>high IQs
Other urls found in this thread:
>be american
>get shot
>be leaf
>suck dicks
I ran the little bitch over with my truck when the opportunity presented itself. Don't have armadillo problems now.
>be leaf
>suck dog dicks
When I read news like this I always wonder how american companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google or Boeing can be so successful? Is it because poojeets and other immigrants are the only ones who do actual work there? There's no way actual americans can be smart enough to program an operating system or build a plane...
who the fuck starts articles with "the guy"
I don't understand why people kill Armadillo's. All they do is dig holes, eat bugs, and leap in the air when something scares them.
Doesn't it just burn your ass that a country full of people who you want to feel superior to are more successful and influential to the world than your country will ever be?
No way a .38 cal. bounced back on an armadillo.
Maybe he hit a rock.
>a country full of people
now-now, burger friend, not all people are equal. You're not a communist, are you?
> Tree hugger
> Doesn't understand central tendencies or normal distribution of IQ
> Saw a two-year-old story on Twitter and thought it was news
Fake ass story I've shot more shit than you ever will, and a bullet will penetrate that shit all day.
*hides garbage troll thread and chuckles*
I agree
But remember that journalists are liberals......
same. .38 goes through skull
A fucking leaf
A female
>bullet ricochets off armadillo
I call bullshit. Their armor is made of bone and keratin, not fucking metal.
Even if it did stop a bullet, it'd get embedded, not ricochet off.
How did the burger get shot in his jaw then?
stop digging up my yard Armadillo
Maybe he got shot by another American ?
how does shooting at armadillos relate to intelligence? do smart people not like having fun or something?
>be american
>program operating system by day
>rake in mountains of cash
>buy guns and alcohol
>get drunk and shoot critters at night
name one thing wrong with any of this.
Says it happened at 3am. Idiot probably shot a rock.
drinking then shooting
that's just asking for trouble
>name one thing wrong with any of this.
Bullets ricocheting into your face
it might have been a .22lr. i once ricocheted a .22 pistol off a huge snapping turtle. it was swimming next to my canoe and making me nervous but all i managed to do was piss it off.
surprisingly accurate
>program operating system by day
>buy guns and alcohol
See, if you had an IQ above the national burger average you would know that these things cannot be combined.
>he doesn't know about balmer's peak
>-we burgers are so awesome and stronk
>-I agree with you, fellow burger, we're the best
>-it's settled then
>-so what do we do now?
>-let's suck each other off
>Americans belive this
K then. Back to fucking your dog now?
I chuckled
I've never seen an Armadillo...
>Serbs are so proud of shooting down one airplane with its bomb doors open going the same route everytime that they literally made it into a museum piece and a national holiday
It's like Chad throwing spit balls at you all day and you catch one and show it off to your friends
And carry disease
>august 4 2017
I swear I've seen this story before. How many times has this fucking happened before?
you need to watch out for that, dillos carry place and leprosy n shit.
Our national iq is 99 and we are full of niggers and spics
They have very thick skins.
It's amazing how correct that post was.
Who the fuck could guess Armadillos are bulletproof? Fuck that! I am making a vest of these
I wanna see what NASA said to that kid, seems more interesting.
My friend has a farm in texas. Couple years ago we bring our shotties. Fucking asshole other friend decides to shoot an armadillo 8 fucking times. He had to reload 4-5 times. He actually wanted to give up and walk away. I said no bitch finish that fucking armadillo off you fucking psycho. 30 shotgun pellet shells. Cruel and inhumane. It's our state animal too.
Americans prove that enough monkeys can pull off anything.
They were smart enough to steal all those German scientists.
It didn't ricochet off the armadillo, it ricocheted off a rock near it
Fucking lying press
Anything to make 'rural and suburban retards' look stupid, right?
So birdshot? From how far away?
This is pretty good, not gonna lie
>hurr a tertle made me nervous so I shot that sheeit
You deserve your own article.
armadillos are hardcore bro
>meme flag
>Using .38 special
>Not using .superior .357 Magnum
Fake as fuck.
Not even bird shot would bounce off that fucker. Do people have any idea how fast bullets travel and how they will rip through soft metal and wood but not a armadillo skin? I mean 1-800-Come on now
> he's afraid of a turtle
Sersly? Like, not a joke?
>blocks your path
I was afraid of snapping turtles as a kid when I went in the pond to swim around. Was always paranoid they would snibbity snabbidy my pee pee.
>burger meme
>38 cal.
No its 38 special which is the same diameter as 9mm but half the pressure load.
what are jews?
What a magnificent animal.
Snappers are nothing to fuck with. Get a 2x4 and coax it out of my path....Hoping that it can't get its jaw on the lumber. They can get massive, and they will remove fingers and toes quickly.
Praise Kek!
God damn, a fucking leaf that made me lel.
t. Armadillo
I shot a armadillo with a .22 and one shot killed it. How the hell did this guy shoot a .38 and it bounce back?
What about that guy who used his pet snapping turtle as an onahole? Just went up and fucked its mouth.
Yeah. Bullets zip right through those shells. Even .22
This story is either entirely fake, the guy lying about what happend ( most likely) or he hit something else to cause the ricochet.
It's actually pretty rare for a ricochet to return to the shooter. In my many years of hunting and shooting I have seen something like that happen only 1 time.
>It's actually pretty rare for a ricochet to return to the shooter
First dangerous ricochet I've ever experienced was from a hunting pellet rifle and it came back just a couple of feet above me and my bro in law's heads
>almost shot my eye out
links nigga
Makes for cool jewtube footage though, when it does.
>America thinks he's all that but I stole one of his pencils while he was in the bathroom so haha who's the tough guy now huh?
Fucking hell how has no one else thought of this yet, gj fucking-leaf
fuck armadildos
they spread all kinds of nasty diseases like leprosy
kill them all
Add 1000 more fps and then we can compare
a lot of us may hate canada, but you got to admit they make some good memes on occasion
Well one time at the range this dip ass kid with a shot gun is going to to town on a hill (around 20 yards Max) is shooting at a hill full of metal and rocks. And he is using birdshot. Thank fucking good that I was wearing glasses (Utterly blind without them) Cause some of this fucking kids birdshot hits my glasses. Moral of the story always wear glasses whilst shooting
Females who are millennials