Modern Art project by ancient Welsh Castle. What is with this drive to ruin ancient architecture with this garbage?
Who the hell funds this shit? Artists don't have nearly enough money, and the general public doesn't care about "art" mostly.
If this becomes a thing, I expect protests. I've got a Welsh woman on my facebook who campaigns for separatism (lol) and most Welsh people who know about this project are pissed, it's ruining their history,
It's literal money laundering. I'd bet money that art dealers are rich and probably in bet with shady corporate banker shills, and this is the ultimate "Pay me $10,000 for a firm handshake" type of laundering. The actual buyers don't give a fuck about the artwork, but the sheep liberal arts students don't realize it
looks bretty cool imo. RIP culture
(((modern architects)))
(((international Style))). Erase all national and regional identity, which are of course only a hindrance to well-oiled global capital. It's also vindictive.
Prince Charles, of all people, had it correct 30 years ago when he called out these postmodern cock-stomps as "ugly carbuncles on the face of a friend". Of course, that's to close to the truth, was a accused of crypto-antizems and SHTFU about it going forward.
Who will be the next Monarch, to unfuck 1688 and then unfuck Brittania as a blood steward of the people, bongs? When Betty is gone so are the Hanoverians...
fucking hell
what happened?
did it get bombed or did they tear it down?
It got bombed, but still.
Art is the rich person equivalent of keeping your money in your mattress
Reminder that the people most deserving of hate in our time are marxists.
Tré chic
I now understand why God would hate us. We take such beauty and destroy it. However there are still some bastions of hope in this world, with architects trying to make it like they used to with a modern twist.
The Welsh just have very shitty taste in art. I'm at uni in Bangor and last year they placed this monstrosity in front of the centuries old main building. Directly behind where this picture was taken is the main road, so whenever you see the building, you see this too.
Is that what I think it is?
Disgusting. It's like a 4 year old with down syndrome tried to draw an octopus.
I always think of it as a mix between snot and a duck
Also from what i've heard the local teens use it as a spot to smoke weed
Don't blame the artists, blame the faggot owners of the property who allowed them to put it there, those are the real faggots
I think it looks kind of cool. It's not great but it's sort of neat to look at.
>Modern Art project by ancient Welsh Castle
They didn't literally tear down the castle to build it, the castle is still right where they left it.
The artists created such vile crap. They are the hands that sculpted it. Blaming the artists for such poor work is absolutely ok.
Oh no they ruined your ancient pile of rocks!
Who cares? I say pave over the whole area and turn it into a mall.
It is ok, but I'm just saying whoever let them put that vile shit there to begin with needs to hang also
What do you expect when a society loses its faith? The buildings of the past were beautiful because they were religious or otherwise deeply important to the nation's values. Constructing a temple or church was a form of worship in itself.
Landscaping is all about context and how anything put on the landscape interacts with the things around it. This giant noveu art ring is an eye sore in context with the ruins behind it.
Consider how the US constructed its WW2 memorial on the national mall. It was built to match the neo-classical style of the other monuments in the area, and designed to align with the plane of the mall itself, as well as sunken down so it blended seemelessly with the view between Lincoln and Washington.
why modern art sucks
Modern art is unironically a Jewish conspiracy.
This is the most American post ever.
>This giant noveu art ring is an eye sore in context with the ruins behind it.
I don't think so, I think half the reason it looks nice is because of how it contrasts with the ruined castle and the grassy field. Especially from that angle where the castle is visible within the ring.
You're welcome.
Fucking God, Germany deserves better. They deserve way fucking better
The only thing Germany "deserves" is a nuclear carpet bombing.
Exactly. It's about degrading the spirit. Real art lifts the spirit, being encoded with the values of a people. It's interesting that in Soviet Russia they knew this, as all abstract art with strictly forbidden, as they were not trying to destroy themselves. Stalin wanted only representational art. Of course, communism could never be fixed, even by art, so it probably had little effect on them. Meanwhile in the West, all Western values were purged from art.
i wish!
