>minority white
>would be a blue state if lazy Mexicans would just go and vote
>ugly countryside
>boring history
>shit BBQ
Why do they love it so much again?
>minority white
>would be a blue state if lazy Mexicans would just go and vote
>ugly countryside
>boring history
>shit BBQ
Why do they love it so much again?
idk where you're from but texas is hands down the best State
and btw, you cant secede. idk where this meme comes from, you tried in 1861 and got butt fucked back into the union
Texas A&M reporting in
Feels good to go to class with a loaded gun every day
I can carry a sword or a Bowie knife too, I just do't have one
False. The state you're thinking of is Colorado.
>reasonable drug policy (federal overreach is fucking up the weed industry)
>lenient gun laws outside of denver
>extremely conservative rural population, even the mexicans
>one of the top 3 most beautiful states hands down (alaska and montana are stunning as well)
>majority white with high white birth rate
>rich pioneer history
>I can carry a sword or a Bowie knife too
not until september 1st, friendo
ah well. gives me enough time to buy one then
DUDE WEED the state
>Be Great Britain
>Y-you guys know you c-can't secede, r-r-ight? Its against the r-r-rules!
Texas could be worse than every state in every other way, but well always have the fewest cucks.
south gulf coast here
i lived in colorado a long time ago before weed was legalized and it was great especially for outdoors shit
here the only memorable thing is the beach and its not even that grea
Kek has blessed based Texas
Texan reporting in:
Everyone in Texas can do this.
>>shit BBQ
mesquite is the best smoking wood
It will all begin in Texas
>niggers know they must tread carefully
>white pride
>hate niggers
Piney woods here. I know you're a beaner in Padre.
Fuck you, jealous piece of shit. We're better than you.
You can tell this (((guy))) is from an SJW state.
Pretty sure it's only state schools
What does hands down even mean? It sounds retarded please stop.
Leaf you're OK in my book
Texas baits muzzies into attacking Mohammad art exhibits and then slaughters them like animals in the street. That's like something Poland would fucking do.
Private can suck my balls.
Like a week or two or some shit after they shot up the frog cartoonists
Because our courts are amazing. Think of everybody on a jury agreeing with everything you just said.
Nigger breaks into your house and you shoot him, eh fucker shouldn't have gone in. DISMISSED.
>implying SC BBQ isn't the nation's finest
Kek. Last week heard on the radio about a local "grandma" that smoked an intruder in her house. Fucking love this state.
i am white but you are right about this place being filled with spics
>drinking the liquid jew
typical texan fuckwit
>what is an extremely common idiom
Northern Texas reporting in
>everyone is basically patriotic (except uni campuses but that's all states)
>all industries are growing at a exponential rate
>you can drive in any cardinal direction and have a different setting within a couple hours, from city, to Prarie, to country, to semi desert
>spics are essentially slave labor as they try to out spic each other price wise
>more of a plus of North Texas ie Dallas, if I get tired of the shit in a couple hours or a few I can be in Oklahoma gambling on the redmans land or on Louisiana or for some fucked up reason arkansas (I like the option)
Also not native Texan, lived in:Florida and Ohio for years. Texas is by far the best
That's exactly what's wrong with your state.
You can kill someone on your property. So if I walk on your lawn you have a right to set the dogs on me.
Kill yourself.
>t. Cry baby mangina
Get fucked commie
>implying 2 beers a night is bad
kill yourself.
>wahhhh your state isn't like mine
>I can't act like a fucking retard in your state and get away with it
Okay pal.
kek i went to high school with this guy who kicked in someones door and they shot and killed him he deserved it though
You deserve sarin gas to be released right in the streets of Dallas. Literally everything wrong with this country, from the (((Bush))) administration, to your culture.
Literally every person I have ever met from Texas has been a shit for brains pile of shit meth addicted faggot who deserves to be shot. I can't stand you fucking texans.
Everything about you smells of shit. You deserve to be poisoned, shot, and persecuted.
Go fuck yourself.
Dallas (white rock lake) reporting in. Pretty sad to think that we will be nothing but spics at the end of my lifetime.
>shit bbq
Why did this trigger me.
You probably don't even meat you fuckin fruitcake.
bush is not a texan
Can't wait to teleport behind people!
>Reasonable drug policy
You mean legal degeneracy? "MUH PLANT" bullshit started there. Fuck stoners, they are why the 60's happened.
>lenient gun laws
>Extremely conservative.
Used to be, then your cities got huge. Fuck off Clinton state.
>one of the top 3 beautiful states
OMG A MOUNTAIN!!!11!! fuck off. Utah has mountains, california has mountains, the entire fucking south east has a mountain range. It is unimpressive.
>majority white
Thats because they count hispanics as white dumbass.
>rich pioneer history
The Garland shooting is really an amazing situation. 2 guys with rifles and armor taken out by a pistolero, then mopped up by SWAT. One guard shot in the ankle, two jihadis dead one arrested; it could have been much worse.
Can't wait to leave Corpus desu
>Literally autistic screeching
Lol wow. You must be the alpha cuck
Are you stupid?
That shit went into effect for 4 year schools like last year. Community Colleges are phasing it in. You can carry a gun to class (with a license) in any 4 public year university.
