This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote property rights, individual liberty and lassez-faire capitalism. These includes (but is not limited to) anarcho-capitalism, paleolibertarianism, minarchy, objectivism and anti-leftism (i.e. physical removal, so to speak). All others are welcome to learn and debate us.
Reminder that this is a right-wing thread, so libertine degenerates ('live and let live' faggotry), open-border advocates and faux-libertarians (e.g. Gary Johnson) are not welcome here - people here recognise that property rights imply discrimination and a return to traditional, conservative values.
Although questions are welcome, many are repeated often, so it is recommended you research the basics first. Nobody here is obligated to debate with you, so try to avoid using fallacies in your arguments or creating unrealistic scenarios.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/iT0Rw8PT
>Website: libertarianright.org
>Discord & Book Club: /jCVRCR3

>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary (David Friedman) - youtube.com/watch?v=jTYkdEU_B4o (Watch this!)
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/anatomy-state
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Reference - See i.imgur.com/wCIpgNA.jpg
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books

>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com/watch?v=HLaqr3QorCw
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com/watch?v=HPKGgo4kGQM

Other urls found in this thread:


anarcho-capitalism isn't real anarchism.

Prove it.

Prove this wrong, actually
>Protip: you can't

lets go ahead and allow unregulated housing

stop government payout save defense

end all regulation

Use fascism to establish ethnostate, remove degeneracy.

Then we are in a position to live in a libertarian market anarchist legal order and society.

trains ran on time

You can't use fascism to eliminate degeneracy retard. Welfare states breed degenerates. Fuck dude, the nsdap model had to sterilize all the retards their welfare state created. What's more degenerate than breeding retards that you'll have to mutilate?

Depends on what you mean by anarchism.



didnt read all of it





If this is your oc keep em coming, they're beautiful.

How do have "rights" without a state to defend them?

The best threads on Sup Forums!

I will, thank you.

You are your own last line of defense. Not the state. Also, maybe pay someone to defend your shit when you're gone.

Also, without hierarchy who's gonna motivate you to stop taking bong tokes cut your dreds and get a job?

Think for a single minute before posting.

Take it to its logical conclusion: a state. You can romanticize the 1900 century as much as you want but it ain't coming back.

How is that the logical conclusion dude?


>2 shekels have been deposited into your account for the creation of this thread.

>A Jew

Fuck off retard. He's a goyim.

What do you think about property taxes?
The freest state in the Union (NH) has the third highest property tax at 2%. It's basically the same as a rented apartment per month, not including utilities.

>This jew is not a jew

He's literally not, he's the guy who edited and published the "racist and anti semitic" Ron Paul newsletters.

He sure looks like one.

Why is The Road to Serfdom not on this list????

Just made this

Yeah, blue eyes and thin noses are totally Jewish.


I just want to own a house with a lawn and sit on a chair on said lawn, with a gun by my side and a dog too, just staring at the sun and drinking cold beers.
Where do I move to achieve this dream and how much would it cost me?

I might be mistaken then. Someone tell him to shave his sideburns and get some less Jewish-looking glasses.

Sounds like the southern U.S. to me. I wouldn't know, though, I'm from the Northeast, so that might just be a stereotype.

Some smart spics talking about Venezuela at the Mises Institute:


Free market dictatorships are better than democracy.

I was looking into Oregon because it looks like one of the cheaper places to live and theres less blacks


What do we do about the (((nazbol))) question? These subversive scum need to be banished back to leftypol.

Also, spittin' fresh OC coming your way.

Oregon is pretty based and pretty beautiful, but stay away from the coast.
I'm in Tennessee and it's the least diverse part of the South. One of the least cucked states in the US. No income tax (but a high sales tax.) It's a little too hot, but nowhere near as hot as Texas. Obviously stay away from Memphis.
Western North Carolina is also super white and super comfy.
Also look at New Hampshire. Very white, lots of economic freedom, and home to the Free State Project.

Using the state to achieve a libertarian order is a vain effort. Just get rid of welfare and all other government protection of discriminated-against individuals and wait for degeneracy to fade

The answer to the Nazbol gang is the PALEO CREW.

Paleo crew> Nazbol fags

Fuck those socialists, (((national bolshevism))) is a long and funny way of saying Zionism.

Gary Johnson is a fag

Lol, Gary is redpilled tho, he wants to force Jews to bake Nazi cakes at gunpoint.

fuckin' saved.

Communism is a disease, and we have to stop it from spreading.

He also wants to force you to service gays, muslims, and every other degenerate,

Yeah, I was memeing. Fuck Aleppo Johnson.




would hug Hoppe so to speak.

