Hey, you

Hey, you

Yeah, you right-leaning American DUMBASSES

How does it feel knowing you weakened America by putting an unqualified KEK into office?
He's the world's fucking BITCH right now.

And also mods, realize this is not slander: it is fact.
Trump is unqualified: he has zero experience in public/government office
And he is submitting/back-pedaling on every affirmation he made.

If I'm wrong...if I am exaggerating...mod the shit out of this.

But, as you KNOW, I am NOT.
He promised the SHIT out of building a wall, and more.
And all along, ALL of his supporters hung on every word.

And you let day after day, week after week, month after month, of stupid hypes go on.

Now it's time for discussion of not-hype. It's time to eat your words with a side of reality.
The discussion of reality: that Trump is a pussy president who can't make good on ANY promise.
Shit, the Senate (even his own "side" of GoPs) just neutered the SHIT out of him,
while his bitch-ass takes a vacation which is longer than any full-time working American gets,
After he's done jack-shit in office.

But:let's put aside any discussion, except what his in the following:
How do you deal with knowing that he not only let you down, but he outright lied to your dumb asses?
How does it feel knowing that in your stupid "MAGA" hype, you've now laid out a red-carpet for other countries to claim hedgemony of the globe?

[spoiler]Oh shit, wait...why am I even bothering making a logical appeal to Trump voters. If they're ignorant enough to "rationalize" voting him into office, there is no point in being rational with them, ya?[/spoiler]

>blah blah blah trump is bad blah blah blah

"he has zero experience in public/government " That's why we love him! He's not controled by that deep state that clearly brainwashed you. I have an idea, go drink a bottle of bleach.

Reddit spacing and no real substance.

>How does it feel knowing you weakened America by putting an unqualified KEK into office?
Career politicians and "highly educated" fucks, mostly from the Ivy League have literally spent the last 30 years destroying the country, and bankrupting it.
Why should trump be any different?

Trump isn't just "bad" as in objectively unqualified for the job.

He's also a little cuck beta-bitch that's dressing the USA up like a little loli faggot for the world to fondle

"That's why we love him!
Because he has no experience for being a leader of any level of community!"

Damn, I bet you think your shit doesn't stink either.

>Dur hurr reddit abloobloo

Reddit spacing and no real substance with your own two-line half assed shit. Oh shit watch out for this sassy cunt he's got a Donald Duck gif! Jesus did you discover Sup Forums in 2010?

Damn, didn't realize cucks were this easy to push around.
You're more of a push-over than his hair lol

Anti-Trump people come here and see threads like these and go 'Haha my views are validated here' but then they continue to look at the other threads and get redpilled.

Actually no, I don't get redpilled.


Like, I'm not even here to just salt or troll you dude.

Trump is objectively shit, he and his cronies prove it day after day, the factual dick is slapping you right in the face.

And instead of being bothered by this factual cock dragging across your lips, you graciously open your mouth day after day, to take whatever "news" they feed down your mouth over and over again.

You filthy little lush

It is awesome. Know what is really awesome? Sanctimonious bullshit posts like yours OP. Keep them coming!

If you cannot distinguish who the villains are in these fucked up political games, then you need to wake up and question stuff a bit more.

>objectively unqualified for the job.

there are like 2 requirements to be president of the US

literally any citizen can do it

>using the word kek
>not shit post at all...


Well shit, you definitely changed my opinion

The bare minimum requirements for US president are:
Natural born citizen

You. Dumb. Fuck.

You think I'm looking for MINIMAL QUALIFICATIONS when it comes to electing the person leading the USA???

Is that the BEST fucking argument you have??

Jesus, and here I thought Trump was a spineless pushover who couldn't even get beaners to pay for a wall.

Your pathetic tears will be lube for my masturbation tonight

Fucking children, you're not just a shame to the US but a shame to Sup Forums.

Git gud you dumb little newfag nigglettes

baka desu senpai

s a g e

>Trump is unqualified: he has zero experience in public/government office
Literally the only qualification you need to be president of the USA is to be elected. Trump was elected. So he is qualified. The end. You fag.


