When will you realize that the refugees are a blessing for europe to stop its population decline?
How should the pensions for old white people be affordable if we dont encourage more africans and muslims to migrate to europe?
When will you realize that the refugees are a blessing for europe to stop its population decline?
How should the pensions for old white people be affordable if we dont encourage more africans and muslims to migrate to europe?
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cut their pensions it's not my fault that they lack basic responsibility to save up for retirement and their families can take care of them that's what we did before Social Security.
ITT: irrational hatred for the colour of the skin
We don't dislike non-whites because of their skin colour
We dislike them because of their poor behaviour
We can see how they run countries where they are the majority. We do not want our homes to become like this.
Migrants grow old too, you know.
You can't just replace people and say: "It's fine"
How in the world is "replacing a declining population with another population" stopping a population decline?
I see its time to post one of my favorite merchants again, good
Go fuck yourselve. We are preparing for a new age of automatization and are culling our population in natural way.
Then you send us uneducated migrants so at the end the elitebwill cull us themselves.
Fuck you with this migrant shit. My land doesnt need this shit.
I havent seen this level of irrational hatred for the colour of the skin since Michael Brown was gunned down.
Why not?
>Need more people to fund welfare for aging population
>Import migrants who live off welfare
Europe would have endured the financial crisis. Maybe not with these non stop migrants.
Go fuck yourselve. We are preparing for a new age of automatization and are culling our population in natural way.
Then you send us uneducated migrants so at the end the elitebwill cull us themselves.
Fuck you with this migrant shit. My land doesnt need this shit.
Read you fucking satanic UN piece of shit!
They are sending the Africans home since they are low IQ, illiterate, pre industrial, HIV infected wannabe superstars that will resort to drug dealing the moment they realise minimum wage is all that Europe will offer them.
Probably bait but, I'll bite. Blessing? What a fucking joke, you should probably think about what you're advocating in favour of before you even attempt to formulate an opinion on a subject that's obviously to delicate for your simple mind to comprehend. The refugee crisis has in no-way benefitted Western or Northern Europe. It's actively contributing to the decline of Western Civilization which in effect, will lead to the downgrade of humanity.
>Why not?
Because abloo bloo muh culture.
>permanent genetic, cultural, indigenous changes to a superior society by inferior cohabitants
>a good thing
Stop trolling you faggot..
>How should the pensions for old white people be affordable if we dont encourage more africans and muslims to migrate to europe?
We murder everyone above the age of 70. problem solved.
They don't pay taxes, they don't work, they live on social assistant....as yourself for sure Achmed
this "crisis" is just a sham to have another Großdeutsches Reich in a "socially acceptable" way.
have enough sand people blow up malls and drive trucks through crowds and you won't mind total observation and the stripping of your civil rights.
ruin heritage and lineage of your citizens at the same time and you'll still have enough native leftover manpower who's eagerly signing up for the new SS to take back their homeland, loyalty to the regime guaranteed.
this is how its going to go, but this time its going to be the European Commonwealth, not the German Reich.
what a time to be alive
>Implying that immigrants work
>Thinks Immigrants serve Europeans
Why are you retarded?
All the Poles and Brazilians I know are cool people and have jobs. Also if south Americans have children here their children don't get citizen status.
>stopping population decline
why is this a bad thing?
The planet is already overpopulated at least 7 fold.
I couldn't care less about subhuman Nigger or Sandnigger populations exploding in their own countries, it's not the Western population's fault their average IQ is classed as legitimately retarded and they breed like rabbits despite living in impoverishment and squander.
Allow the West's population to naturally decline and accelerate this by deporting shitskins and immigrants in general back to their own holes that they crawled from.
Overpopulation of the human race is basically Earth's cancer.
Why do you want PoC population to decline?
Why are racists always reffering to overpopulation as a third world problem when its the first world consuming most of the resources.
I want every population to decline, you dumb nigger.
>let's sell our countries away to shitskins so we can afford to pay one generation of old timers the money we stole from them during their 45y of work
I agree that white population needs to decline but why PoC?
Fuck this cheap bait.
Black's and browns are a plague.
Most of the migrants are Islamic and Islamisation of Europe is the number one thing to work towards stopping right now.
Pew Research (2013):
Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda.
Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban.
13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.
Wenzel Strategies (2012):
58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land.
ICM Poll:
40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK
20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers
Pew Research (2010):
82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
WZB Berlin Social Science Center:
65%% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.
I assume by PoC you are referring to shitskins.
Read my post. I never said I want their populations to decline. I just said that they have no place in the West because they have low average IQs and are therefore practically nothing but parasites: draining resources whilst providing nothing useful.
If they want to overpopulate in their own countries, I don't care.
They aren't draining Earth's resources because they are far too stupid to do so. If they want to keep bringing 10 kids into a world of disease and hunger, that's up to them. Just don't expect more developed countries to support them or worse: accommodate them in their already overpopulated countries.
Pew Global (2006)
68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
World Public Opinion (2009)
61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
NOP Research:
62% percent of British Muslims say freedom of speech shouldn't be protected
1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified
78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons
People Press Surveys
31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.
ICM Poll:
25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.
Pew Research (2007):
26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).
Al-Jazeera (2006):
49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden
Populus Poll (2006):
16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".
28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state
NOP Research:
68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
MacDonald Laurier Institute:
62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda
36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure
38.6% of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified (7% "fully", 6.5% "mostly", 23.1% "partially")
>I deny PoC entry to my country because of an aesthetic distaste for the colour of their skin
LMAO xenophobic trash, probably voted for Brexit.
Leftists scum of the earth for decades have been fighting to allow abortions which resulted in millions of babies killed, then they pushed feminism, which results in less women having kids, and now they want refugees because they are complaining that Europeans are not having enough babies...
