Ummm no Drumpfkins healthcare IS a HUMAN RIGHT. This man shows what all americans are thinking
Ummm no Drumpfkins healthcare IS a HUMAN RIGHT. This man shows what all americans are thinking
Americans need a healthier relationship with death. No amount of healthcare will prevent your ultimate demise.
Health care is a service, not a right
You have the right to pursue healthcare.
You do not have the right to healthcare.
>(9 KB, 255x191)
pron for ants
Ban pharmaceutical commercials.
Obamacare isn't anything but a medical corporation scam and you get shit service for it.
Even the shitty news kikes at Frontline and their documentary on it exposed this.
You don't give a fuck though. You only care about your loyalty to Islam and niggers
we should honestly just kill people over 60 who aren't working (they have no benefit to society) and if you get any sort of major illness you should just be put down (unless you are worth saving ie a doctor or important politician)
healthcare and food are rights in S Africa
what's keeping you from going there?
You're an idiot if you think rights exist after rules
The only way you are going to get better healthcare in the US is to lower phama and insurance company profits. And the powers that been don't like that at all. There is no other magical insurance or accouting trick left.
mind your own business you disgusting roach
>crisis actor
>Americans need a healthier relationship with death. No amount of healthcare will prevent your ultimate demise.
You forgot the part where most of the people pursuing or exploiting these services are Mexicans and nignogs with more kids than they can afford.
Just learn to accept death, you pussies.
Everyone in this thread will ignore it half of this board is niggers and spics.
Get a job and pay for it you fucking loser
I can't because all the Mexicans took my jobs.
I feel the same way about paying my outrageous Obamacare bill every month, now that I cannot afford to put a roof on my house, what happens when it starts leaking or my jeep needs a new transmission.
that faggot can get health care, he just doesn't have the right to make me pay for it.
It is factually not. You as a muslim should know that.
I was watching some TV show, can't remember, and the guy was wondering why something like an X-ray costs so much. I mean the technology part.
good question goy
I think the argument on the right there is kinda poor, but in the correct direction. Healthcare is a right, and everyone has it. If you have any life threatening condition, hospitals are required to treat it. But nothing is free, so since you got that life saving treatment, you are required to pay it back in some way.
Everyone needs to contribute to society, there are no free rides. Thats the basis of the Communist manifesto, "From each according to what they can provide" not that commies actually want to do any real work.
>healthcare IS a HUMAN RIGHT
ok, fine, so u have an absolute, undeniable duty against humanity to provide healthcare for yourself.
u retarded faggit. good that u finally understand your duty.
That is the problem non-whites take out 2-3x as much as whitey can put into the system. When is working to the bone for ungrateful cretins going to be enough?
Meh, some non-whites are okay. I mean as much as I hate the Chinese for flooding American universities and then cheating in every possible way to get ahead, there are still a decent amount that contribute to society. Also beaners make good food when they arent shooting people in inner cities. But niggers should all be shipped back to Africa.
The problem is 10% being good isn't worth the investment of what their offspring will destroy.
>mfw I paused Will Clarke for THIS
>Healthcare is a right
No it's not.
i wish healthcare were abolished. it's such a lame ass topic and i'm sick of hearing about it
You want others to shoulder the burden of your AIDS. Not going to happen.
>there are no free rides
Maybe you haven't been paying attention, there is for non Whites.