Hey, you
Yeah, you right-leaning American DUMBASSES
How does it feel knowing you weakened America by putting an unqualified KEK into office?
He's the world's fucking BITCH right now.
And also mods, realize this is not slander: it is fact.
Trump is unqualified: he has zero experience in public/government office
And he is submitting/back-pedaling on every affirmation he made.
If I'm wrong...if I am exaggerating...mod the shit out of this.
But, as you KNOW, I am NOT.
He promised the SHIT out of building a wall, and more.
And all along, ALL of his supporters hung on every word.
And you let day after day, week after week, month after month, of stupid hypes go on.
Now it's time for discussion of not-hype. It's time to eat your words with a side of reality.
The discussion of reality: that Trump is a pussy president who can't make good on ANY promise.
Shit, the Senate (even his own "side" of GoPs) just neutered the SHIT out of him,
while his bitch-ass takes a vacation which is longer than any full-time working American gets,
After he's done jack-shit in office.
But:let's put aside any discussion, except what his in the following:
How do you deal with knowing that he not only let you down, but he outright lied to your dumb asses?
How does it feel knowing that in your stupid "MAGA" hype, you've now laid out a red-carpet for other countries to claim hedgemony of the globe?
[spoiler]Oh shit, wait...why am I even bothering making a logical appeal to Trump voters. If they're ignorant enough to "rationalize" voting him into office, there is no point in being rational with them, ya?[/spoiler]