Which cancer is worse on Sup Forums
Reddit trumpfags or naziboo stormfags?
Which cancer is worse on Sup Forums
reddit trumpfags, bunch of civic nationalist cucks and Israel supporters.
Probably stormfags. Coming here and calling people degenerate is retarded.
Its all equally cancerous
Just learn to type out your ideas and not copy/paste Sup Forums's hivemind opinions
Libertarian anarcho-capitalists.
Reddit is worse, atleast the stormweenies can meme without giving me aids.
Faggot OPs like you
Shareblue/CTR shills, leftypol commie cucks, blacked trolls
Shitposters who go over to other boards pretending to be us
I don't even see the redditfags, they're mostly contained in /ptg/ which I never browse anyways. I only see ironic redditposting, it's rare on here for somebody to go "Yeah Israel is based and black men are awesome as long as they're patriotic!" and be serious about it.
Now naziboos, they're in every thread, and they have historically shitted up the board and continue to do so, and they think they're on some kind of moral crusade to awaken the world with shitty infographs and calling everybody who disagrees or challenges them jew shill.
You have to go back
>degenerate detected
Mostly you, shill.
I'll give you credit, divide and conquer seems to work better than trying to make your own pepes and nuclear coded escalators.
Red pills are involuntary suppositories of truth, keep exposing yourself to them.
And don't forget: you're here forever.
jews and your facebook thongken emoji.
>high chance of 1 post by this ID.
Fucking degenerate
Disgusting degenerate
You're not listening
>coming to Sup Forums of all places and getting mad at degenerate people there
You're not denying you're a degenerate
fucking degenerate
Oh look, a degenerate
Posters like you.
You found me out.
Now post ten infographs you got from hitlerdidnothingwrong.blogspot.reich
Israeli summerfags are the worst, I hope they all die in the next war
Reddit is cancer, Sup Forums has always been a natsoc board.
I actually feel the same.
And don't forget the YT link to the "Greatest Yarn Never Spun"
What am I fucking supposed to do? Rate each and every single post?
So why do you like Sup Forums then? Go to fucking normanbook or something lmao.
Shut up weeb.
trumpfags 100%
You seriously expect to type an autistic non-post with a nice little faggot spacing and not get called out on it ?
You have to go back
Sup Forums is a white nationalist board and there is NOTHING redditor kike shills and baby boomer kike worshipping Republicans can do to change this
What's wrong with my spacing?
>What's wrong with my spacing?
You really do need to go back.
320% degenerate.
leftypol crossposters 2bh
Is it considered reddit spacing now to put any sort of line breaks in your writing? I thought it was just meant
For stuff like this
Which I admit is pretty annoying
But my post is neat as fuck you faggot, the counterpoint was introduced effectively
I really really dislike commies
>doesn't know how to write proper paragraphs
>calls his shitty writing "neat"
You're the reason why /leftypol/ is invading /bant/ while Sup Forums just watches like a cuck.
They're both blind followers instead of active thinkers.
May as well ask if Cancer or AIDS is better.
Autistic kekistanis like is the real problem.
Trick question; the real answer is: /nupol/
You can see that the general board ideology has changed, maybe we're getting older and notice all the kids on here are retarded but at the same time its pretty easy to see how the board's standard have dropped.
stormfags treat discourse as a game to dump lame ass stale macros see:
this ultimately only serves to annoy and drive away third parties they could've attracted to their cause but won't now because they can't shut off the shitpost button for five min
It's like hippies, except online and more annoying and right wing.
Maybe they don't want third parties attracted to them because they realize that there is a gestation period necessary to understand and appreciate such an alienated ideology. This is the problem with reddit, it used to be you come here as a libertarian and become a nazi, but now you come here as a normalfag and leave as a slightly more redpilled normalfag.
fedorautists are the worst
reddit libtards
I was gonna say trumpfag kekistanis but seeing replies to this makes me question that decision. Stormfags are pretty bad too
>Which cancer is worse on Sup Forums
>Reddit trumpfags or naziboo stormfags?
The worst cancer is KremlinFags, Web Brigades and Putinbots.
posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread
Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.
