Aus/pol/: put the kettle on edition

>Garma festival: Turnbull, Shorten criticised for 'empty platitudes' over Indigenous recognition

>Malcolm Turnbull defers decision on how Government will respond to Referendum Council

>Airport security: Calls for domestic airport security to match international terminal levels

>Mecca revealed on camera by Adelaide photographer in rare insight

>Canberra man allegedly broke into Russian embassy to steal BMX bike while high on ice

>Melbourne council to build emissions-free rubbish trucks by 2020

>Backyard blitz having an adverse impact on our health, planning expert warns

>Donald Trump: Two huge murals by Australian artist Lushsux appear on West Bank barrier

>Message in a bottle found on a remote beach in Western Australia sparks mystery search for the author

>Census quiz: Are you an 'ordinary' Australian?

Other urls found in this thread:


Always archive or screenshot

>abc net au/news/2017-08-05/indigenous-anger-of-turnbull-shorten-response-to-uluru-statement/8776812
>abc net au/news/2017-08-05/pm-defers-decision-government-respond-referendum-council/8777620

A few months back, I would sneak into my little sister's room and do stuff with her... just little things, like kiss her and touch her places, and one time I wiped a tiny bit of cum onto her feet. Nothing that serious, nothing that would hurt her.

I only did it maybe 10-15 times, and then I stopped, but my sister and mum have been acting strangely for the past week or so, and two nights ago, I overheard my mum asking questions to someone over the phone that were pretty obviously related to what I did with my sister.

I immediately packed my bag and prepared to GTFO town as fast as fucking possible, only for my mum to confront me and tell me about what "your father" was doing to my sister, and talked about the possibility of telling the police. Apparently my sister thought it was my dad doing it, and brought it up in casual conversation with my mum, which is how she found out.

My dad has previous sex offenses (none of them actually that serious), so this might just fly.

Is there any chance they could get DNA off of her feet, and if it did, wouldn't it test as a match for my dad since we're both closely related?

I'm also kinda worried that maybe my mum is lying to me or fucking with me and knows that it was me all along.

abc is already not for profit my good norbro

not until you decide to archive everything rather than picking and choosing

Dingo didgeridoo vegemite

quick question for you lads, which leader of a country got missle striked in his mansion and they blew his mansion up and presumably killed him, by missle

only if she hasnt washed her feet for the past few months

Kill your dad and yourself tbqh.

possibly bomb

I agree



holy shit what an embarrassment.

You could just confess and stop your dad potentially getting into shit. Your a teenager, (im assuming) teenagers do weird shit.

nah mate, i'm just having a spat at norbot so i stopped archiving
>im the redgum fan

need to work on your low-tier shitposting

QLD master race confirmed tassie BTFO


Presume phone call leak?

he posted it within a minute of me making the thread, its pasta

I have $9 to my name

>indigenous recognition.
>65 000 years ago abos had stone tools.
>250 years ago they didn't.
They have to be the only people to have ever become less technologically developed over time.

$1.58 get rekt cunt

I am NEET though. I won't have any money until my birthday.

sounds like shit, the bit that i read was that even if they are a nobel winning citizen they wont be settled
>might be a labor shill, might be just a shitposter, or he might of said it but i read the transcript and i cant recall that

i was born in qld, lived here all my life then moved to tassie for 2 years then i came back, does that mean i have an iq of 307?

Fuckin rich cunt don't rub it in our faces.


mis-appropriation of mungo mans culture imo

>low average IQ
>let more immigrants in


Tfw i got harassed in public... again

Im a racial chinese

The chinks and maybe even the curries might raise it.

you reminded me of a neet i know named carn

the only difference between you and him is he has like $11 to his name

There is a million povo neets in this country you galah.

Dating is all wrong.
>earth is only 6500 years old.
>abos brought here by White Phoenician civilization ~3000BC

Chinks all fake their tests to get let into Western unis, where they cheat to get their degrees.

