Based Anglo-Saxon police #BrightonPride2017
Based Anglo-Saxon police #BrightonPride2017
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>narrow-shouldered sissy manlet bitches
the absolute state of the anglosphere
The absolute state of Britain
>Brighton, England
>Be proud Anglo-Saxon
>Be honorary Bobby
> Part of the rapid response Sparkle force
>Call comes in
>"Its a 999, someone just threatened a nonce with a butter knife"
>*Get into the sparkle mobile and speed off*
>Perp hears homosexual bobby sirens in distance
>Rainbow police car lights flash, but coming closer
> Oh shit, drops butter knife
>Get on the floor
>Everyone walk the dinosaur
Someone just fucking put us out of our misery already.
Looks very professional.
>British police
Top fucking kek no wonder they dont let these fags have firearms
I still, in my mind think that this is some kind of an Orwellian scam where we are made to believe that the white race is being cucked.
Tax payers' money well spent
i dont get the problem...doing some shit for politics doesnt mean the officers arent good at their have no idea what jobs they went to on their next shift.
I hate seeing all this faggy propaganda as well but jeez guys...Get over yourselves
I understand how the muslims walk all over you so easily.
In the future when all the Jews are exterminated (or sent to another planet if we choose to be merciful) and the world is forced back into sanity, should filth such as that webm be destroyed for all time to not corrupt future generations, or kept to show the depths humanity sunk to during the 21st century?
What the hell is this shit?
how is any of this allowed
I believe that most of what has been created is a stain on human history and its hard to remove stains
I think it's important to show future generations the harmful effects of degeneracy
you need to get nigger lives matter on this
Some channel 4 game show, I don't know its name but i remember they were talking about it on the news once
Good grief Britain, what the fuck is wrong with you? Your police departments have no moral compass at all. Or lets just be frank, they have no patriotism and they don't have any balls. They are pussies, fag sympathizers, muslim lovers, nigger and sand nigger lovers, and white haters.
Your country is being taken from you in the open day by day. It is time for you to revolt Brits! Take back your government.
not an argument.
Putting some faggy flag on your face while you police an event does not make the police shit...try going along for observational shifts and see with what they really deal with.
You see a few pics/propaganda and eat it up like its all the truth. You are an idiot.
What the fuck is in the water in the UK?
Has everyone lost their shit?
its part of the immigration process into the UK, that 16 year old refugee gets his pick of 3 new wives
You might laugh at these gentlemen, but be sure, the moment they spot your unlicensed buttering knife or a piece of bacon in your hand in front of mosque they won't be this gentle.
Trust me I know what they deal with. In this current climate especially they shouldn't be displaying weakness.
Except none of what you wrote is true.
hurr durr they did some pc shit that means the police force has no morals
>these are good cops
nigga please!
Good, then you should know this is all political bullshit...they arent displaying weakness, they are being pc, winning hearts and minds and the like.
the situation ended without anyone harmed...this is bad?
I mean sure, not the most alpha tackles ever but so what...
Again. If you think this is how the force actually operates then you need to leave your house senpai
Go on a ride out on sat night, near the city centre, when they are vanned up near the clubs then watch 3 police take on a bunch of lads.
Virgin queens of all western honey bees emerge from peanut hull-shaped waxen cells. After a short time of further maturation, a virgin queen will leave the colony to mate with drones. All mating occurs in the air, with the fastest drones being the most successful suitors. Queens will mate multiple times over the course of seven to 10 days and during this time they will mate with an average of 10 to 20 drones. Queen bees store semen in an organ called a spermatheca. African colonies produce more drones per colony so drone populations in an area tend to favor African bees. As such, virgin European queens are more likely to mate with African drones rather than European ones. Further, flight time and distances of mating flight from the colony tend to result in European queens encountering African drones more often than European drones, thus setting the stage for hybridization.