You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.
Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.
It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.
You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.
All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.
Die in a fire.
>Wow the normal shift in ideology present in most democracies is happening and this time some people are marginally more right wing about it that means were winning guiz
Fucking nobody is going to win anything on fucking Sup Forums where 80% of our users are either NEETs, spineless pussies, or in an occupation that's objectively useless to society.
>most people are lemmings and lemmings are idiots!
>so fuck all you lemming idiots, we better than you!
>goddammit why do we keep losing? why does nobody listen to us?
Never change Sup Forumstards, never change
Reddit fags. Duh.
Pathetic lad,really
Once again first post is the best post
We aren't losing shit, you lads don't seem to understand the democratic system is not your friend so that route won't work, and you're not gonna get a revolutionary army out of a bunch of normalfags unless the conditions are right.
Stormfags have been failing at their goals since decades.
Reddit fags at least achieved something.
Also everything is a jew and everything is degenerate and everything is non-white but them selves without anykind of real proof (inb4 blogs). Pretty much shaved SJWs
>naziboo stormfags
naziboo stormfags were always a part of Sup Forums, newfuck. trumpfags is objectively worse
What did Reddit fags achieve?
Redpill all the normalfags you want just don't bring them over here. They'll ruin Sup Forums first, then gradually other boards.
Go back you degenerate.
anyone with a political opinion different than my own.
They made "their" ideas desirable to some normies while most people desn´t even know what a "Stormfront" is. And if you come to´em trying to redpill´em with the material our arguments you use to find there, your opinion will go directly to the paper bin for being an edgelord as happened to ´em for decades and decades and will go on for many many decades.
No offense, there are good people and some good points there, but at the end of the day it´s just another irrelevant corner of the internet.
>calling anything that insults reddit a D&C thread
>reddit spacing on every single fucking line
oh boy i sure do wonder if this guy is a redditor
Where to, my man?
So you have a bunch of slightly more right wing conservatives? The fact is the Fascist worldview conflicts with literally everything about today's society and you can't just push it on people, thats why at best we get another generation of Reagan dick suckers with a bit more nationalism.
Pretty much. But Sup Forums is nothing if not irreverent.
At least stay in your containment general
Leftypol is by far the most cancerous group on Sup Forums. Someone should create a thread with a strawpoll. In the strawpoll list the 10 most prominent ideologies on Sup Forums.
>the democratic system is not your friend so that route won't work
Really faggot? Oh wait, you're a stormtard, aren't you? Never mind, carry on.
Oh wow we got a conservative in power again with slightly more based policies which he's barely implemented i guess we're BREAKING THE CONDITIONING huh?
>false dichotomy
You, nigger, are the cancer.
sage the shill threads, faggots.
stop giving them (You)s.
Redditors easily
Slowly, yes. What, you expected it all in one go? That's the problem with you stormweenies, you keep waiting for Hitler to resurrect and immediately solve all your problems for you. Well guess what, it ain't gonna happen like that.
You realize you will never get Hitler if you claim having some conservative in power is a victory right? things need to get worse before they get better.
Redditors, phone posters, leftypol homosexuals, JIDF
In no particular order
I'm not saying Trump is a victory, just a step in the right direction.
>worse is better
Are you fucking serious? If that were true then Sup Forums should have gotten behind Hilary.
Everybody that arrived after 2012, that means you too newfag.
>you stormweenies
Anyone who posts this should be banned.
No one in the democratic system will get you anywhere, thats the point.
Phone posters should be nerve gassed.
Trumpfags: anyone who has bought into a cult of personality is beyond sympathy.
Naziboos can at least be manipulated a bit given that all their authority and worship figures are ded
Oh so what are you gonna do, get out your guns and start shooting? You go right on ahead and try, General Lee, let me know how that works out for you.
shills from both sides. literally the worst. can't we just have civilised discussion?
Ancaps/Libertarians/Randians and Trumpfags. These are often the same people, and they are absolutely reddit imports from when this board exploded in popularity 2015-2016 during the election.
circle jerk thread.
>implying there's much of a difference at the end of the day
You don't need to be a revolutionary to see what i'm talking about.