What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums...

What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums? I'm looking for something other thasn "hurr durr it's degenerate." I need someone to articulate my revulsion toward trannies and and explain why going down this progressive road is bad for our civilization. I can feel it in my bones that this is wrong, I just don't know why. Please help me, Sup Forums.

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Morality is objective and given from God in the Bible

There is no sustainable argument against transgenderism from moral relativism

They are trying to re-write the natural instincts that we have evolved over the millennia.

Same as faggots, it's bad for the human species.
They also off themselves in most cases, so saying it's not a mental disorder would be intellectual dishonest.

No issues with male to female trans. They're fine. Whatever. They aren't a big issue, just don't expect me to fuck one.
The arguments are that it's actually gender disphoria and should be classififed as a mental illness. Believing this or not depends on whether you believe that medicine is infected with Social Justice or if they've actually changed their mind on it being a medical condition.
Secondly, no one likes to be tricked by a chick with a dick, simple enough.
Now, the real reason I hate trannies is because they never let it go. "I'm trans! Remember that! I don't identify as a woman I'm a trans woman!" Their whole identity becomes being trans and it's annoying. Finally, the "trans" people who are nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid etc, are the worst cancer ever. It's simply denying reality entirely and then expecting us to put up with it. Male > Female whatever but Male > Nonbinary is made up bullshit made up by people who think that not matching 100% with your gender's stereotypes means you're another gender entirely.

>Trans women have hair that grows inside their vagina because it's basically their ball sack that's been transformed into a vagina.
>They have an open wound that they call a vagina
>They have to insert an object in their vagina on a daily basis to prevent shrinkage

Now think about this. Do you think a normal fucking human being would go to such lengths to harm themselves because of how they 'feel inside'? They're most certainly mentally ill...and the fact that society wants us to embrace them just goes to show that the top tier wants to embrace degeneracy.

>What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums?
Your image.

Watch this and we'll talk again

Transgenderism never existed. It's a big parma plot used to make an unimaginable amount of money throught sex changes and pills. Cuckservatrds defending it as if it was a disease like Blaire White never took 10 minutes only to review their history. It is just a trap. Pun intended. Google Jon Money for more information. btw he was a pedo.

Imagine you've got a guy who's 5 feet tall. He's miserable, because he's so short and it makes his life unhappy. He gets to a point where he says, 'if I don't become tall, I'm going to kill myself.'
Now, he's got friends and family and loved ones who care about him and hate to see him unhappy, and because they care, they say 'fuck it, let's just change the definition of the word 'tall' so whoever wants to be tall is therefore tall.' So, they do, and he's happy because he's surrounded by people who care about him who work to provide him with an environment that makes him happy.
Now, he is happy, in a respect, because, in a way, he has become tall. but for the small way in which he has become tall, the word 'tall' now means much, much less.
It seems to me that transgenderism's goal is to make words for genders and gender concepts that have worked very well and very robustly for the majority of the human race for the majority of human history, to become meaningless. For no purpose other than so a small fraction of people can feel good about themselves and not be bothered with making the often painful growth and changes that come with being a human being.
All the arguments boil down to 'tell me I'm pretty or I'll kill myself,' and yet it's completely impossible that this very obvious mental illness a mental illness.
That's my take, and since Sup Forums is one person

>What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums?
pic related


The Kurgan

Is that a new meme?

It's a mental illness, plain and simple.

Normal people don't cut their cocks off.






Transgenderism is a mental disorder which Liberals are attempting to normalise using lies and moral bullying.


Transgenderism seems to have a lot in common with Body Integrity Identity Disorder. The only real difference is one we treat as a mental illness, the other we indulge.


genital mutilation is not good for you desu

>and explain why going down this progressive road is bad for our civilization.

You are a secular country, this is the natural result of it...

How can a man be so hideous?

trannies get electrolysis and don't grow hair in their neovags

dilation stops being daily after a few months

stay mad

It's a post-modern mockery of societal roles that have evolved and been perfected over millennia in the name of 'muh personal choice', slowly rendering these traditions meaningless. Smug, vain and nihilistic methods of trying to remove yourself from the 'violent monkey nature' of humanity have no place in a proud or self-respecting culture.

Humans have a sex, not gender. Transgenderism does not exist; these are psychotic faggots.

Fight me


With therapy most people keep their gender
The leafs shut the clinics down

If you feel a certain way how can you redefine a gender according to how you feel when a gender must exist in some form for you to feel that you are not gender x but gender y.

Weren't they the ones who came up with gender dysphoria? I assume they only play the mental disorder card when it suits them, but how does a tranny react when it is pointed out that they have a menatal disorder?

