Lets be real here

did he actually do anything wrong?

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Fuck that guy. He murdered kids.

>He murdered kids
and so did the ATF
why is it only a problem when he does it?

>Fucking government killed all those kids at Waco
>Hey, I know what I'll do, I'll kill a bunch of kids. That'll show 'em!

>killed 168 people, including nineteen children in the day care center on the second floor

Yeah, I think so

He blew up people who work for a government that kills kids all the time. That same government once gave him a medal for blowing some guy's head off for trying to defend his country.

freedom aint free the tree of libertys gotta be watered with the blood of patriots

-ATF Agents bow to McVeigh
-In contact with John Doe Number Two
-Possess terroristic-like abilities
-Controls the Murrah Building with an iron but fair fist
-Own Ryder Trucks & Fertilizer Plants globally
-Direct descendant of the ancient patriot blood line
-Will blow up the first building on Mars (Murrahgrad will be be the first building)
-Own 99% of fertilizer facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Yellow Ryder Trucks
-both bombers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Michigan Farms & Waco Compounds
-Ancient Murrah scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented fertilizer trucks with them
-They own Weaver and Koresh labs around the world
-You likely have Weaverbots inside you right now
-They learned fluent Davidian in under a week
-Nation states entrust their fertilizer reserves with the bombers. There’s no fertilizer in Ft. Knox, only Ft. McVeigh
-The bombers are about 7 decades old, from the Murrah Explosion reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Waco Siege to the cell in Supermax. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

What about the extra hand?

they were both problems you idiot

>168 people, including nineteen children
88% is still a B+

Murdering children is something that only muslims and niggers do.
McVeigh is just a testament to what whites CAN be capable of when pushed to the brink, but there's no defending him as a person or his actions.


Really makes you think.

data mining thread. fuck off.

saged, ya cunt

wait what?!

Negligible, because he was a modern day Oswald. I suggest the real truth below. The 90s were a wild time.


literally a hundred better places he could've bombed but decided to do some building with families and kids and shit

basically a misguided retard or a patsy


>fought against Iraq in the gulf war in service of Jewish supremacists

He did plenty wrong

>no plates
this always struck me as suspicious

if you want to claim that you're justified in committing terrorism against the government because of bad shit the government did, at least try to have some moral superiority by not doing the same things yourself

well ya got me there

Literally every war has civilian casualties you retard. You think Hitler never accidentally killed some kids while bombing Warsaw? War is war, kids die, it can't be avoided.

as if being in the moral right ever got pro white people anywhere
ok yeah his actions only really hurt pro white movements but I cant help feeling sympathetic to people who were brought to violence over the blatant killing of US civilians
ruby ridge still chaps my ass every time I think of it

this is all assuming he wasnt a plant, which I guess is a reasonable theory in its own right.

HP Lovecraft confirmed for time traveler.

This it's Antonio Ramon.

In 1907 the miners of the north of Chile started a strike to complain about the subhumans working conditions in the mining towns of the desert.

They stayed in the Santa Maria school in the city of Iquique.

The general Silva Renard ordered to shoot at the people inside the school, men, women and children were massacrated, including Ramon's brother.

He lived in Spain and he traveled from there to Chile once he heard what happened, he murdered the general, he did it for honor and vengance.

He did nothing wrong.

>...anything wrong?

He got caught after only one truck.

what happened to him?

Kids matter more than cult members.
Koresh and his followers deserved way worse. They should have been skinned alive, and people like McVeigh deserve scaphism.

>Koresh and his followers deserved way worse
according to???
>oh no he took multiple wives
>oh no he was religious
>oh no he has guns in TEXAS of all places
clearly they deserved to be gassed by the feds

just read about this dude

this would make a good movie

>this would make a good movie
> Ramón was released in 1919 and all track of him was lost after that time
heh heh looks like we got some room for some artistic expression