Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele said in an interview that Mike Pence is "a murderous pedophile"
>inb4 Seaman shill
Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele said in an interview that Mike Pence is "a murderous pedophile"
>inb4 Seaman shill
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Daily Dose:
pizza + gate?
I'm not sure why anyone would trust someone who admitted to being CIA.
Yeah this was a really odd interview. For him to go into detail about Republican pedophiles and pretty much dismiss any talk on Democrats was weak.
> Never trust the alphabet boys
Some alphabets, I assume, are good people.
They're trying to hijack PizzaGate so it suits Clinton.
Holy shit 345dimenional chess right here
This. Or maybe it's just them trying to point fingers at Trump admin and say "they work for us too" so in a way they're trying to bring them down with them?
Has about as much evidence and validity as p1zz@g8.
What a lovely bedtime present. I knew it. One user said a long time ago that steele was rumoured to show the pisstapes were underage participants. Putin is filmed being a pedo fuck and has defended prostitution. While giving a speech about? The pisstapes. Epstein trial etc etc it's all repulsive as fuck. The Franklin Conspiracy was a Republigoyim admin too. The slogan of whose campaign Jewnald Dolan Cuck Jewmpf copied
he also said at infowars (controlled opposition)
that there is a colony on mars with child slaves.
Robert David Steele has NEVER worked for the CIA, he is an alcoholic pathological liar.
David Semen is a jewish fag trying to profit on antipedo's by rubbing his last two bitsheckles together.
Don't trust either one.
So pizza is something like "ice cream"?
Does pizza and ice cream even go well?
Hey does anyone remember that cartoon Spawn? It had a pedo ice cream man character that abducts children for... reasons and he never got caught because his dad was a senator or politician or something
what is that pic?
Where are your french fried lightning bolts for this one? Huh? The president kissed him. Business as usual. The more you ignore the more it bites you in the ass. What if youre just a plant on all fronts to enable an upside down star party with some frogs? Goose and gander. If your theories are right you can't just say fake news and have people love you. Where is your evidence
The man fucked off into protection. Yep it's nothing. The source is garbage or something
So which one is it? I was watching Infowars live when he dropped the Mars colony shit and it was clearly speculative/bait. There was zero evidence provided.
So is he a legit guy who said some crazy shit on Infowars one time? What's the deal?
FINALLY!! He doesn't just zapafag, he zaps them straight then buttfucks them and tells them not to enjoy it. During, he zaps them, and himself, and laughs maniacally. Mike Pence is a bad man.
Frame from the Homeland Security video.
Buddy we live on a planet that tells us it is a Pear. If this guy said theres a colony on mars i'd buy it. Doesnt take a stretch to see "fry gays they are pedos" larp memes come. And their inspiration be a "closet fag" pedo. Why does his wife disappear in photos of mirrors?
The guy who called out Mike Pence on this was murdered just 2 weeks ago.
(not Robert David Steele but Tory Smith, look him up)
Pence is a typical neoconservacuck imbedded like a tick in the repub party. There's no doubt in my mind he's a pedo
actually July last year, sorry
Is there life on
>Mike "Dead Gay a Day, Keeps the Faggotry at bay" Pence
You gonna get zapped.
Absolutely scandalous. Look up from where comes blood libel. Who speaks at aipac. And shit like "suicided by clinton to head 5 times" bullshit
Holy shit, for real? This story might actually have legs.
Yeah hes virtually the same as Bush, why people suck his dick so much around here is mind boggling.
There were two rainbows over WH recently. So. Some kind of mockery copy because doubled and satan is prince of air. Maybe. So. Why didnt he zap away any of those rainbows?
Wonder if they'll ever know.
I could give a shit about Pence either way, I just know that these two morons have ZERO credibility.
Better call Pole.
It was last July, sorry.
>robert david steele
I can't believe I operate from intuition so hard so frequently all the time and how many times I've been shown or found out to be right. People are disgusting. He only fries his own self. Backed up by an army of shitheads
Simply googling his name brings up LOTS. Time frame doesnt really matter
Did she do videos with that hair? That's fucking adorable.
You can't possibly expect to be taken seriously you fucking gaylord faggot.
Look at your flag stupid fuck
thanks I saw the "Podesta" one you posted as well a few days ago I think. Do you know if these are related to Pizzagate
David Semen is the biggest fucking scam bitch. And he looks like that trannie with the commie cake meme
Thanks for this, I guess.
>meme flags sperging at each other
like pottery
That really helps the indiana republican party in all sorts of positions, from these allegations
>defender of pedophilia and libel of everybody else
Wtf!! Um. Her videos usually involve rough abusive anal and her screaming enjoyment.
And that Rita Jalace hair is fucking perfect.
