Canada needs a wall

Trudeau build a wall!

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You mean a bigger Cuck shed

>Mexishits now running to Canada instead of staying in the US

He did it!


build wall

trudeau is the one who said all mexicans who feel scared can come to canada without visa's because mean trump wants to send them back

enjoy your new, our old, somali dead weight.

Well, their PM said "immigrants welcome" on TV

What do they expect?

Honestly busing all the darkies we can find to the Canadian border with filled out asylum applications wouldn't be a bad idea.

you caught us. were invading canada for all that savory poutine and oil!




It's actually the perfect plan. Export all the liberals and shitskins, then freeze them to death one bad winter.

>Leafs invite Mexicans into their country

Why don't you all just rape each other, change your sanitation to 3rd world tier and piss in the streets while listening to accordian music for the full experience

Close one door and open the other eh

I hope our country crashes soon

Cuck shed

He shouldn't have open his cock garage saying he would grant visas to Mexicans so they can sneal into the US from thdir border. Cant wait till they hang that syrup nigger high. You leafs need to get on it.

what a goddamn king

Good. For decades Canada has smugly criticized the US for our immigration policies while they didn't have to deal with sharing a border with Mexico and used a points based immigration system. Canada is full of smug hypocrites that are finally going to get what they're promoted for the US for so long.

this gave warmth to my soul


Those things in his mouth were not originally a part of their culture, before tourists arrived. They can sell those things for $100's of dollars. Same thing with the neck rings, they were not originally a part of their culture.

Yeah I work ima bus station, we get shittons of Mexicans coming through heading as far north as possible in Washington. Never to actually cross the border, but the last station.

i hope the mexicans come here next

Ask and you shall receive you cucks. Your faggot leader told the mexicans and basically the world they were free to come to Canada. Now deal with the consequences. I agree we do need a wall along the Canadian border though. Your country is two steps shy of crashing at this point

We should be building them a road northward paved in gold and lined with gibs.

Send us anyone as long as they aren't american. You fat useless niggers can stay in your cesspool.

No problem ahmed, we will be glad to send you all of our niggers and spics..enjoy

fucking hell the world isn't ready for that

>We should be building them a road northward paved in goldsteins and lined with gibmedats.

It is sort of karma on our part. We've been smuggling vanloads of Asians and sub-Saharans across the border near Kanesatake and the other Native reserves that border Quebec, Ontario, and NY State. The Mohawks smugglers do that as a side business to tax-free smokes and booze.

Good. Maybe theyll shut their smug mouths now the fucking faggots

I always wanted ride a kangaroo

Ah yes, the warn torn unstable nation of the USA. Tons of refugees fleeing their cities. No where to run in that entire country, we must bring them in here of course.

Why aren't illegals shot at teh border? Or jailed and deported at least.

>he doesn't know that mexico outclasses us in obesity

>Send us anyone as long as they aren't american

>Send us all your sub 65 IQ Haitians, that'll surely aid our country.

You fucking mong, kill yourself.

>Trump didnt stop the tide, he just redirected to Canada
The absolute madman.

Fake news you rotund nigger

>Mexico is #1 in North America in both obesity and number of Mexicans
>America is #2 in North America in both obesity and number of Mexicans
Haven't quite put it together yet have you?

That must of been why my friend was having such a hard time getting into canada the other day....

Jethro, you are obese. Deal with it, and stop blaming coloreds for your shortcomings in life.

Fucking useless amerisharts coming over our border.


get fucked canada

So is Canada getting the Mexicans now. Please build a wall Canada, so you can keep them in.

If you say "And we're gonna get America to pay for it" I'm gonna sue.

wtf racist, be happy?!

Sorry ameriblubbers you are still the fattest. In ten years you will have a higher percentage of clinically obese people than white people.

Trudeau is so fucked, he can't complain without making immigrants look like a negative.

>mutilating yourself for a few $ so you dont have to work

>asylum seekers
We all know what that means, spics, slimes and niggers.
Well done Trudeau, Soros is proud of you

Bloody good of you, old boy.
We'll be sending a few million muslims shortly.

Telling you about how lacking you guys were in keeping your immigration policies in check, that's smug? Sorry, just trying to help. But thanks cunts, for your huge boner for middle east oil causes more problems for other people, other than yourselves.

build a wall? sorry princess silly socks would never do that we're fucked thanks USA

>build a wall? sorry princess silly socks would never do that we're fucked thanks USA

I'm happy knowing that both my grandfather, WW2 vets are dirtnapping and not alive to see this joke of a PM as leader.

ask yourself what would grandpa's do
then do it once Trudeau trades off our personal data in the new NAFTA agreement it will probably be about time to make a decision


Not so fun, is it. Small taste of what we had to deal with before we dealt with it.

Who are these asylum seekers?

> Obama admin staff?
> Visa overstays?
> Mexicunts
> Pedos?

Bay Minette used to be white middle class heaven, right? The Mobile cancer must have spread

fucking white people, holding those africans at gunpoint to put discs into their mouths


Take them and NEVER give them back. Even when your cities are on fire and your children are molested and murdered in the streets. DO NOT GIVE THEM BACK!!!!

And some white idiots are doing this shit to their bodies.

>ask yourself what would grandpa's do
>then do it once Trudeau trades off our personal data in the new NAFTA agreement it will probably be about time to make a decision

I'd said probabilities are:

1) Drink whiskey, bitch & moan about it to me and my Dad.
2) Sell the farm and move to Northern Alberta. Go as off grid as possible.

Wish I had the $$$ for #2.

Oh don't worry they'll be back for you the're not far remember. You're not really getting rid of the problem you're just moving it.

Africans and Central Americans who were planning to migrate to the USA but decided to go onto Canada after the USA became more hostile and Trudeau virtue signaled about tolerant and welcoming Canada is.

He invited them, and so they are coming.

>Drink whiskey
pitter patter get at'er then
i suggest going hard and fast lol


Let's party Ya'll

its mostly different nignogs

Soon, we'll all see things that we have never seen before. And then we'll see nothing at all.

Give us your lumber and shale, cuck.

Yeah, not so fun when YOU get invaded, is it?

Can't wait to complete the smuggling process.

Struggle? Is it that difficult having doctors and engineers flood into your country?

Eh? We want to sell you lumber, oil, and whatever other raw materials we've got that you'd like. Extracting our natural resources and exporting them to top manufacturing countries is the basis of the Canadian economy.

The conflicts we have over that kind of stuff with you guys is that you keep trying to keep it out of your country, to protect your own raw material extraction jobs.

Look up what kind of disputes there have been over "softwood lumber" between Canada and the US. The problem certainly hasn't been that we haven't been sending you enough.

all we need now is a program to promote emigration from the US to canacuckistan for niggers, saying they have better gibs there, and that they deserve refugee status for all the ebil raycisism here in the US. Also, better quality of life in canacuckistan.

Then we can sit back and watch all the niggers flood up north like rats