Top tier
High tier
>Other asian
>Really rich (any ethnicity)
Mid tier
Low tier
>Extremely religious white
Just abort them, so they won't be raped and boiled alive tier
>Atheistic, liberal white
Top tier
High tier
>Other asian
>Really rich (any ethnicity)
Mid tier
Low tier
>Extremely religious white
Just abort them, so they won't be raped and boiled alive tier
>Atheistic, liberal white
Great advice, Mr Soros.
Another plastic korean slut.
t. english teacher with smelly gook wife
>Top tier
>Mid tier
>outbreeding depression only happens with Africans: the post
Without that risk, which only really needs to be researched, blacks present the possibility of adding physique to people who would be complete with it, like the highly intelligent.
But sure.
The low SD, but high average mean, IQ east Asians. Because we don't actually have enough white geniuses... oh we do they're just too individualistic for your subversion.
I already know Whites will be hated minorities in western countries and their numbers will dwindle so I'm not putting my descendants through that. I'm going to have children with a Japanese woman and raise them to be happy they live in an ethno state and to marry Japanese.
It's extremely cruel to put your children through what we all know what will happen to Whites in the 22nd century.
I'm opting out. Fuck it.
>high tier
Pick one
Oh wait, you're a Eurofag who probably lets Muhamed fuck your girlfriend every night while you watch. Of course you will put goatfuckers in the high tier you cucked euronigger. Fuck you nigger
Muslims won't kill halfbreeds, their hands will be full with killing full whites
The only reason they are not top tier, is because even muslims get killed by muslims too
No you got that wrong.
Become a fake Muslim.
Marry 4 white chicks.
Beat them, rape them, breed them and have the state pay for it.
Kids are macho guys and the girls are ready to be married of to whomever you decide on.
Allthough i hate Islam i have to admit that converting is a very effective strategy to breed more white people.
Chinese and Jewish women are top tier.
Now what happens if i marry a Half Chinese half Jewish woman?
>a Half Chinese half Jewish woman
Imagine the kvetching
see you in 3 days
>top tier
>Chinese, Jewish, Japanese
You mean the penny pinching?
>White genocide
Cities will always be pools of degenerate behaviour and white people will continue to prosper in the country.
>if you want your descendants to survive white genocide then you should commit white genocide
>giving up this easily.
Stay positive. The pendulum is already moving. Trump is President. Shadilay!
None of this is true
>top tier
Plz Sándor, you are a joke.
Survive white genocide by contributing to it!
NO!! Get your filthy hands off our women
t. asian
Gooks are Korean, Japanese are called Nips
>survive white genocide
>be genocided
there's like a billion asian women
every white guy on earth could have one and there would still be enough for you
switch those subhumans out for koreans and maaaaybe...but Korean women are completely batshit insane, so fuck that.
>Latinas not high tier
it's like you want the white race to die out.
race mixing is white genocide you dolt
we're exponentially decreasing
fuck you
Why no Korean?
>we're exponentially decreasing
that's a jew lie designed to make you want immigrants to make it happen for real
t. Budapest kike
>don't become Christian Sup Forums :(
>asian/muslim/kike YES !
show real asians without plastic surgery and layers of makeup.
He's not white he's a leftist, they've lost white status, it explains the angst.
nope. stay away from our women
Literally bred the Mayan right out of them.
Top tier
>all whites
Just abort them, so they won't be raped and boiled alive tier
>Other asian
>all nonwhites
Top tier
She has to be tall, have good bone structure and be blonde and blue eyed ( and so must you)
High tier
>Central European Germanics ( Germans, Belgians, Prussians, etc)
>Italians, preferably from northern or central Italy
>British ( the ones that don't look inbred, Celts from Ireland or Scotland preferred)
Mid tier
>Poles, Russians, Belarusians
>Some Yugoslavs that aren't too low-IQ, must be pure and not have Turk-blood
Shit tier
>Niggers, kikes, gooks, abos, arabs, poos, etc
Does it count if I was born blonde?
GTFO you nigger fister and do not return
If you were born blonde and your hair darkened into brown ( not black) as you got older then sure. As long as you have grey/blue/green eyes it's all good, but if you're a burger you should try to find a burger woman with the same heritage as yours and get to it. Mormons recommended for high racial purity.
gorgeous loli
I'll never smell all their pussies, feet, ass and armpits
feels fucking bad
>>British ( the ones that don't look inbred, Celts from Ireland or Scotland preferred)
Retard tier opinion hahahaha
Asians as in Japanese or korean are the only future alliance for white people. They're the only ones with similar skin tones, black or brown is detrimental to the general intelligence consensus.
I use to be Mormon. Everyone I use to know who was then is already married and has kids. Maybe I should go back.
slide bait threads
Hi Soros. I thought Hungary banned you, are you on a VPN?
You know which type I'm talking about. Many anglo-saxons are good options too obviously, just avoid that certain inbred-looking phenotype and you'll be fine.
Not an opinion btw this list is made from my expertise, it's purely objective.
Well yeah, if you can marry a mormon QT and have 10 kids with her, go fucking do it man. What excuse do you have?