Here is an idea. Wanna make pedogate real?
We need to sacrifice one of our own for it and left will jump the ship on it making it go mainstream.
Pence was a key player in Flynn getting ousted. Was their another reason?
We havent heard much from the General since he was ousted. Did he get sent a message?
>businessinsider com/russian-hackers-michael-flynn-hillary-clinton-emails-2017-6
>talkingpointsmemo com/dc/gop-operative-peter-smith-claimed-flynn-ties-in-effort-to-obtain-clinton-emails
He likes to zap boy taints while calling me a faggot.
>The United States of America everyone
If all else fails just call it a faggot
I unironically appreciate your acceptance of "it" when referring to the gender nonbinary.
yes i member but spawn eventually got to him anyway and showed no mercy.
was from the animated show spawn which was quite short and not nearly as good as the movie.
id love to see a spawn2 before ww3 breaks out though.
Covfefe? There's fu fu. And fi fi. Does it mean Gov. something something? Already said to mean a frog mineral or some shit. Filename. Hrm.
>>meme flags sperging at each other
>like pottery
Jeez take your pills.
I feel it is time for ol' Mike "The Murderous Pedophile" Pence to start answering some questions.
Oh fuck. The balls on you if you start that with some decent links. Strength in numbers? Should give trump a nice something to wake up and tweet about before mueller. No wonder maxime was pissed at pence. Theres always more to things at face value. Dont judge books by covers etc
Pizzagate isn't real, CNN told me
No the franklin scandal shows it is a problem in both political parties. It used to be largely a republican thing until the neolibs took power. Now it is in both parties in a really bad way.
Notice the media will not touch the Epstein stuff with Trump? One or two journalists did and it was squashed. Try talking about the franklin scandal to those at really huge lefty sites. THey will shut you down even when you explain to them the franklin scandal dealt almost entirely with republicans. Why is that? Could it be that elite pedophilia and human compromise is rampant in all political parties?
Not an argument
Cop out. Lame attempt to shift goal posts
He also says we have child slave labor bases on Mars.
I mean, yeah.
Noballed disgrace pedo faggot
You dropped this
Disprove him. At any angle. Forget your mars shit. Sounds just like anything else
Could Mike "chain em to the fence" Pence be /ourgay/?
Caring so much about what others do sexually and control their sexuality is a pretty big giveaway that pence is hiding something, it's a damn cliche
Are you admitting that pedophilia is tied to homosexuality you bubonic buttblaster?
>Ex-CIA officer
so he worked in a CIA office once?
Thanks. This. Now for real beddy byes times for me right now. I just figure you had to study REAL hard and make direct and obvious stretches to attacks dems or obama. But republigoyim use it as a bit or an act. Their dirty mouths just give themselves away and much more so it pleases me to see them fall so predictably and easily
>inb4 Seaman shill
Yeah but i really find him slimey, just don't trust the cunt.
so pence fucks and kills gay kids?
wtf i LOVE pence now
Oops I cut and paste on mobile to make room for this window and forgot your reply. For being a pedo? And how convenient. Now he's gay and you are too
Pederasty was instrumental in the creation of Western culture. Before schools existed, it was the only way the seed of knowledge could be passed from generation to generation
It's not gay if you're sucking his dick, faggot. Your faggotry disgusts the Vice President. SWALLOW IT!!!! BZZZZZT!!!
Wow. 100 replies. And fuck all. Jim jones bill cosby board confirmed
I'd say the psychological profile of a politician is an unhealthy one
Dont make a mockery of heterosexual serpent seed. Youre weird and not be salient or relevant
Does anyone find it hilarious that the 3rd world kills homos, and they 3rd world is flooding into the 1st world.
Thanks "jews". On both counts
Actually I feel kinda bad for them. It's like walking blind into a giant meat grinder.
mfw Trumptards thought it was just the Dems
I'm sorry, English is my first language, so I didn't understand that word salad. If only a mature English speaking man had taken you under his wing when you were youngwe and more receptive
Point? And what do your simpsons tier replies have to do with OP? If anybody cares, take over for me and try to do better than these cunts
Wtf is Bulgaria?
Hook yourself up to a tank of diesel exhaust
take a look at the law man beating up the wrong guy
Not an argument
Shut the fuck up and zap your taint. You're pissing me off.
>Does anyone find it hilarious...
I will tell you what I DO NOT find hilarious is that a CIA officer is confirming with about as much evidence as Pizzagate that the current vice president of the United States of America is a "MURDEROUS PEDOPHILE"!!!
Not just the top members of the Hillary Clinton campaign and their homosexual partners who post large amounts of pedo content on their online accounts but the Vice Pedosident of the USA!!!