What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Was born half nigger
He tried to represent a political movement that most of the fans believe to be a terrorist movement.
The NFL is by and large essentially a conservative entity. So when he was saying black lives matter, the fans were watching Fox news do everything within their power to paint them as a black supremacy movement hellbent on raping their churches and burning their women.
Honestly he did nothing to advance the dialogue. Not sure he could have anyway.
Didn't do the fascist salute, the same problem the rest if the stadium had
Spoiled by his white adoptive parents who didn't want to be called racists.
Hilarious how much money he caused the jew owned NFL to lose and miss out on.
Muslim wannabe GF+weak-minded cuck.
He's not good enough to play backup qb
Last I heard his adoptive parents want no part of his BS.
tough but fair
He was an overrated, under performing spoiled twat who attempted to inject politics into sports.
If he was actually good at his position (like that bastard Russell Wilson -fuck the seaclams), he could have maybe gotten away with some politicking.
People watch sports as an escape. Say what you want about how fanatic sports fans are like children, but sports may be the last place I'm society where position depends only on merit. If you're not winning, you're not playing. Politics doesn't belong in sports.
He didn't honor the American National Anthem whilst playing the most conservative sport in America.
Dumb nig with a dumb nig gf
I'm 100% convinced he's not black his father was probably just one of those darker looking dudes from yemen or something.
Look at this face structure nothing negroidic about it he looks like your bog standard spic or arab.
He went full afro in the most white position of the whitest sport of the best country of the godamned planet.
AND, this fucker was adopted by a white family, after his black dad did what black dads do. He basically spat on his fucking parents, who no doubt created the conditions for him to be a fucking top .1% QB from birth.
>Fox news do everything within their power to paint them as a black supremacy movement hellbent on raping their churches and burning their women.
Yeah, it's Fox News' fault that Black Lives Matter has inspired and perpetrated hundreds of attacks on police.
What went wrong?
He got grabbed by his pussy
A generous White couple took in a mulatto bastard and raised him as their own, and he grew up to be a White-hating, thankless nigger.
Culturally he has chosen to be as nigger as possible. Nigger is as Nigger does, no matter the skin tone. I've known niggers with NO African blood, and Africans I would proudly defend. He is the definition of a dirty stinking nigger because he chose it.
Almost every movement has inspired and perpetrated hundreds of attacks on (Insert Group Here).
What people do in the name of a cause is up to them. If we are going to assign blame to every group or movement for the actions of their zealots, then I will save us some time and just say that there are no pure movements.
Why do you think he hates white people?
he's a run first, college style qb in a league that has evolved into a pass heavy, pocket qb game. He is a borderline backup qb who is seeking starter salary.
The nfl has niggers that commit violent crimes, domestic abuse, etc but they are top tier players that can make the difference between super bowl and non playoff team.
Why would an owner put up with the headache, distraction and self interest of a borderline player?
Who is this helmet wearing faggot?
Burger sports suck. muh world champions
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color..."
The government of the US IS the people. According to him the country is oppressing blacks and people of color. Presumably, it's not the blacks and PoC doing the oppressing, despite being of the country too. The only people left are Whites. White people are oppressing everyone else. If that where true, a reasonable emotional response would be hate. Fortunately, it's not true, and Colin is just a dumb sportsball nigger. Blacks kill each other. Blacks kills whites more than whites kill blacks. Blacks victimize the rest of society. Hispanics push blacks out. Everyone is fucking with everyone.
White people are the ONLY race that is trying to do anything good for anyone outside of their own race. They're the least oppressive group in modern America, but that's going to change fairly soon because they're about to have enough of PoC bullshit.
"It's call the knockout game, and pretty soon White people are going to get tired of playing it" - Sam "Numba 1 Gunna" Hyde
>our cause inspired violence against white people and cops
> is valid
Nice post modern bullshit m8
They fired Jim Harbaugh. He was a great coach and would have NEVER let that shit fly
>The only people left are whites.
Or. You know. Police.
BLM never said white people are oppressing them, they said that they are being unfairly targeted by police.
And while I am aware that most cops are white, that was not the issue, police brutality was. And to be fair there is plenty of evidence to support that assertion.
You are trying to make this a white vs black thing when it never was. It was a black vs police thing.
So every movement is directly responsible for the actions of its followers right?
Well, I certainly hope you do not believe in anything at all or I have some bad news for you.
