Stop lifting weights

Stop lifting weights

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People still watch this guy? Embarrassing

swede calling anything embarrassing? embarrassing

He never said that he said not to engage in egocentric bodybuilding and worship of ones own body. His point was also mostly that a big muscular body with low body fat % is bad in a SHTF scenario
Golden one detected

He says that it's a waste of time and you should be spending spare time doing body weight exercises or practicing other skills.

Wtf is a Golden one

Someone is asshurt at the Golden One

>implying the mongrels here won't manipulate the truth because they can't handle the truth

Varg is an NRA paid shill

the golden one is a roidmonkey faggot. His balls are literally raisins and if they are, its because he injects the urine of pregnant females. Top-shelf degeneracy.

How anyone takes this nigger seriously is beyond me.

I'm starting to think Varg is being paid by some jews. There is no way he makes enough money from his youtube,books, and music to be able to afford to that land and all those kids.
The worst thing whites could do is to live a "simpler life" like he wants, if we were to live like he wants then we would be erased by muslims, Chinese, Russians, Mexicans, etc within years.

Basic common sense from Varg really. If you do a few pulls ups, press ups etc on a frame every now and then each week, walk the dog you will still have knockout power if you're not a manlet.

or you can not have a dog and lift 3 times a week because it won't take longer

got any advanced common sense for me?

>Sup Forums
>common sense
Pick one.
Just look at this postEmbarrassing.


Gtfo dyel

I like Varg, but this.

t.suspected manlet poster


He gets welfare and help from family.

He basically said white body builders are trying to look like niggers since it's not normal for whites to look that way lol. Plus having a gut is healthy.. This is his way at throwing subliminal shots at the golden one. Varg is really fucking obsessive.

Got proof?
He already said he doesn't get welfare, he just doesn't pay taxes because of his children.

pretty much every single point he made was wrong except for the one regarding the use of weapons. also just jabbing at TGO

>he doesnt get walfare
ofc he gets welfare, what else do you think he does in his magical pagan garden all day? why do you think he didnt make a lepen video? his walfare would have been taken away.

> advanced common sense
You're lacking basic sense too commie

>Can't store fat

I think being concerned about getting jacked is generally pleb breeder tier. Lads, ascend the socioeconomic hierarchy and gain power and influence, and maybe, just maybe, we can give these globalists a run for their money.

I see you ve never tried the dungeon wine


>don't spend 3-5 hours a week doing compound lifts
>spend two hours a day doing shitty bodyweight exercises

solid advice as usual from the clueless viking.

>spend two hours a day doing shitty bodyweight exercises

who -- with a actual life -- spends 2 hours per day doing bodyweight exercises? It takes a couple of minutes to maintain a frame strong enough knock someone else out or be able to lift heavy objects about without pulling a muscle, anything more than that is just a vanity project.

Since the advent of guns it does not much matter what your upper body strength is. What matters for an army is that the grunts be able to walk long distances (with appropriate load) and outmaneuver slow enemy units.
So do the legs day and cardio.

So in Varg opinion we need to
>emigrate to a wealthy country
>become welfare queen and become a /r9k/ neet
>not lift or improve because it makes you a nigger
>screech how bad and non european are mediterraneans and christians
>and believe ancient romanZ, ancient egyptianZ, ancient sumerianZ and ancient Chinese were blond nordics
>all that to "crash le system XDDDD"
Noice, 11/10, great pagan inspiriations.

Holly shit, m8.
I take my chances with improving myself mentally and physicaly to become embodiment of Europen man.

Varg is a smug, kill joy. I find him incredibly annoying.

So you watch YouTube videos of people explaining what you call common sense? Time well spent.

When I was actually going to the gym, I was doing 6 different exercises in 45 minutes. I really don't get how people can dick around at the gym all day, I have other shit to do.

>t. never lifted a gun, let alone carried for a day

Hes just mad I could fuck him up.

>muh dik

this dumb nordicist should die



Instantly knew in my heart... I wanna smack this motherfucker. lmao

varg's so fucking stupid

new or larp, anyway's here's a (You)

>It takes a couple of minutes to maintain a frame strong enough knock someone else out or be able to lift heavy objects about without pulling a muscle

You severely overestimate yourself if you think this is true.



Fucking Bruce Lee over there larping it up.

Buy some wooded land, cheap out here at least, and maintain it. Chucking around logs and swinging axes is enough for a good base then do mma. Added bonus you now own land.

>A paid individual
He's just sub 85 IQ, user.

He is so uninformed...

>Bad time to get lost, friend.

>His point was also mostly that a big muscular body with low body fat % is bad in a SHTF scenario

Yeah, because being huge won't give you an initial boost when everything turns to chaos... Let me see him do shit when a 250lb guy comes and breaks his speaks like it's nothing before stealing all his canned food and raiding his candle stash.

breaks his spine*

D&D playing nerd doesn't like weight training...who'd have thought.

His back catalog still moves. I work at a record store and the licensed reissues (of music I'm fairly certain he owns the rights to?) Sell like crazy... To Mexican teenagers.

go away newfag

And comes up with excuse why it's no good for you.

