Ask a Slovene anything

Ask a Slovene anything

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/Ausfag/ here, Tell me about your country.

Vruce za poludjet.
Kak je u alpama?

Small but beautiful and quite alot to see and do here, despite our size. If you want to experience Slovenia in full, you need to go to the eastern part of Slovenia where the alps and the Triglav national park is located. If you wanna know how our country looks just google slovenia.

Hladno. :^)

what vodka do you drink

The only hard alcohols i drink are jäger , borovničke, travarica and toužnt roža

How does it feel being irrelevant?

What's that map in the picture? Are there really Mountain Croa- I mean Slovenians who want Slovenia to expand?


Quite good :^)

> how does it feel when 1/3 of your population is from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia

true based Janez, no čefurji in here

Less than 1/3 but i still dont mind

Go back to whatever shithole you came from. Day of the rope etc

also your 1/3 figure is massively exaggerated


also the most recent larp

My parents just were in Slovenija and at the moment it's just too hot there.

u fat

why do you hate hungary

When will you get Trieste back?

I don't think anyone cares much about Hungary

What's the weather like there? I like the cold.

meh my jokes are always shit


Been to Maribor, seemed kinda small and empty.

Why do you make so much wine?
Why do you have so many poo-in-loos in your universities?
Why haven't you reclaimed Istrian clay yet?

What do you think of the Slovene Home Guard? How do they present them in history classes over there?

Fuck off, Trieste is ours.

Trieste is Croatian.

You mad, Croat butthurt? We will take Istria and Dalmatia once back again.

what do you guys do there?

Evo vam ih besplatno, ali morate sa zemljom uzeti i Istrijane i Dalmatince.

>mountain croats

Should I get a gorenje oven? My moms has been ok for like 2 years but idk

I am sorry, I don't speak your weirdo eastern shithole language.

You mean western part. Nobody ever comes to Prekmurje :(

Is it true a lot of your people have German blood?

how are you doing, fellow Slovane? :^)

do you miss yugoslavia?

What's your conpatriots think about the other balkan's people?,and europe in general?

A ne govoris ni svoj, razmisli malo o tome.


Thoughts on Arex Rex Zero 1?

Give us back Capodistria and Vittorio Veneto, you can keep Caporetto


Wanna fuck?

It really isn't

They are presented as "those who fought the partisans and collaborated whit the nazis" aka. Traitors

Our clay... Area where Slovenians lived in year 0.

Slovenians are the real descendants of the Etruscans. Twice as many Etruscan haplotypes have been found in Slovenians than in Tuscans.

Why didn't you stop Croatia while you could?

> kleshtrim larping as swiss nationalist

Sell me your potica

What is the average Slovenes thoughts on Melania? love her? hate her? meh her?

komunistična drhal ali svobodomiseln ancap?

can you get weed in slovenia? would you like some very proffesional, friendly pot growers as rural neighbors? slovenia seems like a great place to grow.

How does it feels to be the second most migrant tolerant country in European continent?

nobody cares and she's fucked off to milan or wherever to do modelling long time ago, even before trump
of course but it's 1-10 years if you get caught producing/selling

Haaaaaaaaa care

Do you praise dubu?

>why do you make so much wine?
Cuz we can.
>why do you have so many poo-in-loos in your universities?

Fuck you Partisans the best

Melania is great. We love her.

Why do germans feel the need to post things like this?

I'm asking you Slovene

We argue with croats about OUR part of the sea, we drink alcohol, fuck beautiful slav women and fuck around.

take BEKO, Gorenje is shit since they moved most of the production to Serbia

I think so... on my mothers side the whole family is german. On fathers side his parents were canadian and austrian

About that issue is 50% to 50% meaning over here. It's the best theme to get us into a fight. In schools any side is presented as better.

Im doing good. How are you? ^^

SLO media make her look like a whore, personally I think she is great she is living her dream

In a way... i liked yugo but i also like slovenia independently

yes hetruscans/ rasenna were slavic.
Italians who research their language try hard to find hebrew words.

tu snu (rests in peace)

ar. larci. tusnu (tekst N 3594)

lt. mi(nate) tuśnu ( tekst N 249)

ar. caiś, tuśnu Is. caleria (tekst N 3781)

(u)leś, feluskeś, tusnut..pana(l)aś mi ni mul(uw~an)eke (tekst N 5213)

Feluśkuś tu śni panuś mnie(mój) miłuw~anek

(miłow~anek-koch~anek czyli był by to grób mężczyzny pochowanego przez żonę).

l. tetina. w. tuśnut (nal) (tekst N 810)

dziecina(detina) tu śni (wiec raczej byłby to grób dziecka)

vel aneś clauke, vel aneś tuśnu, vel aneś artal...

vel. anes. tusnu (tekst N 1726)

Other slavs and balkans are kind of related to us but we dont get along with everyone. We try though

>we dont get along with everyone
>We get along with literally everyone on the Balkans after two drinks

Who dat?