This happend
t. friend
Blacks being unfairly treated by cops may be emotionally true, but there's not a shred of evidence to back it up. All evidence points to black committing more crimes in the first place, thus increasing their numbers of interactions with law enforcement. All comparative racial crime statistics track with average IQ, and tent to be comparable to the average criminality of the native countries of each race. Chinese are about as criminally inclined in the US as they are in China. Mexicans are about as criminally inclined in the US as they are in Mexico. Swedish Americans are about as criminally inclined as Swedes in Sweden.
The black population has more criminals. Criminals get fucked up by police.
Option 1: There's something wrong with black people
Option 2: There's something wrong with everyone else
niggers and jews
Don't you think it is possible that black people commit more crimes because they are under more suspicion?
My point is this. I am white, I have committed by my count at least 30 different violations of the law of varying degrees. Probably more. I drove daily with my bong in my car for like 3 years when I was younger. That is DUI level stuff.
I have been pulled over one time in 15 years of driving. In this instance I was without proof of insurance, without my wallet, driving 20 miles over the speed limit in a residential area, and had 2 ounces of pot in my car, and this was before California got all lax with their enforcement. It was stanky shit too, he had to have smelled it, my voice was shaking etc. I could not have been more of an example of someone who should have been searched then arrested.
Cop told me to get my taillight fixed in a month or I'd get a fine.
Meanwhile, the Mexican maintenance guy at my work has been pulled over 10 times that I know about, by the same 3 local police and had his car searched every time. He had his children in his car even. Speaks perfect English, never been in legal trouble, current tags, etc.
You can't just sit here and pretend that everyone gets treated the same by police, if you do, you are willingly ignoring reality.
>Don't you think it is possible that black people commit more crimes because they are under more suspicion?
holy fuck, no. are you kidding? how much of a deluded faggot can you be?
>who is doing the crime/shooting in chicago
>who is doing the crime/shooting in baltimore
>who is doing the crime/shooting in florida
>who is doing the crime/shooting in indianapolis
>who is doing the crime/shooting in seattle
>who is doing the crime/shooting in pittsburgh
oy ya it must just be those racist cops. totally. >the whitebois jus be hidin n sheeit
put your butplug back in and fuck off back to the_cuckold already
Having a bong isn't DUI level., it "might" be paraphernalia in the right context. Driving with insurance and a couple of other minor violations that you were let off with a warning is justifiable since the cop thought you were scared straight. As for you maintenance guy, he doesn't have to consent to a search especially since he is innocent. That's his problem for allowing that. Sounds to me like you are full of shit.
Did you even read my post?
Or did you just take the first line and decide to run your entire post off it?
>Buzzwords and memes.
Okay bud.
has he cut his hair to try to get hired?
what a cunt
the same disease inside obama
>Don't you think it is possible that black people commit more crimes because they are under more suspicion?
fuck you nigger
you piece of shit nigger
DUI means driving under the influence.
If you are high and driving, which I was, because that is the entire point of having your bong in your car, you can be charged with a DUI. Like I said my car STANK to high heaven. I KNEW for a fact that I was going to get the book thrown at me. I honestly was in a daze afterward when I realized I wasn't.
>That's his problem for allowing that.
Yeah because rural cops are going to follow procedure in a town where half the police force is related in some fashion. Stop being naive.
Also, I believe I mentioned that he had been pulled over multiple times by the same cops and still had his car searched.
ya. i read it. youre a deuded faggot
>muh 30 crimes
>muh dui
why dont you go find out how many shootings have been in chicago alone during the past year? or why don't you see what the interracial rape statistics look like?
>but muh dylan roof, amiright, goy?!
you are deluded to the max. a dime bag of your gay frat brothers weed in santa cruz is not equivalent to freddy gray slangin heroin on the streets of baltimore. fuck off
he's an arab for sure, nothing negro about him. It's semitic in nature to be subversive in the manner that he was.
>pic related is very semitic/arabic
kaeparnick is an old world germanic surname, more than likely a fractured jew lineage
go back to tumblr
Oh, well, in that case, fuck the date. Fuck statistics. That's just a racist construct anyway. Numbers be racist. What matters is what you feel, and what you're own personal experience tells you. Right? Fuck the scientific method while we're at it.
Do you think profiling in law enforcement is wrong in principle? If racial profiling is wrong. What kind of profiling is acceptable? Geographic? Socio-economic? Nationality? Religious? Organizational membership?
You are honestly the kid of person that deserves to get killed by a pack of feral niggers
Did it ever occur to you that peninsular Arabs, and semites more generally are actually negrofied caucasoids? Or perhaps even caucasized negroids?
he was never any good in the first place.
harbaugh memed him into success with that offense in SF but, that was a one season thing.
