Mathew 22:21 and how it relates to libertarian christians

jesus thread ATHIESTS GET OUT RN

Did caesar (a non jew and one outside of davids lineage) truely have the divine right to rule? it doesnt make sense that jesus would advocate for a roman to be able to collect taxes unless they had divine right or were chosen by god. even in romans we see that paul says that the authority is only allowed to rule because they are established by god."Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."
was caesar then justified in taking taxes? does all authority in america have divine right to our money too?

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Deus bump

its too late polandpal

I don't think I'd carry matt 22:21 as necessary supplement to Romans 13. My feeling is that these are separate points. Jesus saying to give the roman coin to the taxman would have been relevant to his followers wanting to render total obedience to his authority. "render unto caesar" implies a separation of authorities, Jesus' being godly and caesar's being worldly. We as christians render the highest respect to Jesus, but are at the same time called to be peaceful and to not sperg out and not pay taxes to non-christians. Also your memeflag is faggy.

>am democrat
>called memey

Any room for mormons here?

you guys do know your entire mascot shit was made up by a literal poo in loo. he also ruins raids on leftists constantly by posting links directly to Sup Forums. Nice going christcucks!

Leave it on your geo-location. You can let us know your views by actually espousing them, not 'voting' with TGI-Friday's pin-flair.

ok user

>Did caesar (a non jew and one outside of davids lineage) truely have the divine right to rule? it doesnt make sense that jesus would advocate for a roman to be able to collect taxes unless they had divine right or were chosen by god. even in romans we see that paul says that the authority is only allowed to rule because they are established by god."
Who was Jesus?
Why were the Gospels written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic?
Why were the first Christian Pope and saints all members of the Flavius Caesar family?

In his book Caesar's Messiah, Atwill outlines a revolutionary discovery: the series of events in Jesus' ministry described in the Gospels are exact, sequential parallels to the the battle campaign of Titus Flavius, as recorded by Josephus in War of the Jews. From this revelation, Atwill unravels one of the best kept secrets of our modern era–that the origins and intentions of Christianity are far different than we have been led to believe.

The key came in Josephus’ War of the Jews, which describes Titus’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The military campaign exactly paralleled over 40 moments in the ministry of Jesus described in the Gospels; an inconceivable coincidence.

As Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.
The Deception of Constantine
Constantine mixed Mithraism, Apollo worship, and Christianity to vault himself into popularity.

sure brother! is it true that you think the book of mormon is a third testament or is that a meme

It's half meme half true, before I moved to Utah for school I was in florida and there were no temples here so I just went to the locan presbyterian church and sort of ended up just believing as long as you're a good person and respect others as you would yourself you're fine but after going on a mission and coming to Provo you learn that the book of mormon is the top with others irrelevant outside of a few parts here and there


What did He mean by this?

t. non-crusader


Yeah because the crusaders did such a great job of eradicating the heretics, right?

That must be why they are flooding the Europe. Fuck the crusaders. A bunch of overrated nancy boys.

Reminder that the South caused all of our problems with niggers by importing them and not letting us deport them.

Mormons are not our brothers in Christ because they do not believe exclusively on the Lord Jesus Christ with his death, burial, and resurrection for salvation from our sin

No argument there we fucked that one up, but at least most (modern) Southern whites realize the problem niggers present our nation while liberal NE and West coast whites can't wait to suck the nigger dick.

Reminder that the importation of slaves happened in colonial America. The new country forbade the import and export of slaves in 1817, about 60 years before southern states seceded where they still maintained a ban on import and export of slaves

>at least
It's too late, bitch. You already ruined the demographics. You want to ruin the culture and religion now too?
They bred niggers as well. And then killed Lincoln when he was going to oust them.

Are you saying that booth acted on behalf of the south

mfw thread has been transformed from caesar to blaming the south for black people in america. sigh, just another day on \lop\...

That's certainly what he thought he was doing. Either way, breeding and importing them still lead to that outcome in the end.

My job here is done!

Give to Caesar's what is Caesar's, OP. End of discussion.

I can't argue with that

It's still disingenuous to blame the people of the south for the importation of blacks, when slaveholders were such a small proportion of the population

>when slaveholders were such a small proportion of the population
They played into the Kike's hands, and then most of the population of the South went to war for them. Libertarianism and AnCap doesn't work in a post industrial society, certainly not in one full of niggers and Kikes. Civil War was basically AnCap lite vs Libertarianism: the war, with the North being Libertarianism. The South just basically had the Articles of Confederation which made the government even weaker than the North's.

God gives that privilege to other races and religions. Indian pagans have rulers, chinese, japanese etc. It doesn't matter they are filthy fucking pagans, people still need a ruler.

Those chosen by nature are chosen by "god." The highest governing powers known are the laws of physics and nature, the most ideal men we know are those of high strength and intellect, and those are whom lead us, whether chosen by men or not.

Your concept of divinity is all cucked so you're not going to understand why it's the strong and intelligent man's right to rule. He is granted this right by nature, not by some phony "god"s blessing.

that line is one of the most telling or worst Jesus quotes, depending on your perspective. it's a totally meaningless empty answer to the question, pure evasion. jesus revealing his politician side.

explain pagan