Muh boi did.



so jelly of the anons who made it to malta last week

I wish I could be there too. Would be wonderful to see him talk in person.


Do you think he is aware of his fame?

He is, according to our own maltabro.

Yes he is, he says people send him memes constantly.

you have a strong government with almost no spending, jsut defense and courts


tax the living shit outa rental properties
capture all that government enforced inflation

which were never part of ron paul, some guy lost his marbles n was fired, yet democrat press only thing democrat knows about ron paul is racism sexism hate gay BS

>he says people send him memes constantly.
Fucking great.

That's retarded. Capitalism can't exist without a state. Without a state you would probably get robbed by sociopaths within days. Your property rights would extend no further than you could protect them with your own group of vigilantes, which would mean you had just created a new mini-state.


This is also retarded. Authoritarian governments don't just wither away after a while. You establish fascism? You'll be stuck with it. But of course you've got that loser flag, so you want to be stuck with it.

>Capitalism can't exist without a state.
>Forgets how almost all ancap literature is on how private defense how work
I see this still full of faggots


Explain to me how this so-called private defense would work without either turning into Somalia or ending up recreating states.

ancap has nothing to do with capitalism
ancap is just fascist larp


PS there's tons of commie literature about how an-com societies could work too. Doesn't mean any of it would work in practical reality.

>explain to me
is the same as
>spoodfeed me a number of books
fuck off nig

ok retard

Guy that was making the infograph here, what are your thoughts on this question?

>You establish fascism? You'll be stuck with it.
No imagine it as aristocracy without aristocracy, because we have no one to fulfill this duty at the moment, after the forming of a new aristocracy fascism becomes obsolete.
This guy is just a edgy natsoc.

1800s USA
1 total gov spending including states 1% o GDP
2 no regulations or welfare
3 ended slavery n child labor
Hong kong 1900s
1 15% flat tax on consumption
2 no stats allowed to be collected by burocrats by governmnor coppwerwaithe
not allowed to keep stats
3 no regulations
4 now only equal to USA in PPP GDP per capita

No, because if I pay a company to secure my property, I don't want people to just move into their area of protection.

At least name the books.
We already have an aristocracy - rich people. There's no reason to believe that a new aristocracy would be better than the current one.

fuck u bitch
only a democrat is stupid enough to link anarchy with capitalism
typical brainwashed democrat spreg

there is no x capitalism
y capitalism

just capitalism
free marekts and no force agaisnt individual and property
it works
its moral

you can never justify A robbing B to give free unearned shit to C
never been done

capitalism is only moral system

it created aamzing wealth quickly

but tax looters have no fun

oddly enough everyon is rich by 1000s of times
becasue progress upward is endless boom

democracy is communism and destroyed USA in 20th century
endless wars no growth and tek stagnation

at least try to bait

use google fag

>We already have an aristocracy - rich people
People who get to their capital by robbing people via the state are not very noble and can never be taken for righteous people, they are just criminals and should be treated as such.

there is 0 irony
this is how it is
I know it nukes your democrat miseducation
so simple its scary

The new aristocracy in fascism would also just rob people and not be noble or righteous. It is a delusion to think otherwise.

cronyism is a feature of socialism/democracy

democracy is communism/fascism

all those scammers liek facebook get money because market is regualted to stop competition

democracy creates cronies
democracy is fascism/communism

what u need is capitalism

lower gov spending 99%
cancel contracts laws and regulations
ban law schools

If you lower government spending by 99%, you won't have capitalism. You will have Somalia and be spending 99% of your time trying to not get killed by heavily armed sociopaths.

please read more into the topic, not just the materialistic shit of mussolini or what edgy teens on Sup Forums tell you.
[spoiler]I am pro free market and property rights, because it is the way to let those ideals evolve[/spoiler]

Public policy is rather pointless in AnCapistan. The border policy is decided by the particular proprietors wishes. By default no one is allowed on any property without the owners consent.

The borders would be closed by default.

Also check the articles in the image I posted. And be sure to watch Lew Rockwell's open borders: a libertarian reappraisal.

No, because the people in charge of selling real estate would be able to discriminate in favor of prefarable potential residents within the community, and the private courts might establish laws that those people would have to abude by when selling real estate for their property to be protected.

capitalism is one thing
anarchy is another



basic thing: under free trade

houses would be mass produced and plentiful

zillions o jobs

here is short video to cancel all wrong things you learned in 15 years of brainwashing


I thought the same that the state should only protect life and property with full force until they decided to open the border and flood my country with refugees, that's why I can't trust any form of state controlled monopoly anymore.