Morally I don't care, in terms of the population control and Eugenics I find it a mildly positive thing. As for changing laws to force people to say xer, she or whatever i find it despicable.

mental illness.

Trannies pull the mental illness card when they want free money for surgery and tit jobs, but they want to be considered totally normal while at the same time whining that they commit suicide something like 10 times more often than people who aren't insane freaks.

>still have man chromosomes
larping as a woman


Yea it's insane, I just googled gender dysphoria to see what the (((official))) definition is - I guess it used to be considered a mental disorder, but they complained and wanted to be considered normal so now it refers to the distress experienced by trannies when they are misgendered lol. Isn't that like saying schitzophrenia isn't a mental disorder, it's just the discomfort you experience from the voices you hear in your head

Is that from the new Star Wars movie?

Sometimes I get kinda triggered at how fucked up society has become. No one is rational, everyone's opinions/views on everything are arbitrary. The majority of the population thinks that eating food that fell on the floor is top tier disgusting, but if you haven't stuck your tongue so far up someone's asshole you reach their intestines then you are missing out on some amazing sex. Where is the fucking logic in that?

Same with trans. Everyone is so adamant that its not a mental illness. Addiction is a mental illness. Simply smoking cigarettes makes you mentally ill. People who are obese are addicted to food, mentally ill. But someone who wants to chop their cock off or at the very least take hormones and fuck up their bodies chemistry, and are 2500% more likely to kill themselves? Oh they were just born in the wrong body.

This is why I hate people.

First and foremost; a small group of people think they have absolute mandate over who I allow into my bathrooms.

Self mutilation (sex change, hormones) is a symptom of mental illness and should not be tolerated or endorsed by society. The fact that they are not only allowing children to take part in it but in some places actively preventing their parents from stopping them is rephrensible. Neither man nor woman these things are chemically altered ghouls made of plastic masquerading as people they can never be abandoning the humanity they once had. With no way of naturally procreating they try to convert others into monsters like them so they can subvert society with their own perverted vision. A place in which they feel normal under a status quo of ghouls. They are enemies of humanity.

This is a good post.

Before surgery doctors should explain to them that they'll never be real females. I'm not sure they understand that.

Emotional appeals. I think most everyone's argument boils down to feelings. I believe what you believe, but I need something more concrete.

Someone pointed out that trannies are enslaved to the medical industry. Now that's something we can quantify. We're creating a class of humans totally dependent on the medical industry.

I generally don't care what you identify as or who you fuck - it's your business. It is however other people's business when transgenders demand to use facilities for opposite gender than theirs, such as toilets or changing rooms, being in opposite gender's sports teams etc. You can psychically feel like you're a woman/man, but chopping/molding yourself a dick doesn't change your sex.

>What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums?
Don't care if people are mentally ill self-mutilating freaks, so long as they aren't bothering normal people, or trying to fuck up kids; then day of rope overdue.


This reminds me of that pic with 4 people wearing uniform and one of them being like female Palpatine.

It's a congenital neurological defect. I guess I'm going down the "hurr durr degenerate" route, but how is a brain defect that predisposes people toward suicide, social ostracism, and genital mutilation not degenerate? Even worse, the prescribed treatment doesn't fix the defects, but aggravates them. A feminized male brain becomes even more feminized under hormone treatment, and the individual only receives a minor psychological benefit. They will always be in the "wrong" body, they will always be a social outcast. A compassionate society would try to fix the defect, not make the person a happier defective.


The transtrenders, the ones with non-defective brains, are just mentally ill and transitioning is their form of self-medicating. It is morally wrong to let mentally ill people hurt themselves, or force society to reinforce their delusions. Medication helps them, but it is politically incorrect to point this out. There is actually a published case of a transsexual who was cured by taking one pill a day, but the medical establishment prefers transitioning for obvious reasons.


It goes against the basic biology of humans.

Case closed.

The third one looks like an eye is looking out of there, Jesus.

It's been proven to be a mental illness, but do continue living in denial. I don't mind that they off themselves eventually. Less degenerates to ruin society.

lots of stuff does. It just happens you've been told by the alt-right that trans women are bad (completely disregarding transmen)

Kek me up senpai

Friend of a friend described feeling like a woman trapped in a man's body. In late 20s. My question was, what can you possibly know about being a woman if you are male and raised male? It's your imagination. And if you do have surgery, even in the best case scenario you are only a simulation of a woman. Can't have kids, no menstruation etc.

