived snowflakes crying on twitter from their cucksheds
color me shocked
I'll download the torrent, but I won't give my money to (((them))) anymore.
>you can't make an exact remake of an old movie without people turning it into a political shit show
Did they not see the original one or something? Death Wish was always /ourflick/.
Also, why is moving it from NYC to Chicago racist? Both cities are "ethnically diverse," so to speak.
Marketing that we can turn to our favor. This is the gun we can point right back at Hollywood. We make it a success, we get more Alt-Right media; and we piss off Liberals and SJW's to levels they haven't experienced since election.
You need to go back to
>people are so anti-fun now that you can't make a movie from 30 years ago
What would happen if you screened Blazing Saddles again? Would their heads explode?
Every time
I don't care about (((movies)))
will do what does
He's quoting, you dope.
You need to go back to grade school
it was moved to chicago because its the crime heavy city of this decade like nyc was in the 80s
looks awesome
also, this chick gave me partial
Bringing a falcon to a kinoplex is an automatic stint in the popcorn mines these days.
The left would have called Mel Brooks Hitler.
Why are all the bad guys White? Especially in Chimpcago
Can we stop doing the /our/ shit? Its always about some gay shit usually involving jews like this movie's director or Lauren Southren
Goddammit. This shit would never have flown under Robert. I miss that man. No one fucks my wife like he did.
>yes goyim buy a movie ticket for 20 bucks and go see 80s action movie #9001 and we might make more!
You know why.
Seems like a good movie you can just watch and enjoy. Hopefully, it ends on a good note with no leftist propaganda bullshit someone might shoehorn in there at the last second.
Is Tyrone Magnus, dare I say it, ourguy? ourbasedblackguy?
seriously, he saves a black woman in the trailer. What the FUCK is thier problem?!
it also shows the bad guy is clearly white. in fact the only violence towards black people is him shooting a black dude that shot a black kid. I hate this gay world.
>By Jade Budowski
Nice try promoting your Hollywood crap
And of course the people who murder his wife are white. In Chicago.
To them, heroes are not supposed to be pale and male.
that's like the most ethnic movie I've seen in forever, it's libs bitching about how retarded they are. It drives me crazy.
Anyone see death sentence?
Nice attempt to reverse psychology it. But most everyone knows that (((they))) will turn on (((you))) if there's money to be had. And if your SJW puppets aren't going to see Ghostbusters or the Emoji Movie, maybe the Alt-Right will see Death Wish. This movie could potentially be the turning point to get our enemies to turn on eachother and take down the SJW's several notches in the process.
>movie set in chicago
>surprised theres so many niggers and the movies about crime
they missed out not making the villain a rahm emmanuel expy
The only correct answer is to stop spending money on (((their))) shit.
Starve the (((beast)))
>Anyone see death sentence?
Loved it.
This. I thought it was interesting the only black person i noticed was the victim kid. Bad guys are white and Hispanic in Chicago. Honestly, there isent much of an African American presence in this movie and it's totally racist against blacks
>only black people can be put on film killing a black person or else it is racism and evil
fucking sjws have to go full retard in everything.
Right? He tries to satirize America's violence but he only ends up glorifying it. He is accidentally /ourdirector/.
Or a Warhammer 40k movie right, the first time. Before it becomes reality. At least the "there is only war" part.
>Or maybe the movie will make it reality
You're not allowed to show black people how they really are. Reality is racist.
Yeah... it'd have to be a major undertaking. Warcraft sucked domestically, and any and all Sci-Fi that isn't Star Wars or Star Trek has failed horribly. Would be badass though, and hey, it's a possibility if the Starship Troopers movie has that tone. Monkey see monkey do as they practice in Hollywood.
Looks good. Have added it to my 'future films to pirate' list.
False outrage meant to gauge the goyim and maybe generate a few extra shekels.
Man, I love these sorta flicks. Whatever, I'll be there on opening day
>if you give them money you win
there isnt even a political message
the left is just mad cause niggers are being portrayed like how niggers are in real life
eh it starts with white people breaking into his house & raping+murdering his family, so already it's disenfranchising minority actors from what would have been their role if this movie were realistic
we could start a protest based around this movie for that
bold move to rename "The Punisher"
enjoy ban
Yall niggers never seen the Punisher before?
There's a whole genre for this folks. the punisher was invented when the original Death Wish movies were all the rage
>seriously, he saves a black woman in the trailer. What the FUCK is his problem?!
Death Sentence is actually loosely based on a novel that is the sequel to the Death Wish novel. Just found out that yesterday.
death sentence, as a film, was 8/10, because it stuck to its genre, and delivered in full
much like Cop Car
I was gonna say shit trailer until BIB started playing, 10/10
Yup! Though they changed the names for whatever reason
Dude is raising his son's as girls. Hardly alt right, whatever the fuck hat means anymore
Movies about vigilante retribution against drug dealers and gangsters are Fascist to the core. Too bad this film was made by a Kike.
>le alt-right mene XDDD
>director ((((ELI ROTH))))
Into the trash it goes.
Looks like it could be a decent popcorn movie. Sweet.
Wut? Does every single celebrity abuse their children?? Legit question, how is this possible?
Hit the comment sections up. Use your fake accounts. It's already working. We could literally troll these morons into thinking everything is racist. Make them keep showing that they are truly mentally ill.
Those aren't boys, I'd ask the one on the right on a date.
I am legit surprised that main character is not black. Like it is kinda obvious move from a producer standpoint, but I am glad they put Bruce in.
Tropa de Elite is based af.