Is this just a rightwing anti-fa for kids or does it actually have potential to do anything good?
Generation Identity
What do you mean "good"?
Is generation identity even in the uk or is it just a European thing?
Not in the UK, although we wish. We tried with a bunch of guys, but they stopped caring after Brexit. Now there's a new "Generation Identity in UK and Ireland" since a month or so, but we don't know who they are. They claim to be an official chapter, they're not. Maybe they will one day, but we need to make sure they're not dangerous first.
>implying they wouldn't character assassinate each and every member of this organization if it wasn't controlled opposition.
call me /x/ but no way in fucking hell are major European governments giving a pass for nationalism after all the power they've gained, and we've seen how far will they go out of their way to ensure that whatever sort of nationalistic spirit is being built by the population, will all eventually crash and burn by democratic and liberal equality psoudo-scientists to fool the masses.
It's no surprise all the 'alt-right' groups openly endorse Israel and apparently fight to protect it from "the real Nazis"
I think I recall a Belgian user in a previous thread a few weeks back. If it's you keep up the good work.
Also don't trust this UK chapter. At best it's a bunch of faggots trying to piggy back, at worst it's (((them))) trying to take you down from inside. Anyone legit would have gone through existing channels to set up.
Identarianism is real. 3 years ago I was just a Anglo-Teuton in OZ now I support all whites and only identify as white. Our enemies want us gone, we may as well stick together.
The social contract has been broken by the elite. We need to take the future of our people into our own hands. The west is dead. We need to regroup and salvage what we have. It will be our fault if our children or grandchildren are hated minorities in their own countries.
>openly endorse Israel
Where did you see that from the Identitarian mouvement in Europe or even Richard Spencer or Identity Europa in the US?
And yeah, go back to /x/. Nationalism is massively coming back, just look at European countries. Even your own has SD getting huge, or Nordfront doing well. Of course some radical groups can emerge and not be shut down as long as they respect the law, there's always been some. Not everything is a conspiracy.
I always look the catalog just in case I find a thread about GI and I try to be informative, but I rarely start any thread. We're very careful with this UK chapter, they didn't even answered us when we tried to reach out to them.
its just some neo-nazi lite group. Im sure the people who run it are intelligent enough to hide it, but the peons they recruit are all fucking retards who have this idea of "fuck you kike, I wont hide it!"
this is why shit like this will NEVER be successful, especially in europe where even having a moderate right wing view of something like immigration will get you branded as a pariah
There is one that popped up a few weeks ago. Not sure if they are legit.
If you are looking for something similar look into Scottish Dawn or NS131
>the peons they recruit are all fucking retards who have this idea of "fuck you kike, I wont hide it!"
Can you show me such a thing coming from the identitarian mouvement in Europe?
Nice 300 swag. We can start a Dark Knight group over here to complement your efforts.
Nathan Damigo is trying.
>they're controlled opposition because no-one is trying to charecter assassinate them
Do you live under a rock or something? Hope not Hate and other Soros-backed NGOs have been all over them for weeks trying to slander crew members and key backers throwing all kinds of shit at them about being 'convicted fraudsters' or 'human traffickers' and even 'armed Ukrainian mercenaries'. They've been trying to fuck with them for weeks with spurious complaints, getting PayPal and bank accounts shut down and what not. They wouldn't be getting this shit if they were muh controlled opposition.
This. But I guess Soros is just financing the both of us, NGOs and right wing activism, to give the illusion we're not controlled opposition or something.
DefendEurope whose members are also a part of Generation Identity raised money for a ship and are now the only vessel in the Mediterranean actually stopping migrants, shipping them back to Africa, patrolling human traffickers and alerting the Libyan coastguard of their whereabouts, sinking abandoned vessels so they can't be found and reused by human traffickers thereby draining their financial resources, and exposing the hidden agenda of NGOs who are trying to help as many migrants get to Europe as possible. A group of people who actually are doing something to stop their invaders I would say is quite admirable.
Generation Y-Z are in the middle of a inter-generational Civil War. You see either extreme left or extreme right. Centrists in this generation is extremely rare. (Because being a centrist doesn't get shit done.)
Keep in mind, these are the same people (who are now young teens/adults) who were children during: 9/11, Afghanistan, the biggest economic crash in history (2008, yes, even worse than the great depression.) 2 terms of Obama, etc. They. Want. Change. simple as that. The big divider is WHAT kind of change. In which the right are more traditional (1950s) while the left are more modern, and want more gibs. This is another divide. The extreme right came from hardworking middle-class families with multiple kids and a blue collar career. They struggled, they didn't have much, but they got by. The extreme left are either extremely sheltered by their rich parents, or lived their entire life on relying on the government, and the taxes of the hardworking middle-class citizens.
