the official religion of Sup Forums
The official religion of Sup Forums
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Eastern Orthodoxy is the best
But infiltrating Judaism would be good too
I worship nothing but lolis feet.
let's see how many kikes and sand niggers browse this board
im a protestant.What now?
>Catholic and Orthodox as only forms of Christianity
I put my faith in God, not false idols
Daily reminder that Christfags want to get rid of the only thing keeping the nigger population down
Sup Forums is a jewish board.
Anyone that disagrees is a kike
>I am gnostic.
>Not featured in poll
>People still not ready for direct experience of their own inner divinity
No protestantism, shit poll
I am prot i voted for jew , catho ortho is jew 2.0
Where is the protestant option you cunt?
>no baptist
>no protestant
Fuck you you little Jew rat. We don't worship false religions on this board.
>I put my faith in God, not false idols
Can't choose between Orthodox and Catholic. Why not both?
True, at least uncucked Catholicism
>not including Christianity as one
>trying to divide us
Bumpity bump
Sup Forums is an atheist board dumbass.Many christfaggs came here in 2015 ellections becouse of our suport of Trump and hate of Islam, in reality we don't hate islam we hate shitskins, midle easterners, dosen't matter if nigger or other shitskin is christian or not it dosen't mean he is one of us.
Kek is supreme.
Easy. Anything but Islam.
No Cultural Christian?? Seriously???
Don't throw me in with those atheist asshats.
>11% Jewish
So the shills DID vote too.
Still, with 40% christian, I guess I can safely say this : HEATHENS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Only 21% intelligent people on Sup Forums at the moment. Could be worse!
>adding an insult to the atheist option
Your semitic cult is dying out, just accept it.
>'Fedora' is an insult
this is a shitty strawpol where is kekism
>imposing a STATE RELIGION
Where is protestantism option?
No Kek worship?
Bullshit poll, doesn't have Protestantism.
Recognize that you are a heretic and enter into communion with the Church Christ established.
Where's Protestant/Calvinism?
Roman Catholicism are just Judaism/Paganism with Christian wallpaper.
This is a strawpoll, not a trashcan
The object of faith is the actuality of another person; its relation is an infinite interestedness. The object of faith is not a doctrine, for then the relation is intellectual, and the point is not to bungle it but to reach the maximum of the intellectual relation. The object of faith is not a teacher who has a doctrine, for when the teacher has a doctrine, then the doctrine is eo ipso more important than the teacher, and the relation is intellectual, in which the point is not to bungle it but to reach the maximum of the intellectual relation. But the object of faith is the actuality of the teacher, that the teacher actually exists. Therefore faith’s answer is absolutely either yes or no. Faith’s answer is not in relation to a doctrine, whether it is true or not, not in relation to a teacher, whether his doctrine is true or not, but is the answer to the question about a fact: Do you accept as fact that he actually existed? Please note that the answer is with infinite passion. In other words, in connection with a human being it is thoughtless to lay so infinitely much weight upon whether he has existed or not. Therefore, if the object of faith is a human being, the whole thing is a prank by a foolish person who has not even grasped the esthetic and the intellectual. The object of faith is therefore the god’s actuality in the sense of existence. But to exist signifies first and foremost to be a particular individual, and this is why thinking must disregard existence, because the particular cannot be thought, but only the universal. The object of faith, then, is the actuality of the god in existence, that is, as a particular individual, that is that the god has existed as an individual human being.
There wasnt room for every variation of "I believe whatever i want"
>When poll includes Buddhism but not Protestantism
ffs, nobody on this board is religious. stop larping you fags.
Idunno man, the pope is literally (((/theirguy/))). And there are too many preists fiddling the choir. Im going to stay mennonite
Sup Forums is more old school Lutheran than anything. And yes I am aware that modern Lutheranism has not completely retarded.
If you reject Christ's Church, you have already thrown yourself in with the atheists.
has gone I mean.
Pax Christi, my friends.
>no SDA
>Being Catholic
Literal heresy.
Data mining much?
Why are there so many Christcucks on this board?
Reverse christianity.
Prod detected
Because nationalism, white people, and god go well together.
You should have included kek so we could know roughly how many redditors we have among us
Ben carson is a Good guy
Catholics- established by Christ
Every protestant- established by a variety of heretics who put themselves in the place of Christ and started their own divergent "faith". Follows vain traditions of heretics based on pride and refusal to acknowledge the Church Christ established. Use flimsy heretical "solas" as framework for the mental gymnastics you have to perform to pretend protestant heresy is not purely freemasonic dross.
Enjoy the gay wedding conducted by your lesbian "pastor" held in the tax shelter you blasphemously call a church.
When did Jesus shelter the homeless?
