

Is this true? Is google not the biggest advocate for PC and diversity after all?

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archive that shit negro www.goatse.cx

i've never met a woman who genuinely likes people

Fucking sweet, it's only a matter of time for engineers to see through the facade.

t. Work in Silicon Valley.

yeah they might be better with people but it's always a front you find out after getting to know them for a while. most of the time they are pretty misanthropic and you can instantly tell they just learned how to make people like them from an early age purely out of survival instinct

we should start using goaste.cx more.

[literally shaking]


Definitively happening

fuck liberal fags, hope other silicon valley business developers go vocal on this

that is correct. they don't even like their own friends. the sole reason they are "nice" to people is so that person may think "oh, she was so nice. oh she was so sweet". exactly what you're saying. it's like when they see baby pictures. OOooOooooOOOOH he's so preciousssssss when really they're thinking "ugly fucking kid. mine would look better. i need one now so i can get this same response but my friend will really mean it because she loves me because im so nice"

I work in software too. There's plenty of right wing white males working in it. But we're generally quiet about it because our HR departments are staffed by SJW type women.

We go to company meetings where they talk about being a diverse company. We have to sit through gay pride bullshit in our office. We have to pretend to tolerate 'gender fluid' freaks in the office.

Hell, they threw a gay pride celebration at my office. A big, fat tranny hosted the 'show' and did a standup routine or something. I walked by, and the only people there were HR, Customer Service, and a few QA retards. Almost the entire company would rather stay at their desks than go witness a freak in a dress talk about politics in the guise of a comedy routine.

>implying women like anything
Women hate everything until they find a man they want to fuck who tells them what to like.

can someone source this doc please. Holy shit. id bang a trap for this.

i miss the old days
but i am hopeful for the future

which topleveldomain is cx

I really want to challenge them to a rational argument on "diversity is strength".

Men insult each other but they don't really mean it.
Women compliment each other but they don't really mean it.

Could Silicon Valley be the beginning of a traditionalist resurgence?

I should have gotten into software engineering. 27 and a meme degree, too old now.

They don't like individuals. They just like participating in social activities that require people. They crave conversation like a man craves efficiency.

Christmas Island

Those motherfuckers never share the original document, instead just go "WOW, just WOW" about it.

Don't do it now, too many faggots trying to make video games or be a tech entrepreneur.

this is right.

women are made for human relations. men like to manipulate things. Why she got triggered?

I've thought about asking the CEO in a meeting - "Can you explain what you mean by diversity? What's wrong with the people here now? Are they not diverse enough?" Or something similar. But I know I'd be out the door shortly after that.

Our HR is all women and one fat gay guy. They've staffed up the entire customer service department with fruits and cat ladies. Hell, they'll hire almost any female dev who applies. It doesn't matter if she sucks.

Meanwhile, as a white dev, it's almost impossible to get a promotion or even a raise. But if you're a woman, and you suck, they just promote you to some 'oversight' position where you can use your 'technical knowledge' in non-specific ways. IE, you can stop coding but pretend to still be involved.

And we've got some fat, old guy who thinks he's a woman and gets to use the ladies' room. I can only imagine the mega shits he takes in there.

I did and it's not what you think it is. Software engineering is filled with nu-males. It's literally worse than humanities, 2 out of 3 students have hipster beards.


I have. Women have done a pretty good job of being there for me in low parts of my life.

did you make the site slant eyed gook lover?
does it have api?

just signaled my friend who works at the goog. the document doesnt exist. These fucking cunts are making shit up to keep gender issues in the headlines. Methings this blue haired bitch is planting a story so her or her friend can win a gender-based lawsuit.

>google female employee reads mainstream conservative objection

None of these fucking cretins would have a job without (((diversity hiring)))

Fat cheetos white dudes, who just want to sit, put their phones on and code. Do you think they can spark a conservatism revolution?

if everyone was nice to me because i had a vagina, id like people too

>tfw you'll never have a company made up of essentially only white men
>tfw you'll never poach all the real talent from diversity shitholes like google and go on to make loads of money with minimum bullshit

>Is google not the biggest advocate for PC and diversity after all?
it's damage control. they're still letting youtube get gutted by the ADL. i don't trust this BS and it definitely doesn't make me go:

>wtf i love google now


someone tweet this

the goatse site is down now I think but it's a shock site from the 1990's
no I didn't fucking make it you gay marriage Facebook meme flag

>don't fix the culture
Wait, maybe I'm retarded but what is she saying here?
>The guy who wrote this got a supportive response and people are going to leave google if they don't fix the things he talked about
>The guy got a supportive response and her and her sjw friends are going to leave because of googles """"toxic"""" culture

Chew some rice cracker


Sup Forums should make a company, that shit would be cash but no one would want to do business with us

Is she upset because she wants to be a materialist cunt?

>Software engineering is filled with nu-males

This. I count on average 6 manbun haircuts per day.

t.work at apple (hvac guy)

>but no one would want to do business with us
No one in the corporate world actually cares about how diverse your company is as long as you deliver results and they have some plausible deniability for the plebs i.e. you don't have excerpts from Mein Kampf on your company website. The real problem is that the federal government won't let you.

Kikes really did a number on the US.

>anonymous sources familiar with the document


Absolutely soulcrushingly not

Do cyber contracting for the military or join intel agencies instead



> I'll consider leaving
> for real
> except I won't because I want my options
> but if I really wanted to I could
> because my boyfriend can still pay our homes 6k/mo mortgage

I love lots of women as individuals, however as a group they're fucking cancer. What you just described is every "offended woman", aka everyone who lives in NYC or Commiefornia. We have tens of millions of woman exactly like that in our country, it actually drains my soul


have fun anons she is MAD and works there

>no pastebin
You fucking niggers



Do the non-code monkey engineers at these companies keep their heads down and just do their work, or are they all infected?

t. Engineer who wants to work in a big tech company

Not requiring more responsibility out of women as they became more "liberated" was a huge mistake.

Yea you just clock in and out instead of going to corporate dildo sucking practice at 4:30

Don't pretend you can skip playing politics though, even if you end up on high profile projects. Keep focusing on your craft but don't cut yourself off from what's going on above and around you or you will become one of the angry autsists who can't believe they're in the basement (but did everything possible to make people dislike them, redpilled or not)



kek thanks for posting this
the damage control in this article is hilarious




>.t woman.
We don't believe you. You're all harlots and cunts. Or if you are a man you're not white. White women are fugged. 5 generations of roasties in my family say you're wrong. How can there be 5 generations? Because they're roasties.

Gotcha, thanks.