Today's young right are tired of handing out gibemedats to the lazy and weak, and the left is completely ignorant to the changing world or just don't give a fuck about anything outside their little bubble of of safety.
>UK chapter didn't reply
How long ago? What did you send them?
Meanwhile in the Mediterranean the C-Star has started coming into contact with NGO ships. The butthurt levels will only rise in the coming days and hours.
Various DMs on twitter and facebook. I didnt myself (not my job atm) so I can't give you the days. We even tried to send a guy to the opening meeting in Dublin on 22nd July, but couldn't make it because money. We can't really focus on establishing contact with them right now as all our communication team is busy with what's happening in the Mediterannean.
Will be glorious.
The only political group I'm even considerng donating to.
I am not too familiar with your group's work because obviously it's more of a foreign thing so isn't as relevant here, you understand.
But reading up on your work in the Mediterranean and it seems outstanding, really cool stuff.
Yes, since any movement that European governments don't like will be shut down, people should just give up, those evil Nazis.
They've been subject to character assassination constantly, the whole boat thing has been subject to a shitstorm lately. Even this board has caught shitposts about e-celeb bullshit as attempts are made to discredit anyone associated with them.
I'm also suspicious of any group claiming to be "UK and Ireland", if they are under one banner. Most people in the UK regardless of their position have next to no knowledge about Irish politics, and don't care much either. Uniting the two together is an odd move for any UK person to make, especially since a lot of Irish nationalism is probably about the northern Ireland issue.
Of course, and if you have any questions just ask, I would be glad to answer or give you some press articles, documentaries, whatever. We had many press coverage in english and several interviews by the BBC. Thanks for your support, now that the ship has reached Libyan coasts the real fun should begin.
My hope is that they're doing it as a way of sending a "white people, unite against the common threats" kind of vide, but since we know nothing about them...
What is it they intend to do? Rescue migrants and return them to the Libyan coast?
If you're messing with the smuggler's business, you should really have guns on board.
they should sink the migrant boats
It's not worth wasting the time on anyway as Defend Europe will in it's own right be a powerful recruiting tool to prove GI is both a serious movement and is putting its money where its mouth is after the operation.
Maybe that will be the push needed to get GI off the ground in the UK and other European countries there's not yet a strong branch. I've been following them closely since 2015 and I'm still waiting for the excuse to get out and on the ground with them over here. It's about time HnH got their offices 'raided' by a GI publicity stunt or rooftop protest as a debut.
They need to be a real priority after DE for all the shit they've tried to cause.
/new/ here perhaps? All our parties in parliament are almost identical, Europeans are falling into the illusion of choice, even if sd wins and we get the "throw the rascals out" feeling nothing in the Jewish dominated long term agenda will change. Either right wing or lefting wing parties will purposely fuck up so people think that they want a change and so they vote for a party that still benefits the same (((foreign interests))) every election cycle with approximately the same basic policies.
this a 'shift the right more to the left' tactic, whatever is shaded as extreme right wing politics today, was nothing but mere common sense in the 1970's and under. They've slowly demonized any little nationalistic world views to level where even the fucking shekel snorting lauren southern gets her patroen banned and she's considered like alt-lite or something. You'd think blocking the mediterranean shtiskin invasion would be a European common goal...
I can honestly sympathize with those poor fellas I myself had gotten many of my school days suspended for my racist beliefs but I still at least learn that there's a symptom and there's a disease, don't waste your life fighting the disease and just catch the symptom off guard and mobilize to dominate against it. (hello NSDAP)
Basically the three main goals of the mission are these. About exposing NGOs, it's starting to happen, two days ago a video was released showing how they collaborate with smugglers.Italy also has started to cuck them and blockaded another ship suspected of collusions with smugglers. They tried to have an agreement with NGOs, 5 of the biggest refuses and Italy threatened to close its ports to them.
We can't have any guns, if we carry just one weapon our whole mission and org would be doomed... It's really risky, but we have no choice.
Only empty ones, or else we would face jail and a terrible media backlash againt "far right mass murderers", you know how MSM works.
Let's hope this helps us getting huge. There's so many things to do, and youth from every white countries are craving for action.
Ok, I guess it's better to do nothing since everybody but you is controlled oppositon. Pack up your gears everyone, it's lost, just stop trying.
You already had yoour answers about your controlled opposition claims, now fuck off.
