Can she be saved? (In spite of herself.)
Can she be saved? (In spite of herself.)
We'll let the Canucks libtard themselves into total economic and social collapse. Then we'll invade and drive the brown people into the great white north. Since, as everyone knows, brown people freeze solid in winter, we'll pack them in all the shipping containers we have laying around here and send them back to where they came from.
Everytime I feel bad about Canada, I look at usa, even with trump trying his hardest, it's still a gay, multicult, retarded shithole.
Good luck USA.
enjoy the beaners bro
I have only met 3 beaners here and I live in a large city. One was a truck driver, and the other two were purchasing mcdonalds.
You are assuming there is something to be saved.
>meanwhile all the american conglomerates like jewtube, jewgle, and all major news networks are censoring anybody who doesn't believe migrants and fags are the cure for all of societies ills.
>Can she be saved?
Canada died when we got the leaf
Fuck chinks
>One was a truck driver, and the other two were purchasing mcdonalds
One out of 3 work then. In my town the courthouse is in the same building as the welfare office, it's been packed with mexicans with 7 screaming kids the last 2 times I was there. How the fuck do they even get here?
There will be a silent backlash against Trudaeu assuming humans are essentially similar in Canada than here.
They may be persuaded to swing very far back to the right.
Most of them live in the northern states, usa is cucked as fuck and bleeds over the border. I love how they blame us when it's them pushing all the faggot, nigger shit.
There already is, check cbc comments regarding the wildfires, people are losing their shit.
What direction do we even go to get away from Justin?
Problem is the Conservative party who would actually do some good for the economy really love Israeli Zionists.
Meanwhile the NDP hates Israel but are a bunch of SJW Commies.
At least here in Vancouver, this place is done. Minority white. Any self-respecting white person would have moved to either the east (but no jobs) to Alberta (uncertain economy) or Quebec (have to learn French). Vancouver is lost, taken over by chinese
>Most of them live in the northern states, usa is cucked as fuck and bleeds over the border. I love how they blame us when it's them pushing all the faggot, nigger shit.
Honestly not sharing a border with the US is the best thing for us, also no shitskins to the south. The cultural marxism which leaks out of the US into our culture is just astonishing. Highest number of jews outside Israel, very sad.
>There already is, check cbc comments regarding the wildfires, people are losing their shit.
My general working theory is these LGBTQP+ PC people are merely a small yet loud minority, the unabombers manifesto outlines the general workings of these types of people quite well.
Italy complaining about a country where it sent hundreds of thousands of its people. So back at you Italy, how can you continue to be relevant?
There is a bunch of Irish lads on the balcony two floors below mine drunk as fuck and roaring at everyone that goes past.
It's 1.30pm.
Yeah it drives me fucking crazy. I think about 60% of our media is american, and they are our largest trading partner, plus the internet is majority american. Then they wonder why the whole world is turning gay and sucking hillary's cock. IT'S BECAUSE OF THEM.
Jews or not, whoever (((they))) are, they are using the americans to poison the well.
Vote in the NDP so we can crash this shit show sooner
Move to Quebec. Marry a hottie Quebecoise, learn French, get lots of French speaking kids, soon you can start laughing at Anglo culture. The red pill awaits you.
>he doesn't know the northernmost part of canada is literally inhabited exclusively by brown people
Also friendly reminder that Canada is still more white than the USA by about 20%
The only 3 Canadians (ever) worth saving.
The NDP hate Israel because they're communists and they prioritize equality of outcome over everything. Israel is rich and Arab shitholes are poor so they support Palestine.
I'll support Israel over encouraging a jihadist nightmare any day. The CPC is flawed as shit (and should have given Bernier the top spot.) but at least they're socially conservative and partially redpilled to the threat of Islam.
>I think about 60% of our media is american
All we really have is the CBC, fund by our tax dollars to spew out SJW faggotry. Even the National Post has gone to shit. I'm old enough to remember a time when the Globe and Mail was worth paying for, that ending 15 years ago
Yellow != White no matter how much you fetishize about an Asian gf
I said they were brown you fucking hoser
I'd rather have them than racist Amerifats like u
That show is god awful. It has africans on it. It's made for the U.S . No wonder you like it.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I'm arguing with someone via text right now. They say immigrants don't affect our free speech. Hate crimes are obviously a double standard I said, also when the cbc is censoring your comments that effects it too. I also told them Liberals are literally bringing in their voting base from other countries.
Waiting to hear back....
I know more about American politics ffs.
