What do? Are you white enough to suck the poison out of his wound?
Snake bites your hiking buddy in the dick
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No, because sucking the venom out doesn't work.
Is that a fact? Did someone on the internet tell you that? Your buddy is in agony, wat do?
There is nothing wrong with sucking your best friend's dick. I do it all the time and I'm not gay one bit.
>Needless to say, Rod was not of a mind to suck out the poison.
That's friendship huh.
Sucking the venom out doesn't do anything dude, just a fact.
>Reducing the ammount of venom available to enter the blood stream does nothing to reduce its effects on the victim.
ok then dickhead...
Chances are that those fangs simply get through my friend's dick and the snake injects the poison in his own mouth.
Check mate snake fags !
The main thing to do is wrap the area and above it tightly (not blood stopping tight), which slows the venom down or even outright stops it from moving up your system
its not gay if he does it back so that everything is even and no one is the bitch. at least thats the rule at my house
Top kek
Say, if you get bitten on the ankle/shin. You wrap the bite then up the leg, like a mummy.
Now, on the balls is harder, but applying pressure to the area and above, like where your pants go, probably would help some.
Nice job. Now your buddy has dick necrosis and the doctor has to cut it off. I'm sure he'll be grateful for your help, cunt.
>washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/04/AR2006100401529.html
>testicle = dick
If you want to be a homo user go to your designated containment board
I would have sucked it before the snake turned up. Just two guys having to share a tent. He's asleep. Lovingly slide his pyjama bottoms off. Foreskin back. That moment of bliss when you have the first suck. Even if he woke up I'd be like snake bit it you were asleep. The poison we need to get it out. Finish in my mouth. God damn I'm so hot right now.
You're very gay bye
why was my "buddy" trying to mouth fuck a viper?
I would suck as hard as I could while using my hands to stroke the poison away from his balls. Using my other hand to tickle his anus so that he stays clenched to decrease blood flow.
Making sure to maintain solid eye contact at all times making sure he stays alert.
I would also livestream the procedure on Facebook so everyone knows exactly how NOT gay it is.