First Head Transplant

>Sergio Canavero, a controversial professor and neurosurgeon, wants to perform the first human head transplant in December.

>He told German magazine OOOM that the procedure will take place in China. According to the Observer, it will take 80 surgeons, 36 hours and $10 million to execute.

>Like a sci-fi tale come to life, Canavero, who’s also the former director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, claims that people whose brains have been cryogenically frozen could be revived within three years.

>“At the moment, I can only disclose that there has been massive progress in medical experiments that would have seemed impossible even as recently as a few months ago,” Canavero told OOOM.

>His announcement comes after a recent study in which his team transplanted the head of a smaller rat onto a larger one, which was published in CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, according to Newsweek.

What ramifications will this have if he is successful?

My bet is the LGBTQ community will mob him with requests to "gimme muh female/male body"

Other urls found in this thread:

So the donor will still have an intact spinal cord.
Does that mean the transplantee will inherit all of the muscle memories?

Expect a lot of young healthy men to have "accidents" and their bodies end up with wealthy 1%ers.

This won't work because we don't know how to fully reassemble a spinal cord once it's severed. At best, the head will survive on a paralyzed body.

>Why is my drivers seat and steering column self adjusting?



Fake and Gay

Well at least we will learn something. The guy who agreed to do this has a dying body anyways, so can't hurt to try.

If they pull this off, it will open up all kinds of new research opportunities for neuroscience

No one with any real understanding of medicine could even believe that this is possible. We can't fix even a few severed nodes in a spinal cord, this would require replacing all of them, plus there would be rejection at unheard of levels.

The guys a quack. And what's more, I've seen this story every year for 5 years now. Notice OP didn't post a link?

I thought this was some bizarre MGS5 add campaign...

It's gonna fail

Is this the reason why Italy importet expert surgeons from ME and Africa?

I heard about this like 3 years ago and the faggot still hasn't done it.

ghost in the shell irl when?

This was the guy who everybody thought was a viral marketing ploy by Kojima for MGSV right?

They need a compatible body you mong.

The transplantee is a crippled russian guy.

Imagine how much easier it would be to connect up a head to a cloned body. They have had this technology for a while, and wear latex masks so nobody gets suspicious about ancient wrinkly heads on young bodies.

He's gonna die




He won't be replacing them. He will be performing a splice.

>Soros lives forever
Please no.

Imagine if you could put your old ass head on a young body. Find some brain dead fucker and trade bodies.

Thing is,
1. this procedure costs millions of dollars (too expensive),
2. high risk (small chance of success)
3. How are those cryogenic frozen people gonna pay $10 million dollars if it works?
4. we don't know long-term health issues if it works.

>No one with any real understanding of medicine could even believe that this is possible forgot to mention that, like a soda can in the fridge, frozen cells burst.

>Head Transplant

better to try and learn, then never do it and still wonder

Neurofag here. "Muscle memories" are primarily stored in the parietal and frontal lobes. A lot of hardwired rhythmic activity is controlled by regions in the spinal cord, though, so a lot of rhythmic motions (walking, sex, etc) will be in part "from" the body donor. A lot of the intricacies of how the brain and spinal cord work together are still poorly understood, though, so it's also possible specific movement patterns are stored in the spinal cord in ways we don't yet fully understand.
If this succeeds, which it probably won't, we can expect a very long rehabilitation period for the patient while his brain figures out how to use the new spinal cord. It would be an amazing opportunity to learn about plasticity and how movement patterns are distributed and formed in the nervous system.

same thing happens in Norway.
It's full of Nigerian,Middle eastern and Indian ''doctors''.

It's technically a full body transplant.

>hurr replacing limbs is impossible man just like cut it off and shit lol
centuries later bionics
>hurr replacing organs is like impossible man just give him the mercykill
centuries later organ transplants
>hurr curing faggotry is impossible man just stake him or throw him off a roof
current year islam still behind modern medicine.

i win this argument.

That's a body transplant, tho.

>procedure will take place in China
he said it was taking place in usa last year

what is this man up to

What are the biggest challenges to the procedure? Is it connecting the nerves and keeping the head replenished with vitals?

>figures out how to use the new spinal cord
I thought ones spines are snapped, that's it, no more motor function.

or his brain fucking goes nuts trying to understand this whole new body and his limbs start flailng around hilarious, causing him to hit the doctor like a madman and flail out of the window



I always thot the spinal cord and brain were the same organ

Also thread theme:

I can see there being some kind of body dysphoria coming out of this.

Kill yourself


Here's the source OP didn't post:
From the OOOM magazine:
>However, together with various teams in the US, China and South Korea, the author of more than 140 scientific publications continued to pursue the plan he called HEAVEN (Head Anastomosis Venture).
This guy is like a comic-book villain. I could see this stuff maybe in the way future maybe working, but now it's just a mad man that's going to end up killing maybe a hundred people to try out these experiments. No sane medical organization would allow this.

He will be surgically beheaded and will die. A suprising amount of cognition and sensory input comes from your nervous system. He will die but his death is noble and will advance science. He is a very very brave man and I hope my life will be as useful as his.

i like this idea more

He's essentially a nutcase and is milking billionaire's for research money while making promises he can't deliver on.

Essentially his pitch is "give me tens of millions of dollars and the equipment to do this and it MIGHT work.