Die being a heroic viking, or live long enough to LARP as one.

>lifting weights is bad because Europe is being genocided and you will look like a Nigger
>but being autistic is okay because my wife has autism and her neanderthal forebears told her it's a good thing
what you talking about?

>> someone needs to end him... hes is butt hurt at the golden one
>> cant stop this gainz trainz

he's a pagan version of that kid

>Leaf Check'd


Start getting REAL jobs and dont forget to pay taxes

I don't even understand what his problem is with Golden One beyond the fact that Golden One isin't as anti christian as he is. Varg is incredibly petty. He seems to have gotten progressively worse over the last year or so.

Oh, AND because he was too much of an egomaniac to get a real band together, he's the only guy on those over indulgent screamo records he made, so he keeps all the dough. I'm sure his money's right.

And honestly, the money he must turn down to play live has got to be staggering. The numbers they throw out to bands to headline metal fests is no joke. There's no doubt in my mind he's turned down six figures to play Wacken or something similar. You don't turn down that kind of cash if you're struggling.

That's the same reason I'm sure Fenriz is doing well financially. When you see Dark Throne headlining Riot Fest or some such shit show, just know someone in the band is desperate and cashed in on a 6-7 figure offer that's been dangling in front of them for a decade or so.

Maybe he found his autistic wife masturbating to The Golden One's youtube videos.

Nonsense, Ive been lifting over 2 decades and just maintain and all it takes is 1 time at the gym every 14 days. Im 35 and look like this.

maybe because you go twice a month and not 4 every second day
ive been doing weights and calisthenics from home when i was 15 now im 20 and look fit af

Varg, I still like you somewhat, and I still respect you for your long commitment. But please call out all of the subhuman elements in your fanbase. How can you accept them insulting bodybuilders, when they are themselves sitting comfortably behind an anonymous accounts talking trash about their betters? If you are serious about wanting to return to a more natural society; well nothing is as unnatural as allowing the inferior filth to talk disrespectfully towards their betters. You should be able to relate to this as you also get disrespectful comments towards you.

Why is /fit/ getting so assblasted about this?
Everything he says is true. Bodybuilders are less likely to have big families and are more likely to only focus on themselves

bodybuilding = white genocide


I think you faggots misunderstand, there's a difference between obsessive bodybuilding and normal regular exercise. Varg of all people should know this.

Even ancient greeks knew the importance of routine and exercise, and 3-5 hours per week is not a "loss of time". i can already tell how many "Pure Aryan" fatasses will take this as a serious excuse not to exercise and get in shape.

t. the golden one

sup Marcus

>bodybuilders have low body fat because they want to look like africans

It all makes sense now


It's a type of juicy pale-orc who redpills men


I've been lifting for a few months and I am a faggot but I just had my first heterosexual wet dream

I want to have sex with women now

First he was a satanist.

Then he claimed he was never a satanist, and was really a national socialist. Changed his middle name to Quisling.

Then he claimed he was never a national socialist and is now an Odinist.

Being a modern pagan means you have to be a larping faggot that jerks off to vikings.

He 'respects' Islam but goes full fedora rage against all Christians, forgetting that it's right wing Christians that are responsible for fighting against the degeneracy he claims to hate.

He was always a D&D nerd, though (one of his album covers is from a D&D book), so that helps.

varg is a childlike narcissist who never out-grew his teenage phase

Varg is what happens to a person that doesn't grow out of atheism.

I remember the golden one saying that you can't be a pagan if you don't workout

>Wtf is a Golden one

someone who wants to look like the image of the Gods

Build both body and mind. The excess of the fitness culture is a product of failures in society, a product of consumerism as well as the emasculation of men.

Young men with no father figures and poor idols to follow turn to the fitness community in search of finding guidance as well as primal things such as strength.

Alternatively and used properly, weight lifting and any form of fitness are beneficial for building discipline of body and mind, achieving goals through your own merit allows for reflection on other aspects of life also.

This guy is an Olympic master in mental gymnastic. He pulls facts out of is ass, and uses them to glorify his own made up fantasies.

We don't need to all be swollen roidheads like th golden one. But we can't be skinny armed gaymen like Varg either. I trained striking arts and can knock someone out but that doesn't make up for my weakness in other areas. I can accelerate my fist up to a very high speed away from my body but fuck me if I can do 3 pullups. I am training at le gymnasium to correct this now and you should too.

>being this jelly and insecure

He really is a complete loser isn't he, at this point i'm 100% sure he just wants to draw attention from LS and TGO to get more viewers and continue being a larping neet.

What a petty little man.

Yeah but he does not look like your picture ref. He isn't thick enough about the lower torso.

But every man should try and look like this reference picture.

>swole, but not too swole
>kick ass beard



>implying these mummies are natural blonde

Ramses died 90 years old you pathetic niiger.Have you seen a lot of seniors with natural hair color instead of white?

kys paki

t. Christcuck

Varg is probably positive to africans more primitive tribal societies.

But nords are still far better at tribal societies, because the 20+ higher average IQ.