>You think I'm looking for MINIMAL QUALIFICATIONS when it comes to electing the person leading the USA???
what you are looking for doesn't fucking matter, so cry more. Personally I would have liked Rand Paul better but Trump is pretty good too.

>Is that the BEST fucking argument you have??

it directly refutes your argument that he's unqualified, so yes

you uppity assblasted fuckball communist shit

why don't you go jerk off to a photo of obama and try to keep yourself from committing suicide

>an unqualified KEK

I love this filter.

Once you realize the red pill is all loaded bullshit, you start to ignore it.
The equivalent of this was 9-11 truthers and Zeitgeist from the mid 2000s. Think for yourselves, kids.





>he has zero experience in public/government office
This is why we call you a braindead moron: you objectively are.
He has several months of government experience.

Typically, employees that do a shitty job in those times are fired. Time to fire Drumpf!

>what you are looking for doesn't matter

Actually it does you dumb uneducated real-nigga-hours-lurking hitler wannabe one-off comment beta-bitch shill shoveling fuck face

Here's what a REAL president looks like next to your fucking muppet-puppet soviet cocksleeve

Theodore Roosevelt
>Made America a fucking international power in the theater of global economics
>Literally cut a channel between the fucking largest oceans of the world
>Modernized the entire fucking US Navy into a global force
>Preserved America, the beautiful, with an immense amount of forest preserves and monuments
>Got shot by a would-be assassin and not only gave his god damn speech, BUT FUCKING INSULTED THE ATTEMPT
>Roosevelt served as a New York State Assemblyman, a deputy sheriff in the Dakota Territory, Police Commissioner of New York City, U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Colonel of the Rough Riders, Governor of New York, and Vice President
>Navigated the fucking Amazon jungle: along the way, Roosevelt and his men faced an unbelievable series of hardships, losing their canoes and supplies to punishing whitewater rapids, and enduring starvation, Indian attack, disease, drowning, and a murder within their own ranks. Three men died and Roosevelt was brought to the brink of suicide.

Donald J Trump
>Born with a golden spoon up his asshole
>Over-flowed the fucking swamp by putting corporate leaders at the head of every state department
>Made America a cuck to every other international power in the theater of global economics
>Can't even maintain channels in his own administration
>Doesn't give a shit about preserving any part of America's wild or nature
>Can't even handle getting words shot at him by his own staff, let alone the media, let alone an ACTUAL FUCKING BULLET
>Already taking vacation on tax payer dollars to go and play more golf in New Jersey

Trump lovers are weak blood dragging America down from hedgemony.

You are a crybaby faggot. Go cry on Reddit, and then neck yourself.

I mean hes basicly hitler.

Damn dude, you really made a good counter-argument there. :^)

dang bro sick
Hitler actually had a plan that didn't benefit slavs.

What amazing about liberals is they lack the capability to understand people who disagree with them on a fundamental level. They think we actually give a shit about who pays for the wall as long as it's getting built.

Didnt read it. Just came in here to tell you OP that you are a useless cunt and someone need to do webem related to you.

you compared two completely different people, one of which hasn't even been in office for a year

also teddy was a richfag just like trump


>Loves the fuck out of Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican

Another child left behind.


And, holy shit.
I'm gonna have to stomp around pol more often if you Trumptards are this easy to shit and dunk on

I don't need to counter your argument. You shills are all the same. Cry about Trump because your some how morally and intellectually superior to us. Kill. Yourself. Or DOTR. Your choice, faggot.

>Some how morally and intellectually superior

No, it's not a mystery or a "some how"
I explained it right here you dickless cunt.
I believe in America, and a MAN who defined what it is

You believe in a fucking meme, and a LITTLE BITCH KEK who minces words to dance around his impending impeachment

>[spolier] in Sup Forums
You don't belong here. You have to go back to cripplechan.

I've been here since 2004, suck my circumcized cock ya mock