Spot on, he is nothing without Harbaugh.
Don't bother. Give people watching the information, and let them figure it out for themselves. Some people are a lost cause.
he's not a negroid, end of story. Stop viewing this in a vacuum, and look at it through the context of Kaepernick, his intentions and intent of BLM within the United States. A large majority of the "progressive" bullshit spreading through the west is being pushed heavily by arab states, the Sauds, the Muslim brotherhood - all of it. It spreads racial disharmony, discord and infertility from the proliferaiton of faggotry.
He's arab, and this is what arabs want - to spread chaos and infertility in the west.
African-Americans are not a heterogeneous population. He looks like an Arab. We know his ancestry. This isn't a question in dispute. It's not up for debate. Genetically he's European and West Africa. He has a large Caucasoid nose inherited from his white side. His features are the result of race mixing, which can produce new and strange combinations.
I agree that he's psychologically Muslim though. It won't surprise me if he converts one day. Many blacks are going to in the years to come.
ARE* a heterogeneous population
> youre a deuded faggot
And you have poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Not to mention you are obviously so butt-frustrated that you are resorting to name calling like a teenager.
>why dont you go find out how many shootings have been in chicago
Because I don't live anywhere near Chicago and do not give half a fuck what happens there.
Poor people commit more crimes. Blacks are poor. I am not saying that the black community has done no harm or that they are not responsible for their actions, but I grew up in a meth addled trailer park and I can tell you for a fact that white people are just as sick and depraved as blacks when their net income is less than 16k.
>a dime bag of your gay frat brothers weed in santa cruz
Right state. Wrong location though. I live in a mountain town by YNP.
And yes that time I did happen to have weed and nothing else. But as I mentioned this is one of perhaps 30 violations, several of which would have been felonies if I had been caught.
>You are from this site blah blah blah.
Fuck off.
>What kind of profiling is acceptable?
Ideally none. If a police officer has REASON to suspect a crime or witnesses a crime then his job is to do something about it.
The police have the authority to pull people over because they have a "hunch" they are doing something illegal. They need a valid reason.
Using racial slurs while arguing that black people are treated fairly by police and they are simply bad people kind of undermines your argument.
>Using racial slurs while arguing that black people are treated fairly by police and they are simply bad people kind of undermines your argument.
>Ideally none
Ideally, there'd be no crime. Do you realize the the decision to dedicated more patrol units to areas with high crime as opposed to sending a dozen squad cards to drive up and down lily white suburbs all night is profiling? Law enforcement uses profile to determine the likely occurrence of crime, and they use it to solve crimes that already happened. It's fundamental to the profession. I'm sorry that certain demographics commit more crime. Ideally, all groups would be equal. We don't live in an ideal world, and lying, and kvetching over the best methods of managing to exist in such a word only makes like even worse for everyone. You're not helping black people by lying, and running interference. You're only magnifying the problem.
What a retarded ''argument''.
If you want to know whether or not he is half-black or an arab you don't go about muh feels and how you think he might be an arab. Just look at who his parents are, you retarded brainlet.
His mother is Heidi Russo who is white. His father is a black guy who left the woman before Colin was born, and you know he was a black guy because he bailed before the fucker was even born.
Case dismissed. We know who his parents are, we know his race.
>b-but Saudi Arabia something something therefore Colin Niggernick is an arab!!!!
Oh, and by the way: one day, if trends continue the only places with patrol units WILL be lily white suburbs, and they'll all be private contractors. If you want to chip away at the system, eventually you'll get what you're asking for. There won't be any police harassing blacks. There won't be any police harassing anyone. Only the elites will have the luxury of security officers. Everyone else can enjoy perfect equality in the shitzones blissfully free of racist cops, and oppressive White domination. The only catch is they won't be able to sneak into the privatized elite suburbs anymore to steal and assault people.
Checked and rek't.
did i touch a never you fucking dune coon? kill yourself you meme flag puke
meme quarterback
Because it shows that you want what you believe to be correct.
Believing something because it fits well with your worldview is a terrible way to approach any given topic.
For instance it seems like you believe that black people are genetically inferior to white people and thus because of this they commit more crimes.
This ignores the possibility of other factors that we know to have a huge influence, such as poverty or educational opportunities.
>Ideally, there'd be no crime.
I am not talking about some fucking fantasy land where all things would be lovely and equal.