> It's interesting that in Soviet Russia they knew this, as all abstract art with strictly forbidden, as they were not trying to destroy themselves. Stalin wanted only representational art
You're getting dangerously close to a real redpill.
Stalin was right about everything and represented the only thing that can "save" western civilization.
Fuck off you Commie. All Communists must be purged.
its their punishment for destroying Europe 3 times.
Whichever way you spin it, they handled both world wars like fucking retards.
The Germans tried that and they got smacked the fuck down.
I created one of those out of blu-tac and wore it on my head for a day.
This is not just marxist degeneracy that fuels these abonimations .
Its a cycle of corruption.
Leftists party member lobby for this marxist crap.
The construction companies that will be hired to build the "new" commie crap are buddies with the leftists party member
The construction companies then donate to 3rd party organisations and grants that happen to be run by the leftists party members themself, their spouces or other relatives.
The money then can then be easier used for personal interests and to feed it further to the bottom in their corruption pyramid.
The bottom are leftist faggots campaigner who then shill for their leftist party again in their real life and online community, organise protests and campaigns aligning with the official party agenda and lurs dumb kids and naive moms to vote for the leftist faggots and keep the leftists in power.
We have scandals like this evidently exposed every year from SPD to Linke but its completely silenced by the lefitst media who screech 24/7 in their favour our about the opposition.
Better than a Sheetz!
me and my gf are thinking of dressing up as sg-1 for halloween. i want to be o'neill and she wants to be daniel. i need to get my haircut to look like his first, but i dont know what to ask the barber. not sure if i can pull it off with a mustache and beard, considering shaving it. been growing it for like 5 years though.
You were about to fucking die. Don't act all high and mighty, you were on your last leg and would have perished if the people running my country weren't communist jews themselves.
I guarantee you it's EU funded (((modern art))).
>Le free Airacobras meme
Bullshit. The Turd Reich was turned back from Moscow in Winter of 41-42, long before any of Roosevelt's spam arrived.
>You were about to fucking die
Yeah, and the Nazis did while the Russians survived to plunder the shit out of anything and anyone they left behind. Throughout all of history that's all that counts, who is living and who is dead.
When is the last time anyone from Sup Forums actually raised a temple or church?
Lol, I would wear through my phone screen pointing out all of the reasons Stalin was wrong. But to your point about art, you're wrong because the communists WIPED OUT all Russian trad, or attempted to, and the rep art, which could have been effective in other contexts, was laughably ineffective. Because it was used in the most retarded and violent ideology the world has ever known. anyone who is an unironically communist is either to young to rent a car, or if they persist, are old enough for helicopter tours of the millions of gulag graves.
Interesting. Central Pozzing Commitee.
Yeah keep throwing troops and see what sticks. Seriously, you commies were worthless and the world would be better off without you
What is this fucking madness?
I too wonder that because I will happily spend my life doing this crap and get paid for it
Sadly this didn't get bombed
Jews of course. They make up most of the artists, critics, and organizers. Their alien concepts of art has a stranglehold over everything. Classical art is dead.
The most impenetrable class structure of the 20th century was probably Soviet Russia, from the late 50's onward. The elite classes had access to goods and service that the plebs weren't even allowed to know about, bought with a separate elite hard currency, in secret elite stores, selling luxury goods from western economies kek. Egalitarianism?mega kek.
You could try but I guarantee it would be bluepilled as fuck.
>But to your point about art, you're wrong because the communists WIPED OUT all Russian trad, or attempted to, and the rep art, which could have been effective in other contexts, was laughably ineffective.
Only it wasn't. Pre-Soviet Russian art and culture continued to be available in the USSR for anyone who would like to see it, in some cases it became even more accessible with places that were once royal residencies being turned into public museums. Additionally during the Stalinist period most new art strongly resembled older styles, much more so than their western contemporaries.
