Slavery is alive and well in the United States prison system

Slavery is alive and well in the United States prison system.

The thirteenth amendment that abolished slavery specifically applies to involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. Many of our biggest American manufacturing and agriculture companies use prison labor. Almost no states have laws stating that inmates must be paid at all and some of the ones that do allow for wages as low as 4 cents an hour.

The other half of this equation is that 95% of people in America's prisons never saw the inside of a courtroom. This is almost entirely because of the concept of plea bargains. If you are accused of a crime you can either take a plea bargain for probably a few years in prison or go to trial and risk many more years, or a lifetime, or an execution depending. The fact is that almost everybody takes the plea bargain and never gets a trial.

So what you have is a system where someone needs only to be accused of a crime, guilty or not, to be turned into free labor.

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wanna guess how i know you're a nigger?

>Slavery is alive
>The thirteenth amendment that abolished slavery specifically applies to involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime
>except as punishment for a crime

I don't have to guess. It's because this is the internet and anything challenging can be dismissed by simply assuming the source is your current favorite boogeyman.

nigger please prison labor is paid, not compulsory, pretty much everyone does it to be less bored and get slightly better food

I wish criminals were enslaved for real to work in the rock quarries

human experiments too

I shit on all of you nigger loving libcucks

Don't be a criminal.

The only thing that fucks people up with any kind of routine frequency is sex crimes because they require zero proof to get convicted.

I would suggest that those crimes be treated with the utmost scrutiny to confirm guilt and automatic assumption that the person with the accusation is a complete fucking liar be the norm.

That all said, physical punishment instead of locking someone up for years at a time is better idea.

No most of our prisons are filled with drug charges. Part but not all of this is because of civil asset forfeiture which allows the state to simply take possession of anything used in the act of committing a crime. With drug charges it is trivially easy to claim that a car or even a house is used as part of the crime allowing cops to straight up rob anyone they're willing to accuse of a crime whether or not they ever intend to prove it.

don't posses drugs then nigger

why do niggers have so much trouble following basic laws?

You and everyone else seem to be conveniently skipping the part where in order for all of this to work not a single person needs to actually be found guilty of a single crime ever. The simple act of accusing someone of a crime is literally all it takes for this entire system to work.

people take plea deals for a reason you shit for brains

are you fucking 15 years old?


>accusing someone of a crime is literally all it takes for this entire system to work.

show me the passage in the law that allows the court/law enforcement to expropriate persons who are found not guilty.

And that reason is because they can either face 4 years or go to trial and risk 35. Oh and because there was a plea bargain and they turned it down there's a punishment for that making it probably 40-45 years. Almost every single city and state as well as the federal government outlines the job of a public defender as someone who should work with the prosecution to get a plea bargain, and punishes people with harsher sentences if they have the nerve to use that defender to actually go to trial. The vast majority of people that go to trial ever are people who can afford their own lawyer and for the most part those are not the people facing these charges in the first place.

>commie nigger posts a homosexual robot toy
More surprising news at 11


if they're pleading down sentences from 25 years to 4 years they're not just going away on simple drug charges are they?

"dey iz just getting locked up for a gram of weed" is the worst fucking meme of all time, seriously fuck off

>persons who are found not guilty.
Nobody is found not guilty because nobody gets a trial. As I stated in the OP, 95% of people in our prisons right now never saw the inside of a courtroom.

Oh and by the way if you do decide to go to trial you'll likely be in jail for a few years awaiting that trial anyway so just take the fucking 4 years like everyone else. You are absolutely right there is a reason everyone does it.

Except, you know, that amendment that offers that nifty 'Right to a speedy trial', which is then backed up by several laws, such as the Speedy Trial Act.

Okay. The average wait time for an american to get a trial is 988 days which areto be spent in prison for anyone not able to purchase their own freedom in the form of bail.

> Giving fucks about prisoners

Source of the statistics you're supposedly citing?

Sorry it's not a very friendly format but yeah here you go

This doesn't include the average which you can get by importing that link to a spreadsheet. These numbers are not made very easy to access though are publically available. but one thing you can tell easily is the absolute shortest amount of time anyone spent awaiting trial in in america (that got their trial in June 2017) was 9 months.

It gives average time in months of waiting at each location, so you can't derive the shortest wait from this data. If you take the example of the Bronx, you have a place that has murder defendants waiting years for a trial, because they underfund their judiciary and murders are the only trials that don't have a law dictating maximum wait for trial. They push through everything that does have a legal limit and make murder defendants wait. They also don't approach 988, which was the average wait of murder defendants specifically in the aforementioned situation in the Bronx.

The next step is accumulating the statistics on how often people plea while innocent, and the number of innocent people who wait a long time on trial. Gather all the information, cite it, make it into a neat picture with sources.

Mostly bean people and niggers, F to those whites caught up in the kike system though

>95% of people in our prisons right now never saw the inside of a courtroom

>t. fantasy of a gommunist

Simply commit no crimes

These statistics are rarely calculated, the most recent I can find the actual original source for is 2002 but there's plenty of references citing the ones from 2010 and 2013 showing that it's actually grown to about 97%.

Either way I think we are at a point where we can start saying really almost nobody in prison in America has actually been convicted in court of any crime.

nice point comrade you've dismantled the disgusting capitalist pigs' narrative

now go to gulag

>state court sentencing of convicted felons
>court sentencing
>Distribution of types of felony convictions in state courts

>nobody in prison in America has actually been convicted in court of any crime.

Mate you lack serious reading skills.
There is always a judge present, this just shows that 95% of the people admit to their crime and the trail is not escalated further.


just a tip

this criminals see judges multiple times, so all the statements you made are just your fantasy.

>nottttt fairrrrrr
you broke the law, nigger

based ruski

Look at the murder rate amongst blacks. It's way higher than any other ethnicity. What? you think cops are going out there planting dead bodies on niggers? Get to fuck.
This serves as an indicator that blacks are more prone to criminality. Hence more blacks in prison.
Do you know how many murders go unsolved?
Over a third. This may go some way to explain why so many are willing to plea bargain. In Bongland we don't have such a stupid thing as plea bargaining, and yet blacks are over represented in criminality and prison population. 14% of inmates are black and yet only 3% of Britain is black.

You're right. The choice of using the phrase "never saw the inside of a courtroom" was my own choice and it's not as accurate as simply saying they never got a trial. Sure. I'll make sure not to make this conversation mistake in the future. I'm not actually sure what your larger point is or if you have one that isn't pedantry.

Adults over 18 makes a conscious choice to plead guilty at arraignment, which reduces their sentence in change for saving prosecution resources,
>so many niggers commit crimes in burgerland we can't afford to put them to trial