Even if it fails he theoretically learns something from it.

this is stupid

cyborgs and mechanical enhancements are the future

>hasn't researched advancements in cryonics

well you can always volunteer to dr decap there and be as brave as the last guy.

Suddenly i see everyones become an expert in advanced neurosurgery. Hilarious

These sort of people push science further. Playing safe won't advance the species


shouldn't they try this on animals first?

Well I am able bodied so I would be volunteering for suicide rather than euthanasia but if I had alzheimers or something like that I would seriously consider it.

Fuck off moral fag. It's people like you holding back science. The free market will allow for this man to do his experiments

Imagine putting a white head on a nigger body

>mengele approves of this post

The soviets already tried it with what could be called success on a German Shepherd I believe.

Sup Forums is a board of science and scholarship


When did Europe get so shit at science. Used to be the case it was all Euorpeans and now.. Not that it is bad thing having more Japs and Americans doing science.


What the hell will head transplants do to advance the species? It will be what points out. Get an old trillionare that's scared of death to fall for this scheme and if it succeeds he makes millions/billions. If not, he plays the legal game and runs away forever.

They better record that shit for us.

Not all of us can be a Chef at Wendy's my mudslime friend.

What cognition comes from body? I'm pretty much a retard when it comes to biology but I was reading the other day about the gut being a second brain because it has lots of neurons. Maybe a dumb question but your consciousness is 100% in your head right? Because I can see that being an issue if it isn't and they chop his body off.

This, I graduated top of my class at ITT Technical Institute

I wonder if the guy successful sued Konami for using his likeness? Maybe that's how he's funding it?

Your brain would still age though, so you'd just have some buff 18 year old's body, but be too senile to use it.

>Immortality wouldn't advance the species

Yea I saw that too

That cryogenic bit in OPs post is full of shit. They have pioneered a method to evenly thaw small amounts of vitrified tissue. That is a far cry from reviving anyone with head transplants. I'm 100% for preservation and revivals with cryopreservation and I'm really fucking sick of clickbait style bullshit like this parading around like actual science.

No one wants to female to male, user.

You want to be female so you can leave behind your privilege in exchange for muh oppression.

You mean longevity of life. Your brain decays like said. Switching bodies may give you another 20-30 years, assuming you survive and recover in that time period

Holy shit, ghost hand jobs!

friendly reminder that we are on the cusp of a new technological era and that the elites are going to kill off all of the goys before your wildest futurology dreams come true, none of this new tech is going to be shared, black projects demonstrate that already

since the head contains the brain and the memories/personality etc then the head is what we would consider the "person" so isnt this technically not a head transplant but rather a full body transplant?


thats a pretty fucking expensive way to kill yourself

The brain would age but it would regenerate. The neuron divides each 100 and something years, but people die before it can happen. I'm not sure if the brain would really regenerate after the neurons are replaced, but always having a young body would be the first step to immortality

literally this

>spend years getting /fit/
>finally become A E S T H E T I C and achieve peak performance
>mysteriously die in mysterious way due to mysterious circumstances
>Mr Shlomosteinsburg the 101 year olds billionaire gets my body

I dont fucking think so, I will revoke my organ d0nor status the millisecond I hear this works

I happen to be a profession and a expert of neurological spinal cord medicine science and i can tell you that this is literally impossible, there are too many factors of multitude for me to have time explaining that decise to how this will never work..

>not wanting your body to stay intact when you die in the first place
organ donors are cucks that will burn in hell

>tfw when Trannies will use this


of course

Oh, you certainly are :^). But I know some neurosurgeons and they say it'd be possible with more research, but it's a really complicated goal, nonetheless.

Bull. No way this procedure would work. Sure, russky was able to put a dog on another dog fifty years ago, but he died five minutes later.

Not much has changed about the basic fabric of the universe since then, and we most certainly don't have any new technologies that would allow this.

You don't happen to have a high IQ?

Can't wait to implant myself into an Aryan shota along with the rest of my jewish friends and then using my jewish speaking skills to fuck my new mom and sisters.

Great, now people will start disappearing and end up with not only their organs missing, but entire head. Always have a plan...

They are going to be reconnecting the nerves with graphene, which is conductive enough for signals to pass through, but also pure carbon so the body won't reject it. I've heard they've done the procedure on lab rats with a 95% success rate.

Personally doubting that the full transplant will work, there are many neurons outside of the brain that will come in conflict. Still hopefully the "nerve welding" opens up ways to cure paraplegics.

Gotta put the head in a jar of water like that future Simpson's show

but that wasn't a brain transplant, medic was just hypnotized in his coma

I been following this guy for years

Fucking do it already

That's not gonna help them.
Their brains will still be old and they will die.


>My bet is the LGBTQ community will mob him with requests to "gimme muh female/male body

And insurance will pay for it, and Canavero will take the money.

>the reason a head transplant doesnt cause rejection is because the head recquires the whole body to survive
>the head acts as a parasite


actual med student here, this guy is a very respected and accomplished neurosurgeon in his field, of course it's not gonna be a cakewalk but it's certainly not impossible, he's being a pioneer in this area. He also uses techniques which are new and cutting-edge (although granted not properly developed and tested).
I'd say the chances of him pulling this off are about as much as trump winning the presidency with at least 300 electoral votes.