Still Catholic as of now so I voted that way, but I may go Orthodox sooner than later.
no protestant, op is a gayboy
>Follows vain traditions of heretics based on pride
A bold barb coming from a Catholic.
>established by Christ
This is a meme.
>1 Corinthians
>Enjoy the gay wedding conducted by your lesbian "pastor" held in the tax shelter you blasphemously call a church.
Are you suggesting I approve of this practice?
>1 Corinthians 3:16
You best start reading your Bible despite your ''Father'' telling you not to.
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a christian board.
Heathenfags need not apply
>Atheists in second place
What's next, pol? Communism?
friendly reminder all who oppose white genocide are welcome
Atheist fags are still around? I thought they all grew up after 2013? I guess those silly YT atheist videos still attract new 12 year olds.
>tfw Sup Forums is a catholic board
This triggers the protestant
>yfw half of the choices are sects of judaism
I hear you, brother!
Deus Vult!
Jesus was a Jew
Sup Forums is anit-Semitic
Sup Forums is therefore...what, can you guess it?
Jesus was the first to proclaim that jewry was a scam made by bastards who inherited the title of ''children of Israel'' from their mothers.
Christianity is the first and only anti-judaic religion around. Read the Bible moar, faggot.
Doesn't change the fact that you worship a Jew.
>no wotanism
Degenerate pond scum, begone.
>no baptism
>no protestantism
fraudulent poll by a cancerous catholicuck
fucking worst people, you are islam-tier
>Using wiki as a source
You're too young to be here
>Leaving out Christianity as an option
>D&Q shit
why isn't kekism an option?
Hey Sweden. I hear you dont like heresy?
Boy, how I hate summer
Deism should be up there.
Christianity is a religion for Middle East with Jewish root. Fucking disgusting. It doesn't belong here in Europe.
Also Jesus wasn't even white, kys.
>Protestant with a Deus Vult flag
All these jews manifesting themselves when we can't rag them.
>b-but why do you hate jews so much Sup Forums?
>At the same time the Protestant Reformation was taking place in numerous areas of northern and central Europe, in harsh opposition to Papal authority and the Holy Roman Empire led by Emperor Charles V. This situation led the Protestants to consider various forms of cooperation and rapprochement (religious, commercial, military) with the Muslim world, in opposition to their common Habsburg enemy.
lutheran church is just cucktholocism light
Just sounds like Big Endians killing Little Endians, or red ants killing black ants, or atoms bashing into atoms.
Roman catholic church best church. Fuck Vatican 2 - jew shill to create degeneracy
The white religion (skin colour and morphology)
The diety is simply Our sacred People
Our children and grandchildren
Voluntary charity, direct or indirect to non-members (i. e., every White person who doesn’t sin is a member whether he knows it or not)
Creation myth: We don’t pretend to know how we got here (other than through our ancestors).We only know we’re here, we’re us and we want to stay that way.
Characteristics of Our god
Our god has not always existed. It was born along with the first ones of us.
>Immortality is potential only
If the last of us dies, our god dies.
Our god is not anthropomorphic, he is rather meta-anthropic. I use he, him, etc. to refer to our god as common gender pronouns. “It” would make him impersonal when he is highly personal to us. My unique common gender use of masculine pronouns other than to refer to unspecific antecedents such as “everyone”, unfortunately, will piss feminists off but then again, nearly any feminist, even if he (common gender) acts in accordance with our imperatives, would never consider joining us anyway. Our god is not hermaphroditic, but rather, his constituents are men and women.
Our god is not omniscient. His knowledge is limited to what white people, collectively, can know. His knowledge waxes and wanes along with ours.
Our god is not omnipotent, and his power waxes and wanes as well. It is at a low ebb right now. What we do (and to an extent what non-members (those who aren’t White or who miscegenate) do) will have an effect on his power
Our god is not all good. Not all bad, either. He is, to put it in Christian terms, God and Satan rolled up into one.
Our god’s name is “our god”. To distinguish him from “your god”.
Not being anthropomorphic, he has no capacities such as caring, wanting (praise, worship, etc.), jealousy, fits of anger, etc., like his constituents do.
lol Sup Forums has a larger percentage of jews than almost every country in the world. No wonder you're all a bunch of good goyim.
Regarding making Our sacred People Our god: The White Religion approaches this different from Jews, i. e., straightforward. Rather than making ourselves de facto god (not gods, is all white people everywhere that comprises god) indirectly through contracts with an intermediate deity, we take the direct approach, which I think reflects our character as a people.
Kek is the one true god wtf. How could you not have Kekism wtf?
Fucking this faggot poll it didn't have protestant so I voted Jew because fuck you.
This. Poll is for southern European niggers and delusional lappers