And you can carry a small knife on you if you are rural enough
25% WHITE 2050!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Just 30 years!)
The walls going up man
i live near there the whole area is shit
He's talking about the recent knife carry thing
Houston reporting fuck your mother you white piece of shit SJW YANKEE faggot !! Only a Jewed Northern faggot would even think such a thing . Even spic's are based here remember the Alamo faggot and who fought and die there . Now GTFO faggot and go back to JEW YORK !!
Grew up there. Place is a spic and nigger infested shithole, especially after Katrina.
Doesn't matter, they'll out-breed us.
Until we start throwing them over the wall
This is fairly accurate
Fuck you, i love my neighbors
Mate I know fuck all about most US states but even I know you're fucking full of shit
>>reasonable drug policy (federal overreach is fucking up the weed industry)
>>lenient gun laws outside of denver
see most fucking places
>>extremely conservative rural population, even the mexicans
Getting poz'd by californians every fucking day
>>one of the top 3 most beautiful states hands down (alaska and montana are stunning as well)
Entirely debatable
>>majority white with high white birth rate
Not true and shrinking
>>rich pioneer history
Along with others
Colorado is going down the shitter and you fucking know it.
Oak Lawn here want me to POZ up your neg hole?
Thanks bayoubro
Marry fuck kill
Satanic Louisbro.. what's up with that guy's leg?
>technically most latinos are counted as white since in the u.s. census, latino is not a race. therefore, white people would still be the overwhelming majority if you included hispanics
>i doubt it, if the texas gop really begins to feel threatened by the irrevocable demographic changes and are no longer to rely on purely the non-hispanic white vote, then they might tweak their agenda a little bit to attract some conservative minded latinos (e.g. Ted Cruz, a fucking Cuban)
>there's nothing outside of the major cities
>texas history was mostly about wanting to secede from everything, first mexico and then the u.s.
>not only do their BBQ's suck, their cowboy image sortof looks fucking gay with their homoerotic tones. truly ironic if you ask me
t. Californian who wishes either Texas or California would just secede from the Union. but we can't keep both
Btw, i didn't make this
Most Texas Mexicans are legal, speak English, and vote Republican, and most of the time they consider themselves American or Texan, NOT Mexican.
You first faggot.
they aren't white anymore because south america was breeding with the natives for generations
>not having one big leg
I can take just about any bantz what can be had. But dont. you. fucking. dare. insult our BBQ. Dry rub slow smoked brisquit is food of the Gods user. You hear? Fucking ambrosia, faggot. Walk on home boy.
Fuck off louisina hick
t. a texn
That's what I thought.
Last time I was there, there were so many mexicans that I was amazed that it wasn't a blue state.
No thanks, but if you come on my property I will kill you
>Dry rub slow smoked brisquit
why did you post a Mississippi flag?
I actually don't shoot people just for being on my property, but I'll make an exception for you.
I concur with this. Katrina is actually how I discovered that the "nigger" stereotype exists for a reason. Before that, blacks in Texas were just like any other people for the most part, save for the fecal matter hue of their skin.
Born piney woods, currently live southern gulf coast.
>>minority white
>>would be a blue state if lazy Mexicans would just go and vote
I've been saying this for years, no one listens.
>>ugly countryside
TX: Great people, shame about the land
CA: Great land, shame about the people
>>boring history
Remember the Alamo, spic
>>shit BBQ
Go fuck yourself
>Why do they love it so much again?
I will likely move elsewhere before settling down, the state has an uncertain future. However, there's worse places to live in the world.
Texas by far is the absolute worst state.
I'm in corpus right now let's chill
>I'm in corpus right now let's chill
I'm in porpus chrispy too
Not interesting in meeting Sup Forums tards, especially not beaner ones.
Cuz Mississippi and Tex > louis
I'm white as they come and not a typical pol tard at all I mean I'm with my girlfriend right now but she's asleep. I'm 100 feet from the Beach drunk as a skunk just wish I had somebody to chill with especially a fellow nationalist
lets meet in the abandoned courthouse :^)
Austin reporting in. Im actually not gay or a democrat and I own a few guns. Am I Texan enough?
For real though come To the gulf shores condo and let's a brew
my fellow gulf coaster
do you also hear the seagulls?
fact: wisconsinites are the most powerful race in the world
I live in Florida, but I was born in Austin, and even though this place sucks, Austin is not a place I'd gladly return to. Full of faggots and kooks, even worse than here.
>tfw live in Houston
>tfw almost all of my friends are non-white
>tfw red pilled all of them
>tfw we roll into places looking like a liberal's ideal diversity squad but we're actually a maelstrom of racist jokes
Try as I might, never gonna go full nazzy cause of these folks. High IQ non-whites who lift heavy-ass weights can stay as far as I'm concerned.
Austin is the California of Texas
Accurate and sad!
i live outside of the city so that is too far and i am drunk already and you are probably a faggot irl
Bush is from Connecticut you inbred mongoloid.
Nah I'm a cool guy you can't go to my high school and be a faggot and survive, one day, one day I will me somebody off pol. I think rednecks fratty guys etc are starting to outnumber the original pol goobers
Kangsville here [spoiler]fucking kill me[/spoiler]