I am saying that police are not legally permitted to detain or interrupt the travel of citizens without what we call reasonable suspicion. For instance if a cop is driving behind a black person, their tags are current, the car is insured, the person driving fits the description of the owner of the vehicle, etc etc. They have no legal right to pull them over.
I am not trying to kvetch anything, nor am I trying to make excuses for black people, I am simply stating the law regarding civilian detainment by police.
Of course high crime areas are heavily patrolled, obviously that is the right thing to do. However, if cops are detaining citizens in that area for no other reason than their race, that is a problem as it violates their rights.
>The US is going to turn into some an-cap fantasy land eventually.
raised by whites
Not an argument.
Am I wrong? Is Colin actually an arab who was smuggled into the US, given a false identity? Is his mother also part of the conspiracy and not actually his mother?
Was the random nigger also part of it, and pretended to be fucking her for a long time?
>Believing something because it fits well with your worldview is a terrible way to approach any given topic.
I agree
>For instance it seems like you believe that black people are genetically inferior to white people and thus because of this they commit more crimes.
Superiority and inferiority are subjective assessment. I'm not interested in that. I merely say that they are, as a population, more inclined to criminality independent of all sociological measurements. That means it's primarily hereditary.
>This ignores the possibility of other factors that we know to have a huge influence, such as poverty or educational opportunities.
Race correlates with criminality stronger than education and poverty. Income inequality correlates stronger with crime than mere poverty, but race correlates stronger than any sociological metric. Again, it's genetic. At least we have genetic engineering on the horizon. It's certainly going to be easier to fix genetic problems than it is to fix "cultural" problems. Why do you assume these arguments haven't been mulled over thousands of times in this forum before you showed up? Many of us didn't start out as race realists. The facts are just too overwhelming. Fankly, the main source of frustration these days is just how far behind the curve you reddit transplants are. But some of us have some sympathy because we used to be good little liberals too once upon a time.
>for no other reason than their race, that is a problem as it violates their rights.
>for no other reason than their race
If additional measures are being taken in a high crime zone, then by your own admission, it's not "for no other reason than their race". As long as black areas are abnormally high in crime, there will be abnormally high interactions between police and black civilians. This is a chicken/egg issue, which is why people talk in circles about it. However, the crime statistics, and correlations factoring in and normalizing for all sociological and economic factors PROVES that it's not simply the result of past or current social and economic discrimination. If it was, then the leftists would have a point, and the issue would be much more complicated--how do you morally police a people who are only criminal because of immoral policing in the past?
But, that's not why blacks are criminally inclined. It is genetic. It would be happening no matter what kind of policing was taking place.
who is that?
He hooked up with his teammates sloppy seconds and she happened to be a major SJW... [pic related]
Kaepernick is his adoptive family. His biological mom was a 'Sky.
So, you've got a half black, half Jewish cactus baby raised by whites that converted to Islam.
Identity Crisis DeeeeLuxe.
Shitty mechanics, inconsistent release. Hardly anybody would care about his opinions if he were good enough to win games for their team; but he sucks at quarterback at the end of the day. And since most fans don't actually understand the game, it's just easier to chalk it up his retarded opinions.
>That means it's primarily hereditary.
It most certainly does NOT mean that. That is an assumption made by disregarding nature vs nurture. Further, being a minority by itself makes you part of the "other", which can and does influence criminality.
There is no scientific evidence that proves that black people are more likely to commit crimes because of their genetics, however there is very strong evidence that environmental factors play a very strong role.
Look we obviously view this from different starting points. I view reality in terms of causality foremost. You seem to be ignoring the 300 years of history which led to the present. I am not going to be able to convince you of my view and neither are you going to do the same to me. There is a reason for everything. To ignore the work of finding out why in favor of easy answers like it being genetic is foolish when you can observe it easily within your own life. You are the product of your life's experiences as all human beings are.
>Why do you assume these arguments haven't been mulled over thousands of times in this forum before you showed up? Many of us didn't start out as race realists.
Okay for one employing a appeal to popularity in a place like Sup Forums doesn't do much for your argument.
For two I have been on this site for near a decade and have heard just about every way shape or form people have framed this topic. Stop trying to make it seem like I am some bushy tailed amateur making his first foray into debate. It makes you look like a twat.
I disagree.
>it's not simply the result of past or current social and economic discrimination.
Everything is a result of past social or economic factors. Since the Roman Empire and far before the waves have been reverberating endlessly. The world is the way it is because actions created reactions, it is the basic law of the universe and it is no different when talking about human progression.
Human groups have not been separated long enough for evolutionary changes to happen at the level you are talking about.