And you missed my point, it's not that Stalin would have maintained contemporary culture and tradition forever. It's that he presented the next evolution of western civilization just as western-civilization was the next evolution of Greco-Roman civilization. It was not an eternal preservation of what had come before, Russia is not and was not truly western anyway, it is a glimpse at what we must become if we're not to just be consumed by Africans and Asians.
Countries that existed in 1946:
[x] the USSR
[] Nazi Germany
see: >money laundering
the art world (particularly auction houses) doesnt make sense until you understand this simple fact.
>classical art is dead
you can thank the Church for that one.
literally everything is wrong. there will be a cross and the eastern wall will be 'modern' because they are not actually rebuilding the Stadtschloss they rather give the Humboldt Forum a new building that looks mostly like the Stadtschloss.
>Stalin was next evolution, rose colored glasses, etc.
I see you've inhabited my point about having to kill tens of millions of Russians to preserve the illusion and frighten people into submission. If communism was so great, why was this nessesary? Why did they have ZERO immigration? Why did they literally have to take huge steps to prevent defection? All of the nuts and bolts are irrelevant. You just have to look at behavior- from the mass murdering party members, to the rank and file. I've met many ex-soviets. And I promise they would all reduce you to tears at your level of naïveté.
>But he killed people
So what?
Anyone who was ever great has killed shitloads of people. Killers are what move the world.
>Why did they have ZERO immigration?
Because it was fucking fantastic that's why. I wish we had zero immigration.
>Why did they literally have to take huge steps to prevent defection?
Because most people aren't ready for the future.
Daily reminder that all "communists" (fucking kek) are really just lazy 20 something westerners, who dream of being, ironically, part of the elite as a politburo member or something. Funny how I don't think any of their soft ass hands dream of manning the river machine producing outdated and poor quality goods for $600 rubles a month, kek. No, they daydream as imposing communism as an elite themselves! Which is funny, because if it were to pass, all these soft nu-men would be the first sent to the gulags as "intellectuals" that the party head would trust as not " his" men.
>Thread isn't kill
Gonna dump my architecture folder then. Rage is part of the average pollack's everyday life after all.
Kek, all let your answers stand as they are. I have no need to rebut.
* rivet machine
Get away from my stargate
Not an argument.
>What is with this drive to ruin ancient architecture with this garbage?
>muslims say they don't give a shit
>parties still say they give a shit
I cri every tiem
what's the story here?
One ring to rule them all.
What the absolute fuck
>Gommunists at work :DDD
Do you have a picture of the mosque that was put up afterwards?
I couldn't make a better argument than what you've done for me.
well maybe they shouldn't have invaded Poland then....
"do it again Bomber Harris"
Fucking retard, nobody who actually lived in the soviet union thought it was great, and by zero immigration the user meant that nobody wanted to ENTER the soviet union, you are so fucking retarded that you couldnt even understand that. I have relatives who lived in the soviet union, they said it was pure shit.
We must secure the existence of Zion and a future for mongrelized slave children
Buda castle was the symbol of the monarchy (a beautiful and incredibly Neo-Baroque palace reconstructed during the Austro-Hungarian era). It was covered with patriotic statues and beautiful ornaments, the top of the dome, which was the highest point of the city, was a huge Holy Crown statue.
A Versailles-tier palace, which was an eyesore for the commies. In the name of post-WWII renovations, it was gutted out in the 60s, and the facade was dumbed down. Most of the statues, ornaments, rooms and even nearby buildings were destroyed and a museum for international movements was moved into the palace.
>pic related is the Grand Ballroom. the palace was filled with rooms like this and now they are all gone.
Let me guess: nothing remained, not even the eagles?
>tfw you realize you were born in the post-apocalypse
not even the square it was located in
Fuck of Teal'c, I'm busy ascending over here
what town/city is this?
It's a slap in the face to the Welsh from the English; the Welsh getting their nose rubbed in their conquest and subjugation; a reminder.
The ring of fortifications built by King Edward I was called the Iron ring. This Castle was one of those built. The firm behind the design is English based. There was a huge backlash from the Welsh so it's been put on hold.