No idea i only heard in a interview that that sellner guy says Nationalism is bad and he focuses more on Culture
What do you think -if anything- about the low and decreasing testosterone levels in relation to less Europeans being brave enough/motivated enough to 'resist' and risk the social backlash of joining right wing groups? Is this something that has in any sense been acknowledged within GI?
Somewhat related perhaps: How does GI look at the general laziness/cuck behavior of right wing males and/or try to go against it?
We say nationalism is bad only because the word has been demonized for so long and scare many people. Also, some kind of nationalism can actually be detrimental: in France, there's a bunch of hardline nationalists who think it's better to have "based black French" rather than Germans or Poles. It's a real issue as it is a nationalism being built against our European brethen. And the culture thing is actually "ethno-cultural", IE race, except we can't say it publicly. We're ethno-nationalists, but we still value different european cultures and countries.
Yeah, of course it's acknowledged, it is a real issue and, actually, probably the leading one. Without all this feminization, testosterone descrease, hormonal fuck up because of the pill and pesticides, we would not be in such a deep shit.
We try to push everyone to do get fit, do some sport, especially fighting sports, or to go to the range. We talk about our history, our heroes, their virtues and try to emulate them. During our one week summer camp, there's 2h of boxing and sport everyday.
>We're very careful with this UK chapter, they didn't even answered us when we tried to reach out to them.
You should make a post or announcement about a dodgy UK chapter before they starting acting in your name. Don't let them set the tenor of a conversation they choose to start.
Right now, they look like they're good guys so we try the diplomatic method. If that leads nowhere, then we'll have to threaten of legal means. But it's still very new, not even a month.
There was a "Generation Identity US" a year ago which was pure scam, nothing but a website asking for money and not a single answer to our mails, we had it shut down.
>in France, there's a bunch of hardline nationalists who think it's better to have "based black French" rather than Germans or Poles.
Here in Portugal we call them luso-tropicalists. They say they are patriots but they are no better than leftistis, they don´t wanna protect our native white identity. For them, if someone integrates he is fine, in 40 years we will have be a minority.
How can I help out?
Donate to it via the WeSearchr page whever the link is.
Already put £50 towards it.
>they don´t wanna protect our native white identity. For them, if someone integrates he is fine, in 40 years we will have be a minority.
Yeah, they're the same. They call themselves nationalists but their nation is a purely administrative and cultural one. To some of these guys we have more in common with Niger than with Slovenia, because we colonized Niger so they speak french and we have historical ties with them. Our nationalism is ethno-cultural, we want to fight againt the great replacement of our people, migrate back non whites and establish Europe as the homeland of whites.
Sadly we have nothing in the UK yet (read my posts, I talked about it already) but maybe you have the charisma to start something? We would help you.
A couple of hours ago their ship was monitoring one of the NGO boats in Libya
This is all great but of course only affects those who are already members.
Wouldn't there be more sense to think about, say, starting some sort of national campaign or even social media campaign focused on health (with the ultimate goal of improving confidence/health/toughness among European men and then gaining members through that campaign, for example)?
That way GI might establish itself as more than a political group and branch out in the public's eye as a group that just wants to improve Europe in a general sense. Perhaps that could also reflect positively on GI in more than just recruitment numbers.
Right now the main way people hear about you is "They literally drown migrantw".
lol the generation idenity are lazy faggots they wont even make the ireland chapter official and thats just proof europe doenst give a fuck about ireland and dont deserve our help when the time comes
>they wont even make the ireland chapter official
why not potatofag?
Now they're positioned inbetween two NGO ships.
>They call themselves nationalists but their nation is a purely administrative and cultural one.
Exactly, they are worse than leftists, cause at least lefttards say they wanna replace us, while those civic,calim their are nationalists, when they can´t even understand the basic concept of european nations.
>they wont even make the ireland chapter official
Read the thread. That could very well happen, but we would have to meet and vet them first.
Sadly, although it's crucial, we can't really go on a national campaign for this kind of topic. Not even talking about the time or money needed, but about how organisations have to work to be efficient. We have to stick to a few strong ideas and develop around it. Just like leftist NGOs stick to their main themes, and let others do the propaganda on other topics.
It's way more efficient in term of communication, because you are identified as a important voice about a specific topic and people follow you for this. To talk about everything is to confuse your "fanbase" because they want to hear the things they've came for in the first place. And the thing is that, unlike leftists, we don't have the manpower to run orgs that would talk about all the things we would like to cover. We have to play by the rules.
