Hate is the new sex

>These days hate has roughly the same role in popular culture that original sin has in traditional Christian theology. If you want to slap the worst imaginable label on an organization, you call it a hate group. If you want to push a category of discourse straight into the realm of the utterly unacceptable, you call it hate speech. If you’re speaking in public and you want to be sure that everyone in the crowd will beam approval at you, all you have to do is denounce hate.

>Nor, if history is any guide, will the return of the repressed be limited to such hole-and-corner expressions for long. Victorian sexual repressiveness, after all, eventually gave rise to the Sexual Revolution, which swung to the opposite extreme with an equal lack of balance. In the same way, today’s attempt to repress hate could quite easily give rise to a Revolution of Hate, in which people wallow in hatred the way libertines in the 1960s and 1970s wallowed in sex. The identical rhetoric of liberation, of being natural, of casting off the straitjacket of an outdated morality, would serve equally well for both.


A Revolution of Hate. Is this what you wanted? Apologize!

Other urls found in this thread:


>In the same way, today’s attempt to repress hate could quite easily give rise to a Revolution of Hate, in which people wallow in hatred the way libertines in the 1960s and 1970s wallowed in sex
Oh fuck yes. Who /revolutionofhate/ here?

Revolution of hate is a good name for a metal festival


>I’m going to step out on my limb and inch out. My SJW daughter uses “judgement” as a method of separating herself from her behaviors. I grew so weary of being called out for “judging people” that I had to ban her from using that word in my home. I did this, because the next word in her arsenal of irresponsibility was always ‘hate’ or ‘hateful’.

>We judge people every single day. Many judge by a very select criteria, that of not-like-me. This can be mean not-like-me in thinking, appearance or action, but those placed in the not-like-me category are essentially marginalized this way, and in spite of this being a very low-brow and empathy-free method of judgment, it is extremely common. Which is why the entire argument that judging people or things is hateful falls so flat. It feels an utter hypocrisy to me.

>Unfortunately, once this marginalizing judgement-that-isn’t-really-a-judgement has been made, the next escalation level is lumping or leavening hate into the mixture. I’ll throw out that I was called out for being first judgemental and next hateful, when I mentioned that one of their friends appeared to be very pretentious when they hired a serving girl for a party they hosted. I wouldn’t have said a word if they hadn’t all been talking about “evil white privilege” while their obviously non-white server was plying us with drinks. And yes, I left the doings fairly soon after, voting with my feet.

You racists better scurry under the rock you came from.

bls resbond


Does this sound familiar to Americans? Hate towards the poor from the impoverished college educated middle class.
The Prospects of Fascism in England
by Aldous Huxley (March 1934)

At the time of the coal strike of 1921 I was living in a boarding-house in North London. My fellow-boarders were salaried small-burgesses, white-collar workers, earning, I suppose, from four to six or seven pounds a week. Politics were discussed across the supper table, and discussed, while the strike was in progress, with a rancour that astonished me. They all hated the miners, passionately, as though they had received some personal injury at their hands. I have never forgotten those conversations; for they first revealed to me a fact which the history of these last thirteen years and my own personal experiences during that time have often corroborated – the fact that the current of class hatred runs more strongly downwards from small-bourgeoisie to proletariat than from proletariat upwards.

The reasons for this state of affairs are fairly clear. Economically, the small-bourgeoisie has been and is still being progressively proletariatised. It is becoming, more and more completely, a class of wage-slaves, no better paid, so far as its lower sections are concerned, then the manual workers on the plane below. And yet, in spite of this economic levelling down, the tradition of class superiority persists. Membership of the bourgeoisie is regarded as a most valuable privilege and the loss of this privilege by degradation to the ranks of the proletariat seems the worst of disasters…

…Fear begets hate, and looking down from the precarious verge of his precipice, he passionately loathes the creatures in the pit below. Hence those conversations across the supper table in my boarding-house, and hence, in country after country, the rise of Fascism, which is, among other things, the embodiment and effective social organisation of the downward current of small-bourgeois class-hatred.

Ok emperor Palpatine

>tfw my children will grow up during the Revolution of Hate
>tfw my grandchildren will enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life in the racially-segregated American successor states
Hard times breed hard men.

Hate is natural and necessary and cannot be repressed long term

who /hateocracy/ here?


>proof that tolerance and patience isn't fixing islam

An article as interesting as anything that I've read today.
I don't know if there will be a 'rebound' of hate as the author seems to suggest. Certainly the accusations of 'hate' 'injustice' 'intolerance' will become meaningless, as already is happening.
From there, it is not required that loud, emotional hate will surge; a quiet thoughtfulness is all that is needed.

