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Gonna be a father soon. Got advices on how to raiser my kid properly? What if that's a girl? Wat do
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Don't be a retard
Try and teach them to be as logical and independent and hardworking as possible
Teach them to read and write and do math before they start school
Don't get your parenting advice from a right-wing Japanese anime board. Bring your child to church so he/she gets a good social introduction. Teach them manners, politeness, but also not to be a dick and to be good on their own.
Don't let them jerk off on the internet all day. Manage that shit. In this age, make sure they don't get exposed too quickly to Internet shit like pornography and the JQ. They're young.
Kids get old fast. Teach them good skills, bond, and make them into better people. That means autonomy, but doesn't mean letting them on the Internet for 12 hours a day.
I'm serious about the church thing, though. That's how kids make social connections with other people.
spank it if it doesnt behave
keep it in a "cage" for it to develop independency and self-sufficiency
dont spoil it
and dont put your penis in it
>What if that's a girl?
Fuck her. Don't let her wear clothes or go to school.
Make sure they don't buy into the white self hate.
raise them hardworking and not afraid to say it how it is.
This is bad advice. Don't fuck your daughter, but do have her dress conservatively and go to a good private school.
>That's how kids make social connections with other people.
It can be done other ways. That's like people who say "if you kids don't go to public school they'll be socially stunted". It's bullshit.
>What if that's a girl? Wat do
I agree with all of that except going to church.
it's fine to believe, but wasting 2 hours on a sunday isn't good.
>letting your daughter go to school
>not fucking her
It's like you don't love her and want her to be a whore.
Teach her that blue-eyed blonde haired white males are worthy mates no matter their age.
btw, if you give me your e-mail I can put your spawn in my rolodex and wait 14 years to impregnate your daughter.
You brought another chunk of meat to be thrown into this meat grinder. I hope you're rich, if you aren't and have children you're a bluepilled retard.
I'll do that then.
as long as it isn't another fucking fatherless tyrone, i'm cool with another person on the planet.
Church, for children, serves a number of purposes including social interaction with others outside of their school (and people who share their outlook on life) and instilling a strong conservative belief system. If you let them just fuck around in public school the system will turn the kids into atheists and left-wingers.
If the govt didn't want people to stay on welfare and stay the way they are now, they wouldn't be running the schools. Christian private school.
it's about connecting with your community user, church used to be awesome. no matter the age or occupation during the week, everyone got together on sunday. it connected us all and made us know each other. when I talk to my grandparents they have these great stories about how they knew everyone in their village with nicknames and everything. now, I barely know all the people in my street anymore...
There no contract yet so no voluntary interaction™ (c)
I'm confortable enough to raise and take care of it. I can afford private school so my blood don't turn into a retard.
nah, most of the public school kids i met were redpilled as fuck. let's agree to disagree.
Just teach them never to hate them because of their race no matter what people say, and teach them how to be critical and think for themselves, and not be a dupe. Don't indoctrinate them politically just raise them good aside from this. When they're older they will come to you about it and slowly test you to see if you're on the same page as them. Red pills are taken, not given.
>take care of it
They're not an animal, this is your baby you're talking about
Agree to disagree, yeah. Probably just different areas.
if its a girl, teach her to be both smart and traditional; keep her out of the cunty drama by raising her to hate it.
If it's a girl, protect her virginity by being the first person to fuck her.
>turn the kids into atheists
That's the only correct way to be.
>outside of their school
Females shouldn't be in schools.
If a boy: don't let him get with the wrong crowd. Don't stalk him mind you it look for signs that he could be around people that could lead him around a dangerous path. Show him active hobbies like sports and exploring the woods. Avoid introducing him to video games. Outside of that don't coddle him too much and let him get hurt and dirty, it builds character
If a girl: same shit about being in the wrong crowd as above, but be more vigilant. One mistake and you have a teen pregnancy and a life that will never recover. Dress her conservatively, not letting her pick her own clothes. Be very skeptical of the men she brings home. A very Sup Forums throng to say but as a mixed race mutt child I can tell you dating and marrying between races does not fucking work and will fuck up her life. Be open to white men without tattoos that dress well, and that is about it.
Don't know the sex yet, I'm not confident enough in my English skills to use "them" correctly. I'll use my kid instead. But you're right.
Your county is irrelevant that's why
if it's a boy, make sure he gets circumcised.
>I'm not confident enough in my English skills to use "them" correctly
Well that's okay I guess
if it's a girl, get used to the fact that she'll be sucking off tyrone
such is the flaw of having a girl
If it's a girl, get an abortion
Raise it Muslim = it will be redpilled, don't molest it = it won't go gay
how do you get an abortion when its already born
I thought that was a xir-tier pronoun when used for single person. I learnt recently that I have been rused
Nice try Schlomo, you won't sue me for that.
Well thanks for you advices. Thread may die now, or talk about general parenting.
Redpill the kid at birth.
If shes a girl keep chatting with her mother about how bad black people are so she doesn't end up coalburning at the age of 20.
Not if you have her suck you off instead.
If you don't want your daughter to be somebody else's fucktoy make her your sextoy.
>I thought that was a xir-tier pronoun
Which? 'them' or 'it'?
If its girl, give her a lot of milk
A lot of his man milk. Daddy's cummies are essential for girl to grow up healthy.
>Raise it Muslim, don't molest it
that's pretty contradictory