The absolute state of black culture

The absolute state of black culture.
>The officers tried to communicate with the child, but said he was only able to say "juice," "chicken," and "gorilla." He was also unable to tell police where he lives or what his name is.

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need more money for them programs


He was on his way to church. He dindu nuffin

>America is becoming Brazil

Yeah, you wish. You headed straight to Somalia, my friends

He was saying, "Jews ... Chechen guerrilla ..." This kid has seen some shit.

Says the chink colony

Lol nice projection my firend

I worked for Atlanta Police Dept in south Atlanta and a lot of the children down there are abused, malnourished and in general messed up.

Babies eating hot cheetos or walking around in a dirty diaper with barbecue sauce smeared all over them and barefoot in a roach infested government apartment.

Sounds like a regular based black man to me.

why does he have cum stains all over his clothes

The absolute state of single black women mothers. Don't even care about their children and bringing all the race to a total collapse

Tell storis about amazing life in first world superpower that is America pls. I mean, in Russia we have a lot of really fucking gnarly stuff like that going on, but that's undertsandable. But how it can happen in America?

Juice, chicken and gorilla
Caught by cops with skin tones of vanilla

Why does Sup Forums love mocking poor children so much?

Niggers aren't human.

>But how it can happen in America?


it's almost like nogs are low iq violent proto-humans or something

Please give us some stories?

I grew up poor, and not American poor but Russian poor, but i know more than three words in my own language and learned to speak some English too. I'm not mocking this situation either, it's just astonishing.


That kid is probably retarded.

I have a soft spot for that, it's a really, really fucked up hand to be dealt.


They're an entirely different branch, just not speciated enough yet to be unable to breed.

>mfw its real. His first word was literally chicken

Black women are single mothers because black men just abandon their families. They're notorious for it. Even our nigger president had his father abandon him and his mother and run off to kenya

african base iq is 65. that is the upper range for high performing down syndrome people

poor nutrition can knock 10 or so iq points off

blacks can very easily be stupider than people swith legit disabilities, with no overemphasis on my part

some animals can crossbreed even though they have different number of chromosomes

breeding potential is nowhere near evidence of speciation events

tbf, chicken is delicious

Blacks killing other blacks. Yet, I was the enemy since I was a white police officer trying to arrest bad guys knocking out their baby momma's teeth out. The place is just fucked up.

This whole situation could have been avoided if the niglets mother wasn't smoking crack, and babies daddy supported his crotch droppings.
This is common with niggers and no surprise to anybody.
The fact that this is a place where someone can call out this nigger shit for what it really is without repercussions from overly sensitive and out of touch faggots like yourself is not the problem.
Niggers are.


>no matches with reverse image search
this shit is legit

And thanks to those programs he will grow up and have 22 kids with 18 womens

he looks like that SHIEEEEEEET comic nigger

Good, they found my slave.

Just watching this shit makes me retarded

I'll leave this.

>Even our nigger president
Not my president.

you mean genetics yeah?


Hey son why are you outside?


This guy took a pistol round through the face. It was a trap house. No idea why his friend shot him but they were in the kitchen and one guy shot him in the face then chased a witness through the woods to kill him too. We show up and find the shooter in the woods with two pistols on him and detain him. We find the witness too. We make entry into the house and I clear it and find him laying there dead. He was still oozing this clear goo out of his face... Someone told me it's spinal fluid but IDK..

The kid has special needs, can we lay off this one for once?

>he looks like that SHIEEEEEEET comic nigger
chris rock.

This girl was sitting on her sofa and her boyfriend was playing with a .45 ACP pistol. He accidentally shot her one time through the chest. He took off and the whole apartment complex was out there throwing a fit cause she died... She was 16 IIRC.

This, the poor kid was retarded. Not his fault

Cerebrospinal fluid

I think later it was determined she was pregnant with his baby.... So IDK if that was the motive... I never saw the trial.

Imagine being high as fuck and goofy ass white guy Nardwuar interviews you, and you know if you give a ridiculous interview you will clickbait yourself into fame

I am lurking for your stories, keep posting OC

Those are the people that vote for Hank "the island tipper" Johnson

Drug house again.... This dude got lit the fuck up... multiple rounds into him and the wall behind him.. I got there and dust was still floating in the air.. Some guy said it was friend and kept pretending to flip out and be pissed.. The "friend" kept running around the crime scene and throw a fit. Turns out he was the shooter.... There was a book bag of weed in the apartment.


>Expecting civility in Sup Forums


monolingual blacks and wetbacks are often thrown into Esl or special ed because of their low performance as a method of disguising poor teachers, and obtaining increased funding

about 60% of monolingual (englih) wetbacks get thrown into esl

their brains literally are not a high enough bitrate to process english. they've done the calculations for indoeuro languages in terms of bitrate and bitrate by race. most dark people fall under the threshold

they're trying to run windows on a ti82

>> juice
>> chicken
>> gorilla


If these are yours, are they from police evidence, or just personal mementos?



mentioning esl in front of spics makes them furious

so do all normal cops have access to crime scene photos like this? also, is being a cop a good job? I always thought it would be cool to be an investigator

Black men rub off because black women are unbelievable rude violent demanding bitches who don't need no man

Also black women run them off on purpose to get the welfare gibs to get their hair did so they can get fucked by every nigger in the hood

Literally the only kind of women who care about sex as much as men do. (Side effect of the super high T that makes them all look like trannys)

What would he do if he actuality saw juice, chicken, and a gorilla in one place?