>nature the biggest redpill
also 0.30 long live assad tattoo
>cant mossad the assad
straight from r/cuckolding
some people are gay, get over it
Jeez. Hard to believe there was ever a time when I didn't think the Jews were turning us into emasculated vice slaves.
And of course it's a nig getting his choice of the white women! Seriously wtf is wrong with you tea sucking faggots?!
This is pure degeneracy! You brits should be ashamed! Why aren't you raising hell?!
> Literally letting a black invader choose your women like a cattle on national television
What the actual fuck.
Bin that hetero
>we shall fight
not anymore lmao
A once proud nation dies a miserable death RIP Great Empire
never seen it. hope it got axed desu
Its the interracial breeding grounds
reality has surpassed fiction, lads
We're beaten. We've lost. Britain is lost. Europe is lost. The West is done.
Fucking hell Bongs
>The Jews want to turn Western men into emasculated man children
My hate for them grows stronger everyday
>saw dunkirk yesterday in cinemas
>this is today's reality
j u s t
>We desperately need more funds
>homosexual bobby sirens
Some faggot on the car roof with glow sticks going WOOWOOWOO
I don't know how much longer I can hang on, lads...
>heavy breathing
Oh how the mighty have fallen and been pussyfied
Fucking Malvinas soon
Muslims are like British Kryptonite. Just let a bunch of 'Muslim' Argentinians take over the Falklands and the British will refuse to attack them.
Congratulations, Argentina has just taken back the Falklands without a shot fired and the British will be terrified to ever attack it again because they believe their masters the Muslims live there
Spread this to your Argentinian bros and you will become a national hero when it really happens and you are responsible for helping Argentina take back the Falklands from that nation of cucks
UK can't even defend itself anymore. Let alone the Falklands
Why didn't our ministry of defence think of this!
Why do we have police that act like faggots, they are meant to be authoritative figures. Look like a fucking bunch of liberal weak pussies. No wonder crimes never get solved anymore, they are too frail and emasculated to do their job properly. Sometimes i wonder if police agree with the stances they take, like if you dont have liberal PC views will you be ousted from the force? How can they all be complacent and agree with all of the bullshit that goes on.
Putting a faggy flag on ur face means you're a fag you stupid faggot.
Top fucking kek
I've never seen this before, what the fuck.
Heard the women at work talking about this show, they thought it was funny. I work in Sainsbury's btw, the women were 40+. Apparently there's one with trannies.
We're paying for this, you fucking idiot.
EVERY TIME the govt complains they haven't got the money for whatever thing we need, just remember they're spending it on shit like this.
HYI VITTU jbfcjdkxfdmhsfnjdsk,mzngvkdfmv kjfn
We are living in a time that in the future will be considered a dark age. This is the age that will be lost, between the physical media of pen and paper of the last century, and permanent storage in the future. The technology we have is fugitive. It is not permanent. Our footage, our records, even our laws, are being placed on digital platters, encoded in ways that will make them irretrievable in a century. Already, code and data in obsolete languages, COBOL, FORTRAN, and the likes are being lost. Even optical storage has a lifetime of less than half a century before data corruption starts to creep in. Print media is little better.
The horrible truth of the matter is this: the vast, vast majority of our data will be lost within this century, yet alone 1000 years. We will leave a far greater volume of archaeology, but in the long run, the 21th century will be known more for its radioisotope spikes, rather than our cultures.
the girl is the co-host of the show, too
wher is video if its her, i also found this i thought it was satire but its real
Rens jerks off while sniffing poppers | Drugslab
This video Rens Polman inhales the yellow, smelly and burning liquid Popper (Amyl Nitrite) while he jerks off. Because of this combination he is experiencing an intense feeling.
absolutely degenerate
what a literal beta cuckold
She looks even more beautiful with a big old nigger dick stuffed in
>tfw ex-girlfriend watched this shit
one of the many reasons the whore is an ex
Jesus Christ nuke it