>tfw I have kike curved nose
>0% Jewish blood
>One grandfather was Nazi,the other one was Chetnik.
What should I do? Is plastic surgery to degenerate? Are kikes the only kind that has this nose?
Pic related.
>tfw I have kike curved nose
>0% Jewish blood
>One grandfather was Nazi,the other one was Chetnik.
What should I do? Is plastic surgery to degenerate? Are kikes the only kind that has this nose?
Pic related.
Hey seaserb
I was gonna say it looks closer to a roman nose, but thats a lie
atleast it doesn't end in a hook. that is the true sign of a kike
ubi se
Not kike nose. Dinaric.
Not a kike nose, no worries.
looks like my nose i'm sorry you're a rapebaby
ching chong chun ching
lets just say your great great grandmother has a few jewish "best friends"
Get the plastic surgery, I'm puking just looking at your hooked nose you disgusting cunt, also kill yourself for making such a shit thread dweeb
look like a gook desu
>t. vietnamese tigaa
my family (german ancestors) have that nose, German friends have that nose, that nose is German - end of.
i'm 100% Western Turkish you sons of whores
Nah you are just a Dinaric monkey.
the epicanthic fold is obvious
oh shut the fuck up you pandering ass.
go worry about something that actually matters.
Sup Forums is for the master race. You need to go!
it looks nothing like a jew your fine
>t. bulgarian bareback
>this passes as caucasian in turkey
>complaining about having the Dinaric Masterrace nose
kys mountain nigger
Dinaric phenotype not jewish don't worry pal
That isnt a jew nose idiot. Looking for another depression to fight?
are you actually proud of that non-nose?
Your nose is disgusting gook.
I could use your nose as a ruler
>having a nose
It means that you are at least 50% jew
Actual white nose incoming
Oh cool, so that's why my nose is like that too
Thanks, Satan.
I have that one too.
Nice nose bro
Thanks, I asked for the whitest nose they had, they recommended me this one.
Looks like a pigs snout
t. Nigger
Balkan here. My head shape resembles mostly Nordic, I have exact hair color and blue eyes but nose is 50% Nordic 50% dinaric not memeing. What the fuck am I satan.
I'm also considering surgery since it's the only fucked up face feature I have. I'd be solid 8 without it. However, what concerns me are genetics being passed on and my kids having to get it too eventually. Genetic engineering when.
>German-Nordic mixed
>ancestors fought for the axis in WWII
>literally look like a filthy shekel-clenching kike complete with the hook nose
>been asked if I was jewish few times
fucking kill me famarino
>What the fuck am i Satan
A Varangian Mongrel?
this, varangian rapebaby