Yup. Tastes like almods from what i understand.

>died wearing his pants around his knees
Like pottery


Personal. I never forget my homicides. It was such a crazy job/place to work. Life had no value... .


>unbelievable rude violent demanding bitches who don't need no man
so they're exactly like white women minus the violence. that's a shitty excuse and you know it

Don't blame the teachers user. That is like blaming the driver because he lost a NASCAR race in a Yugo.

How is old Doottoot doing? Still wiping out degenerates as a hobby?

Yes. When a 911 call comes that someone is shot/stabbed on your beat you RUSH there. You want to secure the scene and possibly catch the bad guy... The detectives and other units will come later... Between that time you are alone or with your fellow cops at the scene alone.

As in you were first on scene? I ask because there is no sign of police activity.

You aren't just killing blacks, right policeanon?

This story will be burried by the media

Thanks for sharing those. If you have any others, then by all means, keep them coming. You're the life of this thread.

reason being?

I teach the advanced mostly asian kids if I am at home

I never interact with spics but for the one time I taught a 97 or so iq spic that gto into harvard

jesus fuck I was angry


Yes. I wanted to be an Atlanta investigator. But I got burned out. The pay is shit.. your caseload is crazy high... No retirement... I left Atlanta and work at a different department with no action and high pay... You either run and gun and get paid shit or work at a slow department and get paid the big bucks.

I used to live in a complex with a handful of single black mothers. They don't teach their children shit. That's what the schools are for, right?

One lady had two five year old niglets who basically could not speak rudimentary english. By 5 or so you should be pretty vocal and communicating. All these boys could do is point at stuff and grunt. The mom was some kind of shit-tier healthcare worker and obviously had some level of education and spoke good english. They just invest zero time into actually socializing and teaching their kids before they hit kindergarten.

>gold chain
>beer can nearby
>he never dropped the blunt

Aren't all negros "special needs". They can't exist without whitey providing food, shelter, and money.

Pottery indeed, pottery.

Pretty sure youre talking about white women though who honestly believe men exist to serve them

>0 police activity in the pics
It crossed my mind that user is a serial killer taking pics of his victims.

Mystery solved.

Why would you willingly want to work with blacks? You know they commit all of the crime.

If you are just killing blacks just shut up about it, last thing we need is niggers having a legitimate complaint for once in their entire history

And guess where those low crime high paying jobs are... White neighborhoods

Ex-cop here.

It was pretty common for us to just fucking shoot niggers where I worked in Alabama. Somedays we'd just cruise round, find a homeless or shifty looking nigger, tell him to come with us and then we'd put a bullet in his brain. We'd plant some drugs or guns on him, classify it as a gang-related homicide and we'd clean the streets of one more nigger.

Cops are the biggest nigger cleansers. If it weren't for us, the nigger population would have overflowed out of control.

This is what they are trying to do to the rest of us now. They started this program on blacks but eventually want all the mass of people to be like this to allow them to lord over us.

Yes. As a cop (or just how I am) the adrenaline rush of speeding lights and siren to a gun fight or person shot/stabbed is amazing. I was on a special unit and issued a M4 carbine and extra body armor. I loved making entry into these places first.... It's a weird adrenaline rushing to a "hot" scene.

No.... I enjoy helping people... But I also enjoyed "running and gunning".

Shit. Kid is on something!

Who is that erection confection?

teaching cannot raise iq, but the teachers in city schools do an objectively awful job on every measure

putting monolingual beaners in esl is unilaterally a method of disguising their failure

esl cases more or less get nullified from "tracking" to see a schools year to year performance

the metrics are not useful and I am not saying they are, but it is a method that the schools use to try and make it look like they are improving

I am not filipino, I am herebecause I had a mental breakdown in california and I am running from america

ther are armed guards in the streets that kill drug smugglers and the immigration windows have ghetto laminated printouts that say the penalty for drug usage is death

I am content here. for the moment

Bingo... I patrol million dollar mansions now... I don't do shit anymore... But at least I have a retirement and take home car..

lol ur in for a treat. read the image name

Anecdotally suggests that while cops might be a little trigger happy, they don't go out of their way in order to murder black people.

How many people does the average cop in that city kill through his career you think?

Not retarded dude thats a typical black male

>Aren't all negros "special needs"
sadly many are, due to low IQ and shitty parents who just let them run wild as children.

did you only get the internet in the past six months or something?

I'm sure his "caregiver" (aka grandma) can only say "gibs"