Well the biggest problem I'm seeing with progressive thinking is this concept of intersectionality. The hierarchy of privilege places people who are considered to have the least privilege at the top and the most at the bottom. This is the reason the hetro white male is now the source of all evil in the eyes of progressives.

The trans tenders are trying to get higher in the hierarchy. They wanna be a part of the cult and as allies they are at the very bottom.

In the end what I see intersectionality doing is searching for gibs and trying to bring back segregation.

Real trans people generally try to disappear and live something resembling a normal life.

The trans tenders are likely ordinary queer people who are trying to push their way higher in the intersectionality hierarchy. They dress provocatively and do their best to try and manipulate the behavior of others. They aren't trying to participate in society, they are trying to change/destroy it. All while getting as much attention as possible.

Kek, do you ever step back and look at what you type objectively?

Compare that sentence to this one:

Men have balls and a penis so they can make and deposit sperm inside a woman's vagina, where it will fertilize her egg.

Which sentence seems to actually reflect nature and will describe a way to keep humanity alive?

>Which sentence seems to actually reflect nature and will describe a way to keep humanity alive?
The issues that cause Trans people may be genetic. If they decide not to breed then they are doing the gene pool a favor. Think about it.

I believe transgenderism is probably the result of exposure to a drug, pesticide, or other stimulus. We need to all agree it's an illness so that we can compassionately treat these unfortunate victims, but more importantly find a cause and cure.

I would recommend we identify the groups who fund and push all this transgender acceptance, and then find out if they manufacture a class of products that could cause transgender disorder.

My spouse and I are both trans. We have had our genetic profiles analyses and found issues. I have an androgen insensitivity and she has an androgen production issue. For us at least there is a genetic component.

That would indicate that some common factor might possibly be damaging the tissue or genetic code that pertains to androgen reception. Antibiotics, antivirals, viral infection, plastics, antidepressants, etc... It would be enlightening to study the history of your parents and see what unique environmental factors they have in common

They get hairballs, like a cat.

Where I'll concede that there are legitimate transexuals out in the world I have an inkling that a lot of people may be using it as a subsitute for suicide. They feel they have failed in the gender role that has been assigned them at birth, so transgenderism is their attempt at rebooting their life.
Why do you think so many transgender people commit suicide? I wouldn't be surprised if they were suicidal even BEFORE they transitioned. Instead of tackling the actual issues they have with themselves they run away from them, and when their reboot doesn't work out they put an end to their own life.
Look. There are many people who are really unhappy with their bodies. Some feel they are too short. Some feel they are too fat. Some feel they are too brown or too ugly. These people manage to find the good qualities in themselves and amplify them. Why can't transexuals try to do the same for themselves?

Well another thing my spouse and I have in common is that we both experienced traumatic gestation and were breach birth. In the wild we would have died along with our mothers.


That could just be due to side effects of whatever causes your fucked up hormone response. I'm sure there is signaling that tells a fetus to take the classic birth posture. It's probably deeper than just getting hurt feefees at birth. Unless a unique cocktail of drugs is used during breech birth. Possibly a specific tool made of plastic was used?

I personally became suicidal around puberty. Things were pretty good till others started pointing out my feminine way. I didn't understand what they were seeing and reacted very defensively even though I knew they were right. I hit high school and happened to see some video of my self from when I was much younger. I was so obviously a little fag. That was when I started trying to actively change my mannerisms. Unfortunately people still could tell I was a fag.


There are already a few problems with tran folk that have been pointed out in this thread. However I just want to note tranny's are all mentally ill and need help, but not with surgery and HRT but actually legitimate mental help.

News flash mutilating your junk and becoming literally less of what you where does not make you better off mentally.

I don't understand the leap from faggotry to trans though. I guess the information is misrepresented or something. Cutting off your dick isn't going to improve your sex life. It's purely cosmetic surgery with no possibility of positive outcome.

My spouse was conceived while her father had been undergoing chemo. According to doctors conception shouldn't even have been possible. Her dad died before she was born and her mother made it very clear that she did not want to be a mother.

My mother was a bit diff. Both of my parents have made it very clear I was an accident(condom failure). My father apparently had made a lot of BS promises to my mother to get her to marry him. One of them being that he was raised Christian and intended to continue to live as Christian. Once my mother was pregnant he revealed that he felt he had her trapped and that he would have said anything to get her to marry him. So she was very upset during gestation.

The current thinking is that traumatic gestation causes the brain to be given the wrong hormones during development. So you end up with a brain that doesn't match genitals.