>This is exactly what we have done with the program to bring in 12,000 Syrian refugees, 90 per cent of which will be Christians. It will be quite deliberate and the position I have taken — I have been very open about it — is that it is a tragic fact of life that when the situation in the Middle East settles down — the people that are going to be most unlikely to have a continuing home are those Christian minorities.

makes trump look like a dick

>250 years ago they didn't

You mean the part where he said he'd rather take the worst people Trump wanted to dump on him than a Nobel Prize winner who came by boat?

wtf I love Turnbull now! What a great negotiator!

noone likes you nisem
you dont belong anywhere
i thought you were culturally chinese, pick a story and stick with it

>90 per cent of which will be Christians.
I am very sceptical of this claim.

I come from a good family but I was recently fucking an ice-addicted prostitute.


Were you the top or the bottom?

>i thought you were culturally chinese,
Im not. I am culturally half Australian half chinese but not enough to be either.

And the harassment did happen. I went to buy a pressure cooker today.

>ctrl+f nobel
>2 matches
So we said if you try to come to Australia by boat, even if we think you are the best person in the world, even if you are a Nobel Prize-winning genius, we will not let you in. Because the problem with the people

The only people that we do not take are people who come by boat. So we would rather take a not very attractive guy that help you out then to take a Nobel Peace Prize winner that comes by boat. That is the point.

he's saying if they come by boat they're not getting in, where as if they are a wanker (worst guy) and legal - thats better

When the Brits first arrived the abo tribes were in the wood-age. They'd forgotten how to make stone axes and so just used sharpened sticks.

yeah me too, taqiyya and all that shit
they could just say that they are christian anyway

i bet it was a gook whinging how considering you're a slopehead you should know how to cook rice

Chances are good people wont be coming by boat anyway. Trump was playing to turnbulls tune the entire time. Youll never have a nobel prize winner arrive by boat

You making a bomb? Finally going to go Elliot Rodger?

What does aus/pol/ think of strayan police?

i think it was an example
it's cultural to hate them but i get on with most, i hate pom cops, every one ive met has been a fuckstick

I do know how to cook rice. You're insinuating i bought the pressure cooker to cook rice. Nonsense

Have never been hassled by them.


>So we would rather take a not very attractive guy that help you out

He is literally saying "dump your shit here" as long as they don't come by boat so they can keep saying "we stopped the boats" he doesn't give a shit what human trash he lets in.
Shilling for this poofter

I got arrested by a cop as a teenager when I rang them up to report a stolen car getting trashed.
>my first real redpill

No it was some white kid in a car using an air horn while he drove by me

Why did they arrest you?

I dont think Sydney is for me man. My cousin went to Melbourne and the said its a more peaceful sydney and was less bustling.
Ill consider melbourne

As an American who moved here I find them to be far far better than American police.

Turning american police into ersatz tax collectors is the true largest factor that corrupted them.

I worry a lot when I look at aussie coppers being encouraged to speedgun people and sit around in vans. I worry a real lot. But for the time being they seem ok.

Literally fake news. t. Guy with anthropologist sister

Suspicion of committing a crime. Dealing with police allows you to realise the world is less blue pill than you think

i think turnbulls a cunt, fuck you, i just think what you're saying is bullshit because you havent read it and all you did was post a dailymail sensationalised header of an article
we should only take cunts who are legal and a lot less than we do and definitely not boat people or illegals by plane

Because it was easier to blame me (I was there) than to do police work.
Nothing ever came of it (since I hadn't actually done anything) but I've never trusted a cop since.
The worst part was they kept me all night, I had no money, parents were interstate, and they refused to drive me home and made me walk 10km home at 6am after a sleepless night in a drunk tank (despite having consumed no alcohol at any point in my life at that stage).

I reckon their alright, i haven't interacted with them much tho beyond saying hello to them on the street or minor traffic infractions.

>Suspicion of commuting a crime
>Thinks the person who CALLED the police committed the crime.

You must of been dealing with a bunch of fucking morons m8.

has she come across the story that apparently a couple of mobs had developed proper agriculture but the other mobs killed them for it?
a guy came on here ages ago saying that it isnt discussed because it implies that all the abos that are left are the ones who killed the ones who were trying to "civilise" themselves

A cop told me because the ceiminal justice system is so bad that for most cases you're better off committing the crime.

You know how Sup Forums are deathly afraid of the police for whatever reason? Well truth be told its hihly unlikely youll be spending time in jail unless you commit murder.

Theres like suspended sentences, community work, paroles. Jail is like a free accomodation

rings a bell

I did read it and unlike you I actually paid attention to what they were saying, you couldn't even remember the part I posted.