No fuck you


We were stupid...

Sure. You want some gibanica with that?


>take over anything

I personally meh her. She kind of put Slovenia on the map now but she is ashamed of her origin country

Svobodomiseln ancap...?

a.k.a never



There is weed here, i mean i know people sell it cuz friends buy it but idk much about that stuff

Who dat?

Kek true i guess. But idk if that counts for everyone. Ene mamo radi, proti drugim pa smo sumljivi


Slovenes are racis mountain people. Have only had bad experiences with them. Croats is much better and they treat me like motherfuckin royalty.

It would suck if we weren't fithy rich.


>OUR part of the sea
>eastern part, alps, Triglav

Tomaž, you don't even know your own country, let alone about Croatian sea. I'd stay away from commenting about geography if I were you.

he might be drunk

I am partly drunk now but it was a tiping mistake when i wrone eastern instead of western. Have a new phone and aam still getting used to it.

Traitors, basically.
I would normally say that's all well and good since we all know who won the war, but nothing about WW2 here was normal, it was all fairly tragic desu. I completely agree that Home Guard were basically an independent form of Waffen-SS, but constantly talking about them is driving us away from the actual issues, like what happened to chetniks, and why was MVAC created, long before Home Guard even existed...

I don't know, it's just that sometimes it feels like you're not allowed to talk about how partisans killed more of their own countrymen than the actual fascist enemies. Then you see all those fucking bones in the caves all over the country, and you just get so sad and depressed over it. Especially when you hear the yugo freaks talking about these people like they were beasts, or cockroaches or somethin...
And also, what really hurts me as a nationalist is how people hate Argentinian diaspora for no good reason, yet have no problem sucking off Serbs and Putin.

If you're a commie, or SDS plant, you love the current situation where you can just run around pointing fingers at hypocrites, but if you're a nationalist, your heart is filled with sadness and constant suffering, when you see the huge numbers of balkan immigrants coming up, when you see how your own people do not treasure their language, the only thing that makes them unique, when you see a government that has no qualms standing in front of some shitty wooden hut with bunch of Russian delegates, celebrating bunch of retarded war prisoners getting slammed by a snow storm, but has qualms with ever laying tribute to the dead Slovenes of the WW1. The whole country is filled with cowards and conformists, whose identity and culture is disappearing before their eyes while they still blame all their problems and on the church and the commies.

Sorry for long post, Ante

would actually be ok with this

t. Leibnitz, 10km from border Spielfeld/Sentilj

Of course you would be.


That's okay Tomaž, we always welcome our mountain neighbors to our sea and let them pretend it's theirs.

By the way, seeing you like to drink, would you be so kind to recommend me some quality Slovenian Borovicka? I'm not a drinker but the owner of the ski hostel in Krvavec treated me to some this winter and I can't deny it was amazing so I'd like to get some.

I actually dont care about that part of tge sea. We are small and that wont make us much bigger. Plus i hate the beach and the sea. And about those borovničke... if you want the good stuff come to maribor and seek out the family farm stari kovač. Tam boš dobil dobre borovničke za stojn

What is Trst? Triest?
Is Slovenia really different from any other slavic country?
How do you feel about Jugoslavia, Tito and everything?

All researches of Etruscans by Westerns are false. When they found out that the Etruscans were Slavic they rather said that the Etruscans are mistery nation which descendant don't exist anymore. Bu we do. We are Slovenes, the true descendants of Etruscans. Westerns still can't admit that the Slavic nations are the begginers of european civilisation.

Tito was a mass murderer and a head of a communist ciminal mafia.

Trst, Trieste is multicultural now. Lots of Italians and Slovenes too. But all villages arround it are Slovene. Slovenes have a strong community outside Slovene border and are proud of their roots.

Who is your waifu?

>What is Trst? Triest?
a city in italy. It has quite alot of slovene blood in it
>Is Slovenia really different from any other slavic country?
in some ways... culture is different from some of the slavic countries and the people are alittle different i think but not bmuch
>How do you feel about Jugoslavia, Tito and everything?
as i said, i liked yugo and i like slovenia. there were some pros in cons between yugo and slovenia