I'd caress her toes for hours and then paint her nails desu
Real answers:
Top tier
>South Korean
Low tier
>other non-nigger Hispanic/Latino
>other Asian
Shit tier
Hell tier
t. Portugese manlet rice-boiler
Only males should racemix
Designer babies are a thing cause China gives zero fucks about "but the poor will be at a disadvantage!!"
Get jacked
Get rich
Impregnate plastic korean bitches who're hot as fuck
Genetically engineer your babies into Ubermensches
Win at life
>Swecuck insulting anyone.
Not like it's a sin to die Childless
This is unnatural and straight-up disgusting and vile. It is quite unlikely that the amount of genetic engineering required to turn a subhuman frail korean-gook woman's offspring to Ubermensch will be available to anyone but the 0,1% richest in the future.
tfw this is me too.
I am not alone
jews are not what you look for, as the antisemitic online memes will take hold in the coming decades. this goes for ashkenazi jews also.
>t. a jew
>hated minorities
>Not putting my descendants through that
>going to have hafu-children that will be bullied to death in Japan
You're being very naive here, faggot. Weak.
>If you want to survive white genocide, you must mix with non-whites
>survive white genocide
Pick one, my illegal turkic immigrant friend.
Ofc a hungarian would recommended racemixing, after all, you're turk-chinks mixed with gypsies.
Thanks God anybody in your country that looks white is of german colonist descent or else you wouldn't have an economy.
okay, lets just never do genetic engineering ever then because fuck actually trying to improving humanity
You're a chink, so you will never understand this but most Europeans don't need genetic engineering. Especially not Scandinavians. What's the point in unnaturally trying to improve disgusting manlet gooks or low-IQ shitskins? It's just wrong.
Theyre all gooks you fucking weeb faggot
This is what women do. When the father of their children is too weak, or sully their name enough so that survival is impossible, they move to a stronger mate.
They tricked that stronger mate into caring for her child with the other man. They destroy the child's identity with the father in order to make it stronger. Their genetics, not their history of culture is more important to survive.
jew goes off the building
oh the white master aryan pure race is perfect huh, everyone single one of you is 99999 IQ and 7 feet tall right? What an idiot
Don't you have a dog to eat?
Their children will be 3/4 Japanese and look 100% japanese. And they'll still have a place to call home.
What kind of country will your grandchildren be living in?
Thank you for your thoughts George.
Cattle should all mix if they want to preserve their identity
In Mother Russia.
If you eat modern fruits and veggies, take medicine, or etc...
You are a cyborg and have reaped the benefits of genetic engineering your whole life.
Did you know bananas ones had heavy seeds and looked like shit? Those yellow things that like you eat and are full of nutrients abd potassium are a result of selective breeding and genetic engineering.
Whatever though. You stick to your flawed morals, I'll wait for the cure to death to be found and pay to live forever.
If you really wanna solve white genocyde, you'd stay healthy, get rich, and hold out for immortality/extended lifespans, and then have millions of kids.
If it's between asian-mixing or letting my white granddaughters be raped by niggers, asian all the way.
Well, Nordic people on average are gods compared to the average chink, I'll tell you that.
Chinese people will research genetic editing and could beat you one day. Just you wait Sven
>pretending that there are any Swedish women who haven't fucked a nigger or shitskin left
Good one Umar, made me kek
>most jewropeans don't need genetic engineering
Yeah, why have that when you've got rapefugees and Bongo from the Congo running wild in your country?
That's not Sven chinkanon, that's Adonbilivit, his wife's black bull
>top tier
80% of Asian women would never fuck a nigger. 90% of Swedish women are just welcoming black nigger cocks from all angles in begging them to destroy your country.
How would what that?
At least I'd want to marry a woman who wouldn't pollute our genetic pool with niggers or mudslimes.
Jews aren't white though and they've inbred so much that literally all of them have genetic mutations. Hence why you can spot a Jew from 100 yards away in a sandstorm with your back turned.
Based China knows what's up.
I swear, East Asia will be the savior of modern civilization with the way things are going.
lmao all the anti-Nordic shills never show their flags. Very few Swedish girls even date non-swedes, but keep dreaming.
Who needs to date when you can rape
It's so easy to spot!
can confirm.
Have Chinese wife.
Was a 10/10 when we met. Then saw her with no makeup maybe a month later and she was a solid 5/10.
I told her to wear makeup all the time so she does and we are both happy.
Maximum tier - mixed race white+black/asian/latino
>If you want your descendants to survive white genocide, genocide their whiteness
ok, thanks!
>not a shithole full of miserable people
>High tier.
Because there's nothing like throwing your genes into a fetid sewer of churned and degenerated genetics to ensure a qualitative legacy.
Fuck off. I'm not putting my dick anywhere near the most inbred creatures to have ever staggered the Earth.
If only you knew how fucking bad Asians are
>Find 10/10 Brahmin caste Indian gril
>Wealthy family, high IQ, good stock
>Proceed to arrange a marriage with the father
>Offer gift of 34 goats in exchange for daughter
>Father accepts
>Consummate marriage
>Have Aryan master race kids w/ obedient wife
you lost me at jewish
newfags don't sage and hide obvious bait threads