>we should only take cunts who are legal and a lot less than we do and definitely not boat people or illegals by plane
Why is it you don't want illegals in your country please tell me?

I'll tell you right now I don't want any more brown third world people shitting up the place regardless of whether they come by boat or plane. You (and Turnbull) seem to think it's perfectly ok to bring in the worst MS13 gang members or Jihadist or whoever the fuck Trump wants to dump on us as long as he doesn't dump them on us from a boat.


>digits for truth
Nah mate. That's typical cop work round my parts. Whenever an actual crime happens they just look for the easiest way out so they can get back to feeling up festival sluts for molly and pulling people over for doing 41.5 in a school zone.
>they have quotas to fill

She's never heard of that. But thinks it's probably bullshit. Get your questions in in the next 5 minutes, she leaving soon

Sacrifices needs to be made for the sake of the country as a whole. Give the refugees a few of our suburbs

They're okay, but if (rightly or wrongly) you've run foul of them before then everything else from the point on they'll try to pin on you.

But that's probably just being a copper world over.

My sister is also an anthropologist and she says that abos had no stone tools when the Brits arrived.

We need Tony back.

k mate. Believe what you want. Just know you're wrong

I work in international admissions of a top uni and can absolutely confirm this. It is not uncommon for some to get all the content translated and have tutors back home "correct" all their work. The Anglo Celtic expectation of honest hard work is alien to these people who are only focused on obtaining outcomes by any means.

when the deportations start they will be first to go.

i saw a cop on a train once on Sup Forums
weirded me out
i dont think we should be taking any of the yanks shit and our intake should be a lot less anyway
it seemed a bit off to me too, "agriculture" might of meant yam farming, which a lot of them did anyway and they apparently were "mining" but that might just mean digging for ochre
i have a funny hypothesis (backed on fuck all) that mungo man had stone tools and no fire and abo's had fire but no stone tools and mungo man made its way to tasmania and then got trapped when the sea rose.
also, whats her take on the claim that abo dna/evidence (i cant remember exactly what was found) was found in S.America?

That's what I was going to say to you.
>what are the chances we would both have sisters who work in anthropology?

Yeah the had sharpened sticks and stringray stingers or something like that.
They can really hurt you with a spear though. My g-grandfather was a missionary in arnhem land and was walking next to a cop who got speared and killed IIRC.

Thats pretty creative. Rules are made to be broken. Following the rules when it doesnt benefit you is foolish

Prove it, shit genes. Show me some abo tools

You can fuck right off cunt!

Well then don't call me a labour shill when I bring up how much of a groveling gay cunt Malcom Turnbull is.

yeah ok, i was out of line. sorry mate

No one wants refugees. Theres a reason why turnbull is letting them in. Likely an agreement had taken place similiar to the trump and turnbull phone call.

I have faith our government wont make decisions that goes against the country's interests without good reason

>I have faith our government wont make decisions that goes against the country's interests without good reason
the economy and the nation are separate.. well, i like to think so anyway

If I was at home on my farm I fucking would, too bad I'm in Perth atm. We've found about 20 or so aboriginal stone tools on our farm. Given that the eastern WA wheatbelt was cleared about 100 years ago and aboriginal people still inhabited it up until then, the theory about stone tools not being used 250 years ago is fucking retarded.
>have plentiful stone tools just laying around
>naa we'll just use the inferior wood instead

Have a google and prove me wrong. Protip: you wont

Cops in new zealand are cool, can assume they are similar in straya

hopefully a civil war breaks out.

NBN co should get volunteers (gamers) to dig holes for a week to get gigabit net in their area.

It would save so much money and time, why the fuck would they not do this?

>universities set goals to hire X abbo staff to Close the Gap
>dump them all on first year students where they won't annoy anyone important

>I have faith our government wont make decisions that goes against the country's interests without good reason

You have to go to bed m8. It''s past 7:30
>being this naive

Regardless, i believe in our gubberment. The only reason we havent had a pm serve a full term is because the people are never satisfied. Always shitting on every pm.

On another note i find the syrian refugees in germany to be admirable. They not afraid of anything. They take what they want. Theyre not brainwashed by western cuckery.