>not genetic
>not a disease
>not a mental disorder
transexuality JUST DOES NOT EXIST
as I said before anyone who consider themselves trans just got tricked by big pharma
(((transexuality))) or (((gender disphoria))) as been branded by the DSM in partnership with the APA and FDA which were mostly funded by Carnegies/Rockefellers and (((scientifically proven))) by pedophiles like John Money
one day cuckservatards will have to come to the realization that getting people saying "it is a mental disorder"

You just cannot imagine how much money gets sucked from thoses "poor people with a mental disorder" by the selling of pills or sex changing


That is how you get fucktards like Blaire White teaching "The New Normal Disease" on JewTube to our youth


Don't be such goyims

>They have to insert an object in their vagina on a daily basis to prevent shrinkage

Holy shit. Really?

You would think butt Fucking is an acceptable compromise. It's free, comparatively safe, and even allowing for accidental shit from time to time it's far less gross than fucking a scar

I was always inclined toward things female. I looked to women unintentionally for my roles. I wanted to be doing what they were doing. I started crossdressing around 8 and continued secretly till I was caught by my stepmother at 18. When I was younger I would play barbies with my female friends. The more I look at my past the more I see how I was acting like the girls and a clueless outsider with the boys.

>tell me why the promotion of mental illness and self harm is bad guys

Nature will win.
The only argument you'll ever need.

There are no accidents with proper preparation.

>What are your arguments against transgenderism, Sup Forums? I'm looking for something other thasn "hurr durr it's degenerate." I need someone to articulate my revulsion toward trannies and and explain why going down this progressive road is bad for our civilization. I can feel it in my bones that this is wrong, I just don't know why. Please help me, Sup Forums.

You can't change sex. You can badly fake it, but you'll always be the same sex you're born.

The problem is this: fake it 'till you make it is EXTREMELY dangerous in all cases, when you normalize it and push for it is basically brainwash level of BS

Also giving importance to a mental illness is dangerous, and "not feeling in the right body" is a mental illness: you are your body.


That would make sense if this was an anxiety or body weight issue.

If what you claim is accurate, you have something more akin to testosterone diabetes.

That's more than likely a genetic factor coupled with a specific environmental trigger



I am not implying we should treat them in the medical sense- I mean as people.

Pills are not going to fix this


Trans people predate big pharma. There is a cast in India for trans people. They are the oldest surviving civilization. Ancient Rome has statues of people with breasts and penises. I know you wanna believe this is something new but we are likely always going to be around no matter how many of us get the gas.


Sounds like you lacked even the basic socialization needed to take on a male identity.

Your pic related us one of the best arguments against it.

That's exactly my point: what's frustrating me is that the narrative today is shifting towards "look at me i'm a conservativem, oh what is that? is that a person with gender disphoria? omg poor you. Since i am a progressive conservative i'm not gonna say your problem is in any way linked to homosexuality. here take these 1k estrogen pills for the rest of your life. i is your RIGHT cuz u have a (((special))) disease"

Dude, we all know about cross dressers and third genders in traditional societies. Like epilepsy and deformity they were given a place in society. But nobody encouraged little kids to take hormone blockers and castration as a viable solution to confusion

Nothing wrong except you make an insanity a norm.

I had access to male role models. I had a father and a stepfather. My stepdad was awesome. He would take me fishing and hunting.

The problem was that once I hit puberty I would make advances toward my male friends. My female friends started doing the same thing to me. I became afraid of having close male friends eventually because I lost my best friend as a result of my advances. I didn't have a close male friend again till the end of high school.

A lot of eunuchs in Rome behaved as trans people do today. That cast in India has a ritual castration. I technically am a eunuch.

I disagree with the narrative as well. Be trans all you want, but society has norms that you go against. I am a compassionate person and I don't really want to be involved in your thing, so I won't mock or harm you. But 8f you are a degenerate criminal or a sexual predator I'm going to hold your obvious otherness as a clear example of antisocial tendencies.

If you want to be trans you better to super rich and removed or very kind and humble.

The San Francisco school of aggressive debauchery makes me want to kill. I don't flaunt my normality so don't push your queerness

I can't unsee that.

Imagine seeing it and still considering doing it to yourself.

I sure hope you understand that encouraging kids to follow in your path is going to make you an enemy of society. Normalized deviation is a path to criminality

>If you want to be trans you better to super rich and removed or very kind and humble.
If one gets started young enough very little cost is involved. My HRT cost is negligible. Not all of us want SRS.

Honestly I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy let alone a child.

Mad Max*

Fuck that. The slippery slope will only lead to eunuch fuckboi farms. As a grown adult using their own money sure, do what you want. But I will murder anyone I find out is encouraging or enabling teens and preteens to maim themselves