A few years ago (2008-2012) we heavily focused on localism, culture, food, way of life, everything, because we thought that if we could get people to care about the local they would start to reject the global. But that didn't really worked out, because "identitarians = against immigration and islam". So we didn't give up on this, but we can't enforce it either. We start small associations in our cities and organize conferences, cultural happening, this kind of things.
Overwatch was shut down for a reason.
45 posts late for this overused joke in a GI thread, it probably is a record.
I guess that makes sense. I hope GI manages to keep growing. It feels like the only group in Europe that stands a chance of not ending up a bunch of too-far-right larpers or bitter old drunkards, like most right wing groups seem to be in Europe. Also the only group that (I think) understands the importance of image and media portrayal.
>Is this just a rightwing anti-fa for kids
right-wing hipsters who took their obsession with retro stuff and heritage on a new level
You guys are slacking! The stale jokes aren't going to post themselves!
Thanks for your input, Merkel. Don't you have some migrants to care for?
Let me see:
>violently attack innocent people
>burn cars
>loot stores
>destroy cities
>violently oppose free speech
>ideology includes anarcho-communism & genociding whites out of existence
>support free speech
>ideology includes allowing whites to exist and not be minorities in their own homelands
Oh yeah, totally equivalent. Stop getting your news from (((((((mainstream corporate media)))))))))) and actually go to the places on the internet where these people congregate. Listen to what each has to say, what they believe, etc...Form your own opinion instead of believing everything others tell you.
Don't you have some children to care for?
I don't know how much I am allowed to say, but what I will say is that the groups popping up in the UK are somewhat official in that they have contacts with GI groups on the continent. Right now they are in the stage of trying to gather members and I guess lay the foundations of what will become an official chapter. I should stress this is being done with the help of members from the continent. I would say more but I don't know how much I am allowed to talk about given the current state of things. The best anyone who is from the UK can do is look on Facebook for the group relevant to their region and message it. That way one of the people organising things can get in touch with you and see whether or not your what they're looking for. The more actual members that can be accrued the better.
Not me, but I will have one day and I hope they will not be a minority in their own country.
>the groups popping up in the UK are somewhat official in that they have contacts with GI groups on the continent
I'm pretty sure that's not the case, first because I would know about it and second because this is not how we operate, we don't form chapters before they're ready. The Flanders Belgian one waited for 9 months before being official and opening a website, a FB page or whatever. To start an official chapter, you first have to attend at least one summer camp, and no English, Scottish or Irish ever did.
They're here, spooky.
none here would bother there arse going because none of them can spek english in the camps and it would be a shithole thats from our people in eire/pol/ said a while ago
Well at the meeting I attended, the representative talked about the summer camp and I think one of us will be attending this year. If not this year then certainly next.
pic above is gay as fug
le ebinns spamm
I'm preparing a conference right now for the summer camp, it's both in french and english. Pretty much everybody speaks at least two languages, english being of course the most common.
I'm glad to hear it but that is a real surprise to me and I'm usually aware of pretty much everything. I asked one of our leaders as soon as I saw the Eire chapter's meeting, and he confirmed me it's not official. He also is the director or the summer camp so I assume he knows what he's talking about.
Better than nothing, it's atleast direct opposition to Antifa/commies
Reminds of this group :
From what I can tell, the idea has been to setup the Facebook pages in order to help boost the number of potential applicants. It's taken time as they have to identify who anyone who could be a liability. The meeting I attended was part of the vetting procedure. Whilst it was small, it was certainly a start. The representative said some good things about the Irish group as well, so all an all I would say things are looking good. It's just making sure everything is done properly which will of course take time.
Where generally will the summer camp be and for how many days?
>tfw no such groups will ever exist in Australia
>Australia will continue to be overran with Asians, Muslims, etc, and our 'rightist' government will continue to be globalist shills
Feels bad, man.
Can't tell the location, you have no idea how leftists or journalists are desperate to know it. They try to infiltrate us every year. It's for a full week, monday to sunday in the morning. Last year it was in the mountains near Grenoble:
SD just says they love the jews to get the dumbfuck neonazis to leave.
The smart neonazis just shut the fuck up and hum along. Because it lets them get into power. You have to pick your battles.
>those retarded looking blue t-shirts and shorts
>not wearing Mosley outfits
Legitimately gay. Who designed such garbage?
People who understand how modern-day propaganda and french law work.
>modern-day propaganda includes looking like an undesirable frat boy
It actually does when you're right wing. You have to show people you're a regular, sane, average guy who happen to think and openly say that Europe is for Europeans and non whites should go back. That's how they can identify to you and your opinions.
You could've called National Action a GI version in UK. Though much more lulzy.
Sad they shut down hard.