Nope. We are done.
>those pics
Yeah, we're done. Glad I already live in the woods
Canada is 1000000x better than america.
Source: lived in america. been to canada. Even the fucking milk is better.
>I'm arguing with someone via text right now.
Canada is perfect for cucks such as yourself. Come home cuck man
>Canada is 1000000x better than america.
you spelt 6 million wrong
>Even the fucking milk is better
Most of us do get milk and dairy from local dairies, (although Nelson is everywhere).. even if it is in bags
The U.S does suck balls though. Do you know why they don't have any * meme * cities to focus on like every other white nation does? Because every U.S city is meme city tier.
>medical card
Does it not occur to them that sex is crucial medical information?
This is loopy.
I live in northern BC and luckily this insanity hasn't reached us yet.
>Does it not occur to them that sex is crucial medical information?
I would assume that our doctors can still tell the difference once you get into the ER, even if half are pakis and chinks
That's a good point, user. I can't believe what people are willing to allow just to be called tolerant.
I was thinking more of lab tests on blood/urine etc which depending on whats being tested for sex can have a bearing on.
youre a fucking chink faggot nothing you've posted has anything to do with foreigners, I know chinks like this that try to fit in by posting this gay shit that doesnt actually matter
You know what has reached Northern BC? Chinks. Foreigners.
Hates Canada yet doesn't want to move to Libya or the USA. Why?
Nice cherry picking. Trans people are not exclusive to Canada.
The doctor can determine sex upon examination you idiot. ID card doesn't even need to have DOB. That's age discrimination.
Just fucking ban us. I don't blame you guys for hating leafs so much. Jesus.
Get rid of your Canadian flag. You are not worthy of it.
>point by point rebuttal
>anti dissent tone
>shills tactics 'love it or leave it'
>predictable next reply
>Problem is the Conservative party who would actually do some good for the economy really love Israeli Zionists.
>Meanwhile the NDP hates Israel but are a bunch of SJW Commies.
So true. The political establishment has the electorate cucked and triangulated from all sides. I see the options as:
- participate in politics and live within the system
- don't participate and just tune it out.
* Long-term. I would like to see a de-confederation. Unlikely, but the best hope to re-build something. Quebec can set things off, but the independence movement just keeps decreasing there. Not hopeful.
The fact the conservative party out of what, 12 people that ran for leadership- there wasn't a single actual edgy member?
Maxime and Kellie weren't really anything. If one of them just aid " I would reduce immigration to below 100k " they would have auto won.
Our immigration is at 300k a year.
If the U.S passes t heir RAISE act it'll be around 600k for them?
Yet we are 1/11th the population of the U.S with soon half their immigration numbers.
Too true. The Conservatives are a joke. This globalist/neocon plan is going forward regardless of what national political parties in Canada blab about. Fucking frustrating.
It's nice how immigration just ramps up like Compound Interest.
More immigrants= more population= more immigration quota= more immigrants= more population= more immigration quota
And some deluded people think " whites wont go extinct stop worrying itll stop around 50% "
>It's nice how immigration just ramps up like Compound Interest.
I bet the has done a shit ton of forecasting on pensions/CPP/OAS/and other bennies and seen that they can't pay for it. PCs & Libs have overspent so much that we can't pay out future bennies.
This is the replacement populations being brought in as taxpayers/labour. They will have lots of babies (future taxpayers) and thus workers. They will be obedient idiot drones that vote en masse for whichever party was in power when they were brought in. It's Obama's DNC/Merkals CDU playbook installe.exe.
Indeed. Instant population without the costs or long wait times associated with actual birth rates from our own people. Plus the added benefit of " liberating women " by no longer needing them to feel the duty of birth rates.
It's all too beneficial for the liberal and civic nationalist mind.
Thanks Canada. I've been wondering since Strange Brew if Canadians actually use the term hoser.
Also do Canadians like the movie Strange Brew? Because I personally loved it.
I'm a prohibitionist.
Agreed i hate chinese """"people"""" so fucki g much
Take off then eh, you hoser.
I've been to that restaurant, great fries. Glad they're not a bunch of cucks on top of it.
Outstanding Milhouse cosplay.
It used to be that in Quebec the main concern was about the english language taking over. I miss those days.
I'm sure a lot of uninformed people still think like this.
look a canuckaboo
Yeah brah, you guys changed your flag and national anthem because of us, and it totally wasn't Trudeau's dad or anything like that :^)
I just like the movie. Not a big fan of your posters.