>That is an assumption made by disregarding nature vs nurture.
I just showed you the race correlates more than the nurture argument. So if you do not accept the race correlation, you can't rationally accept the weaker nurture correlations. It's not nature, and it's not nurture? Ok. What's the 3rd option?
>Further, being a minority by itself makes you part of the "other", which can and does influence criminality.
>There is no scientific evidence that proves that black people are more likely to commit crimes because of their genetics, however there is very strong evidence that environmental factors play a very strong role.
I gave you my evidence. Where's yours?
>Look we obviously view this from different starting points. I view reality in terms of causality foremost.
Me too. Genetics is causal. Evolution is causal. The difference is I have evidence, and you have your ass. Go read 'Color of Crime' if your fragile world view can handle it.
This guy is the first person to correctly answer the Q...
>His father is a black guy who left the woman before Colin was born,
How do we know? Do we have photos? Kaepernick was probably claiming a black father for negro cred
>harbaugh is a great coach
This isn't /spol/
Why do blacks exhibit higher criminality in every society in the world that they inhabit, even in the absence of historical
discrimination? And you can't use colonization as an example because Chinese were colonized with disastrous, culturally decimating consequences just like Africa. Why don't Chinese exhibit even the SLIGHTEST criminality boost as a result of past discrimination when they immigrate to every corner of the world?'
You're entire world view relies on ignorance, and selection bias.
>Human groups have not been separated long enough for evolutionary changes to happen at the level you are talking about.
How much is enough time? You obviously know or you wouldn't be able to make that claim. So tell, how much is enough time? It was enough time to evolve different physiology, gestation times, skeletal proportions, even cold-weather and altitude adaptations, but somehow the brain, the most energy--demanding organ in the body--is magically immune from the effects of selection pressures. IQ difference are a fact, and IQ correlates with crime. You don't need a "crime gene". A few thousand years was enough to give the Azshkenazi Jews a 115 average IQ. I think a few tens of thousands of years is enough to cause at least 15 point differentials between other groups.
A father leaving his kid is a black trait. The chance of him not being black is extremely small.
An Arab father would die in a suicide bombing or kill the kid before he would dump the kid.
>it's not the one with:
>muh Browns
>fuck the Browns
SW Ohio is worst Ohio
>couldn't perform consistently.
>Threw to the same fucking corner to the same fucking receiver, in what could have been game winners in a superbowl game and a conference game.
>put way too much emphasis in his out of pocket plays rather than focusing on getting better in the pocket
>Harbaugh got booted
>he resorted to being controversial rather than trying to get his game better
East Detroit pls go
>whitest sport
nfl = nigger football league
>bant threads get deleted almost immediately but a fucking sports thread is allowed
Get the fuck out of here with your niggerball.
Came here to say this
>Bad choice.
>Bad signed player.
>Bad player.
>Decides to stir the shit pot of WHITES ARE EVIL because team is threatening to cut him.
>He thought this ploy would keep him on the team.
>Alienates fans.
>Parents are fucking white, he is adopted, they now are pissed the fuck off at him over said racist comments.
>Cops hate him.
>Fans hate him.
>Team hates him.
This is what spoiled brat blacks look like.
>Getting all hostile and warping my argument.
Yeah i'm done here.
Have fun being entrenched in your poorly constructed worldview made up of stats you googled to fit it.
Because in almost every society they inhabit they are the minority and have historically been downtrodden for hundreds of years.
>You're entire world view relies on ignorance, and selection bias.
Same to you buddy.
Well this has been fun and all but I have better things to do than sit here and argue with people who are trying to justify their prejudice with logic. Like play with my balls.
One final point: Any black person with a high school education today is an order or magnitude more intelligent than any white person who lived during the time of Christ simply by knowing the very basics of reality we all know now to be true. If blacks were genetically inferior there would be a point where they would plateau while whites would continue until their own point where they would plateau. This is not what is happening.
All races are getting smarter over time because human beings pass on knowledge to the following generations.
You are arguing over a few percentage points while ignoring the vast distance we as humans of all races have come over even the last 100 years in terms of understanding.
"Half" is an exaggeration. I think this is just leftist subversion on NFL salary steroids.
>Led a "protest" that cost the NFL huge in viewership
>Led the 49ers to terrible seasons (2-14 in 2016)
Who the fuck would want to sign him?
Definitely not any teams on the east-coast that gets the most eyeballs.
I'll take thirsty thirds.
>not posting more
only if they encourage said actions
>NFL is by and large essentially a conservative entity
Do people believe this?