Cernobitch goes full retard


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what a tard.

Hasn't he said that he has bipolar disorder? Sounds manic as fuck.

There was that US government slide show which was... Useful, but not exhaustive.

Memes are just hard to explain, but the comparison to an "idea virus" was pretty good. It's fucking cringe inducing to see "experts" who are usually just butthurt liberals try and talk with authority on them. Eg: Pepe

The fact this fucking retard still has followers is fucking pathetic.

i highly doubt it, or if he does it's not very bad. I have a sister thats bipolar/schizo; you know it within 5 minutes of talking to her. cernovich is nowhere near her level.

if you want to see bipolar/schizo on twitter, check out Louise mensch.

I can't wait for Mike to show us how to meme.

Didn't he do a bunch of drugs and fuck a tranny?

>I can't wait for Mike to show us how to meme.

Neither can I.

>an expert on anything besides chimpanzee synapses.

>Kelly instructed Mcmaster to stop the purge
Does this guy even care or actually follows, as a starter, what is actually happening in a WH administration and who has access or has authority over whom?

It could be true that the last administration thought that the Russians was behind the rebellion that started on Sup Forums, rather than admitting that they though shouting racist would ensure that white men would just continue to take it in the ass forever.


That dude is the biggest bandwagoning tool I have ever seen.

The amount of LARP in here is schizo territory

Does this monkey mindset retard actually think people in Trumps admin give a fuck about him? He's a nobody ffs this is pathetic, this is a sad man

>Russians was behind the rebellion that started on Sup Forums
they literally did that too, they just didn't name the Sup Forums specifically all the time, and instead said something like 'russian propaganda from the right wing extremists sites, why would they 1. embarrass themselves and 2. publicly send more people here and get converted. So they sent shills and intelligence memsters.

He's being sarcastic in light of the fact that McAssblaster held a meeting specifically to talk about him.

You know, I have to say, the way so much Sup Forums refuses to give even a little bit of credit where its due to "e-celebs" makes them seem either insecure, (I.e., unwilling to put anyone who isn't "establishment famous" on a pedestal above them) or shills. Or maybe just immature.

Say what you want about his self-absorbed and formless video streams, but did he not break the Susan Rice story? And did he not handle himself well in the 60 Minutes special on fake news? What about Hoaxed? Who else is putting forth a concerted effort to take down the MSM?

He doesn't know shit.
Intelligence doesn't work against memes like this because information is distributed among many people. Not a single person alone is an expert in memes.

Having scoops from WH leakers does not make Cernovich a good a trustful analyst. He's good at this, getting things out there on the internet, to a certain crowd and then whoring himself and his products.

pic related

>chimpanzee synapses

You know what they say about "experts" who are only good at telling people they are an expert. But than everyone's an expert any more. I didn't know that CernoFairy was even around anymore.

Pic 2 of 152 slides. Too lazy to post them all.

Fucking hell Cernovitch, you take so too seriously. Take your brain pills and fuck more tranny's.

That tweet gave me second hand autism. That's only if he was joking.

Sure, I won't say that having sources makes you a good analyst, but I do think he has a fair amount of insight even if he's not the most eloquent guy. In general, I think he has worthwhile contributions to make, he's just way too focused on himself. But these people who reject him outright for being Jewish or racemixing, etc. are just being plebs. The worst part is that it's totally believable that half or more of the people saying that stuff aren't shills.

>shills shilling against a shill pushing shill narratives

>So they sent shills and intelligence memsters.

It was fighting them the Sup Forumsacks found funny, so we should be very glad that they chose to poke the hornet nets.

we should amp up their rhetoric but coopt the russia narrative and say Trump was assisted to the presidency by collusion from the planet Mars it makes exactly as much sense and there is the same amount of evidence. it takes the Russia narrative/paints him as weak and replaces it with a strength martians are assisting him and it makes the dems realise how insane they are. mars is the god of war and big powerful symbol it will shortcircuit dem's brains

>The worst part is that it's totally believable that half or more of the people saying that stuff aren't shills.

I don't think pro-whites own him respect yet, with all the countersignaling he has done.

This idiot also wants a sitdown interview with HR McMaster to "clear the air", even though he has repeatedly called for his firing, accusing him of "manipulating" Trump, which is completelu ridiculous.

Once again, Ghost from True Capitalist Radio was proven right...again. Cernobitch is in it for the ego and nothing more.

Thernovich is such a retard, only in it for the fame.

jeez thernovich is arrogant and delusionally paranoid in the same way frank5 is just with a different vocabulary

Countersignaling? What do you mean?

I'm not aware that he has supported anybody that is pro-white.

Not even the sugarsweet Baked Alaska

That is some good aesthethics


There is no better way to use of your skills, than to make pro-white propaganda.

Some of the Charlottesville posters will illustrate the articles on the rally in the history books, and I made that, would be something to tell the grandchildren?

I like this one as well.


you made it?
Good job!
Ive wanted to do something similiar. Is it hard to get good at photoshop?

>you made it?

No. It is somebody else that get to say that.