>Generation Y-Z are in the middle of a inter-generational Civil War. You see either extreme left or extreme right. Centrists in this generation is extremely rare. (Because being a centrist doesn't get shit done.)
Too bad for Sup Forums that the Left has eventually won every single culture war in history.
what do they do in the camps
There is a video in the post you're replying to. Sports, conferences about history or politics, workshops on debate, writing a speech, a press release, graphic design, learning how to film or take good pictures, how to organize a protest, many other things...), traditionnal songs, dances and products from all of Europe...
How much does it cost to enroll in the camp?
>traditional white people dances
1. Nordic Identitarians?
2. What ideas do you/your organization have around the EU and European "Unionism" in general?
Keep on going strong.
HOLY SHIT you're bad at trolling
you have to go back, faggot
-1000/0 kys
are you white user?
Thankfully not. It hasn't been cool to be white since the 50s. I just come here to laugh at you whenever Trump fucks up since you faggots spammed the rest of the site with your ebin trump maymays all of last year.
KYS faggot
No thanks, killing yourself like a little bitch is a white boy thing
How many women have you fucked, user?
Given that it's a WW1 photo, it already didn't work out.
What are you doing to stop government/leftist infiltrators in GI?
Also, are you encouraging your members to consolidate in a particular geographic area? If not, you should. A neighborhood of GI members/sympathizers would give you longer staying power than a few dozen GI members scattered among several major cities.
>70% of suicides
I guess it's just all that white privilege that goes to their heads. Just like why the overwhelming majority of sex changes are MtF.
Hey wait a minute.. it almost sounds like people are trying to avoid being cishet white men. But surely that can't be? It would destroy the privilege narrative.
They think unions are great, but keeping the ethnic and cultural identity is worth more than the shekels the EU throws their way.
Germans have a saying for that.
Blut ist dicker als Wasser.
"Blood runs thicker than Water"
>post by this id
>the 10000th time this shitty thread was spammed
Wonder who could be behind this?
You have to be vetted by a local chapter first. Leftists and journalists often try to infiltrate us, we have to be careful. It's 70e for the full week and if you're short on money (student, unemployed) you will get help.
We do have a trusted Norwegian guy, he's a bit alone but very dedicated. He will come to the summer camp this year. But there's still nothing officiel in Nordic countries, I don't really know why... Maybe the NRM is attracting everybody? We had contacts with Danes, Swedes, but they don't have the charisma to be leaders and start something.
The EU could have been a great political tool at the beggining, but it has turned into a soulless machine seeking to destroy our nations, our cultures, and our people.
We're not in favor of unionism if it implies to erase local identities, languages, cultures... We think there's 3 layers: region (ancestors' land, culture) nation (history, language, religion) and continent (race, civilisation). Each complement the others. We of course are for friendship and cooperation between whites, and we believe we won't get out of the current situation without a racial counciousness, why not an union of some kind, but a German is not a Spaniard and should not be blended into a bit globalist mess.
>the shekels the EU throws their way
I'm still waiting for my paycheck.
>stop government/leftist infiltrators in GI?
Careful interviews with anyone trying to get in, different layers of authority and access to information, absolutely no risk taking (if we're not sure, it's probably because there's a problem).
>are you encouraging your members to consolidate in a particular geographic area?
We like subsidiarity and everythingn that can be done at the local level is. That means taking care our neighbourhood, opening little pubs if we can afford it (5 in France), leading by example and showing we're smart, regular people who happen to advocate for a massive remigration.
I agree that despite our differences, Europeans are so much alike each other compared to the rest of the world that both racially and culturally we should stick together. However, our nations should rule themselves.
Norway can't be in a union as a equal partner to France or Germany. It would be terrible for our nation and it would be unfair to France and Germany.
A confederation could be interesting (union of independant states keeping their sovereignety except for agreed very specific topic, like, idk, scientific research, space strategy, military), but anyway it's all theorical and off the table atm. GI does not have any "official stance on unionism", we're not a political party but kind of a NGO.
anyone else notice the similarities with the koran and talmud? they are brothers working together to destroy the west
Neat. Keep up the good work. Also, is there a list of GI pubs available anywhere publicly? I'm an American law student who's going to be studying in France in September. Would love to meet up with you guys (I have to conceal my power level in the US. I promise I'm not CIA.
Btw it's been great seeing how much more experienced the GI comms team has become - issuing tweets in multiple language, vaguely fashwave propaganda videos of their direct action stuff, keeping the message ultra-focused, reaching out to ecelebs.
Hope they come to the states soon.
They both worship Satan.