Islam does not need fixing, it is the religion of peace. Once every person is Muslim in the exact correct way, there is peace. Just like Nazism, once every person is Nazi Aryan in the corrent way, there will be peace.

b8 but that's accurate

but as a member of an outside group who wants his own group and culture to be the dominant force in the world that is a problem for me

honestly by fix I mostly mean fight

I stand in solidarity

>b8 but that's accurate
Of course it is. Scientologists make the exact same claim. Funny how it is only accepted when Muslims do it.

>Rita, ding! You get tonight’s gold star for a very perspicacious comment. The notion that the privileged are more sensitive than the peasants goes back a long way, as “The Princess and the Pea” demonstrates, and the psychologist Alfred Adler pointed out a century ago the way that people can use “cater to my illness!” as a way of exerting passive-aggressive power. This whole issue is one that I watch with a certain wry interest; my wife has celiac disease, though she’s otherwise the opposite of the sensitive snowflake type — working class background will do that — and we have to maneuver around the fact that there are a lot of people who use real or assumed food sensitivities as a way of asserting power.

This isn't b8, it's a valid point. Every group knows that if only they were the only ones around life would be a utopia. Ironically the only way to strive toward that is through creation of a hellish dystopia first.

Honestly, I can't see why the argument is not widespread, it bloody obvious.

This is exactly what Sup Forums wanted. Chaos and hate. Seems like things are actually gonna get better.
/Revolutionofhate/ here

>I don't know if there will be a 'rebound' of hate as the author seems to suggest. Certainly the accusations of 'hate' 'injustice' 'intolerance' will become meaningless, as already is happening.
Rhythm compensates. The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left.

It's unlikely that all the repressed emotion will just simmer down once the controls break.

That would require a willingness to disillusionment that only hatefact spewing bigots are willing to endure. For everyone else, eventually there will be no choice but to confront it.

>For everyone else, eventually there will be no choice but to confront it.
Nah, quit consent is enough. In Poland they beat up refugees and it's OK because the majority doesn't care.

Most people go along to get along. Even a few committed people matter, but the majority is largely irrelevant and follows the few that lead them.

The day of the rope approaches

Interesting, but before any of this about whether hate itself can be repressed or whether that would be wrong, we should point out that hate hasn't been repressed. It's been encouraged by the left. Everything the left does is based on hate and resentment. Look at the screaming, contorted faces of the SJWs or the left's race rioters. That's not hate? Oh no, that's anti-hate activism! When they assault people it's self-defense against hate. OK.

I'm OK saying that hate in general is bad and we should try to have less of, but that doesn't have anything to do with hate-speech as it's currently discussed, since most of that pales in comparison to what's sanctioned and even enacted by the government directly in the name of the left's accepted forms of hate.

t. board of peace

This is a good thing

We need hate to make a serious comeback

>hate hasn't been repressed. It's been encouraged by the left. Everything the left does is based on hate and resentment. Look at the screaming, contorted faces of the SJWs or the left's race rioters. That's not hate? Oh no, that's anti-hate activism! When they assault people it's self-defense against hate. OK.
From the article:
>That’s the problem with taking some ordinary human emotion and insisting that it has to be gotten rid of in order to make the world perfect. Make something forbidden and you make it desirable. Take a normal human emotional state, one that everyone experiences, and make it forbidden, and you guarantee that the desire to violate the taboo will take on overwhelming power. That’s why, after spending their days subject to the pervasive tone policing of contemporary life, in which every utterance gets scrutinized for the least trace of anything that anyone anywhere could conceivably interpret as hateful, so many people in today’s world don internet aliases and go to online forums where they can blurt out absolutely anything. They’re doing it in exactly the same spirit in which Victorian men went to whorehouses and Victorian women arranged covert assignations with muscular young stablehands.

>Nor, if history is any guide, will the return of the repressed be limited to such hole-and-corner expressions for long. Victorian sexual repressiveness, after all, eventually gave rise to the Sexual Revolution, which swung to the opposite extreme with an equal lack of balance. In the same way, today’s attempt to repress hate could quite easily give rise to a Revolution of Hate, in which people wallow in hatred the way libertines in the 1960s and 1970s wallowed in sex. The identical rhetoric of liberation, of being natural, of casting off the straitjacket of an outdated morality, would serve equally well for both.

god damn imagine letting a bitch tell you what to do

I'm thinking hate will be the new sexy. I will become a sex god as I'm practically a reincarnation of hitler.

Well, being a fascist or nationalist makes you a political badboy. Ive met commie girls that begins to flirt with me, when I tell them that I'm a fascist.

>tfw you realize people scream "bigot" the way 16th century peasants screamed "witch"

Owen Jones is a faggot but he really did nail this in Chavs

Thats p cool. I mean, you get one of those uniforms on and you're basically set for life in terms of commie pussy, they secretly love it.

You mean a movie?