Muslims are parasites in the UK.
>colonize, invade, bomb PoC/Muslim countries
>get mad when they take revenge
Whites are parasites in the UK.
>Colour of their skin
I literally referred to their low average IQ in my post you dumbfuck.
This has 2 implications:
1. Criminal behaviour
2. Fucking useless in society
You would let a bunch of retarded, unskilled, rapists and murderers live in your house, so why let them into your country.
>Color of the skin
You are a degenerate
Whites are a global minority so we should be expanding while non whites are declining, of course you as a kike disagree but you hold no power anymore
>import migrants who for the most part contribute economically
what a sham!
can POC produce enough food for their children, without white ppl.?
NO... you dumb nigger
>Muh pensions.
Maybe these old geezers and galls shouldve had more kids, and should have brought up their kids with the notion that a 2.1 fertility rate is desirable
>muh race is skin deep
Why does it matter that there are people with light skin colour in a certain or no proportion on earth?
>Criminal behaviour
>what is lack of education and institutionalized racism
>Fucking useless in society
T. Inbred chav
>can POC produce enough food for their children, without white ppl.?
>NO... you dumb nigger
>what is capitalist exploitation
Nogs and wogs take money out of the system but never put it back in. The money saved on policing this subhuman filth alone would boost the economy.
That man is beautiful.
How Islam ruins your country
Just go shill. Just go.
>>what is capitalist exploitation
Poor brainwashed leftist.
>what is capitalist exploitation
We waz kangz n sheet prior to the arrival of whitey. We be havin all the watermellon n fried chicken, but then ebil whitey came to capital exploit us fo reel nigga
Now we be havin ain none of dat food no more
>fuck honkey
>starvation in africa is totally not due to capitalist exploitation and diversion of resources from PoC countries to white people
I'm an engineer actually, friend.
>Institutionalised racism
Maybe if niggers weren't constantly nigging then prejudice wouldn't occur.
>Lack of education
Who's fault is this? Why is it the West's purpose to provide education to a continent of people who are too stupid to do it themselves?
At one point in history, most races were more or less technologically equal. Yet, whilst Europe grew, shitskins remained living in fucking mudhuts with the epitome of their technological advancement being cobbled together shit like pic related.
Maybe blame the harsh, hot climate. The same one that people refer to as the "cradle of life". Or the lack of resources in the ground. Oh wait.
>hurr durr its da niggas fault that whites enslave, rob and murder them for 500 years straight
Fuck you, shill.
Google Islamic slavery.
Maybe niggers could have done the same to whites if they were smart enough to craft weapons more advanced than spears and ocean transport more advanced than some reeds tied together.
>implying sub-Saharan Africa was making any real progress prior to whitey's involvement
hang yourself, George
if we are diverting resources why are we paying africa so much in humanitarian aid?
>so much
Obviously not enough, otherwise people wouldnt be starving and fleeing.
>The West needs to be a gibs farm for dumb sub-saharan niggers who can't support their own population.
Why do you globalist shills seem to think the rest of the world has an obligation to perpetually sustain a self-destructive population of dumb niggers?
or maybe..
Israel wants land free of Palestinians.
can't genocide because world gets mad.
Even 'muh holocaust' defense wouldnt be allowed.
Instead import them to western countries.
Fuck pensions. I dont care. Economy is fucked so you will destroy whole europe to delay economy crash for 10 years? Nothing will fix problem with pensions anyway. You was fooled by jews.
Like Pieces of Crap that never get job?
Fuck them, the mayority of the youth in spain witt no job are sandniggers that are just fucking lazy and cause the national debt to rise and also cause a rise in taxes
Fuck them and fuck your black bull
España Cristiana y blanca, nunca negra y musulmana
>They dindu nuffin they good boi they went to tribe college and shieet, datz why we need to kill whites
Isnt that a childish attitude that can be boiled down to "waaaaaaaaah they did it to me i need to du it tu them waaaaaaaaah"
And yes if you are advocating for white genocide then of course we will defend ourself
Pic related is how you create racists
They diddu sumthin itz called terrorizm
If the population is in decline then you would fix it by allowing the immigration of more Eastern Europeans or East Asians or Indians who are all much more economically productive on average than Africans or middle easterners, much less likely to commit violent crime than Africans and middle easterners and much better academically than Africans and middle easterners.
There are countless millions of people who would love to be allowed to love and work in Europe who are better in every way for Europe than Africans and middle easterners
That's why your argument that it is in Europe's best interests to take in these Africans and middle Easter era goes to shit
>Implying the UK has to be made out off dindus and kangz to be UK
>Forgets the UK was made by whites
Yes WHITES, not dindus, not turkroaches, not niggers, not kangz n shieet and certianly not PoC (Pieces of Crap), WHITES, you know like any other country in europe
>inb4 Whites were the only ones that enslaved chekmate hurr durrr derp
Tell that to the victims of the Berbery slave trade and to the ottoman enslavers
>in4 Spain enlaved natives
True like any other power at that time, even your beloved Poc enslaved each other, but at least spain made the Ley the Proteccion the Indias, we gave the natives and mestizos same rights as other Spanish. Without us Mexico, Paraguay and Hispanics in general wouldnt exist. They have their own country and come here to leach from us so why would we care about them?
>in4 capitalist explotation
Bullshit as your ideology, Africa right now its poor as fuck by their own choice, when colonizers left we left infrastructure, hospitals, technology, at that time those things werent in Japan or China, they went from Jewels of Africa to AIDS of Africa, we left them things so they could create countries and they neglect it
Whats worse they complete destroyed it in favor of living in mud huts instead of solving their problems
Eat shit