>Then, on Nov. 8, he voted for Donald Trump. In my eyes, a light switch went off. I no longer saw the guy I loved in college, but someone who would never understand me and why it was so important to vote for Hillary in this election. It was the final tipping point I needed to end things and let him go, something I was unable to do before. He still doesn't understand, and texts me asking how I could ruin what we had over something as trivial as an election. This only further validates the decision I made on Nov. 9
Then, on Nov. 8, he voted for Donald Trump. In my eyes, a light switch went off...
Sounds like dodged a bullet
if he couldn't milk her almonds by explaining his reasoning, then he`s useless and didn`t deserve the peuss
Can any fema/pol/s here explain
>why it was so important to vote for Hillary in this election
Dude dodged a bullet tbhsmh
>muh vagina
Libtards and they imaginary problems and issues.
I would never be with a girl who voted for Hillary
Talk about a bullet dodged
My wife still doesn't know I voted for Trump. I'm redpilling her slowly.
Lmao literally this
>falling for the vaginal Jew
>implying women have worth beyond their evolved purpose of being incubators
honestly how does somebody get that fucking dumb to date that kind of woman in the first place
>implying these stories are real
yes. What exactly makes HER important? how would it benefit women in any way?
>No archive
I know there's a bot, but still. Don't get lazy, OP.
>womyn on Sup Forums
Haha good, the division between people needs to deepen before the great happening can occur... the only real shame is that power/internet will go out before we can record the stupid look on their faces when they realize this mess was all their fault and their pet ape "allies" rip them apart limb by limb.
Trump once commented on a bus about grabbing women who are attracted to him (due to his wealth and fame) by the pussy. By voting for him, you're basically saying all men can grab any woman by the pussy anywhere any time. That's rape.
i was just pretending to argue the way faggots and women argue.
it was a reference to pic related
Why is logic so broken for women? It's pathological.
>taking politics this seriously
People who do this need some perspective in their lives.
I fucking despise the left and a number of left wing parties but I wouldn't hold a personal grudge against somebody I knew for voting for them.
women aren't allowed here
>t. beta numale
I'll drop redpills on first dates if they say something I dont agree with. Git gud
teh nuglelar godes :DDDDDD
Most females I know, and including myself, can't stand her and didn't vote for her. Hillary just assumed white women would cause muh vagina.
Hillary was wrong.
Checked. Fake news trying to divide people.
>not finding your partner attractive once you find out they are trans is bigotry
>not finding them attractive once they support Trump, however, is perfectly acceptable
fuck you, virgin, it should be obvious, ugh
This is a very real thing. I had a close chick friend from I work with for several years until she moved away. We'd fall in & out of touch and were too stubborn to reach out to each other. She broke one stalemate in late 2015 to inform me of the death of a friend & admitted she'd been looking for a reason to contact me.
We had fun emailing back-and-forth for the first half of 2016. We'd never talked politics but after Trump got the nomination I was so excited I wrote a long email telling her I'm very pro-Trump. I didn't think much of it because politics had never been a big deal for her. I'd forgotten that for a lot of women just having the first woman president was a big deal and being in libtarded Maryland had probably rubbed off on her. I started getting fewer responses from her or not and they were getting pretty icy. After the Billy Bush tape dropped there was nothing until well after the election. The day of the women's march on Washington she loaded her Facebook profile up with pictures from the march. So it turned out my buddy was pretty blue pilled due to living in Maryland after all.
She finally reached out & I just avoided the topic but one day she wrote something that pissed me off so I revealed my power level and gave her a very MAGA response. I even tried to describe Sup Forums to her and how we memed Trump to the presidency. I heard nothing for a few days and then one day I got a tooth gnashing email from her in response. It was passive-aggressive and was like "all this bullshit with Trump" & she bitched & bitched. I responded "oh yeah LOL but I love every bit of it" & some "god of chaos" stuff. We still email a little but only for good reason and they're short. It's more like emailing my aunt than a close buddy. She clearly doesn't want to fall out of touch for sentimental reasons but sees me in a different light because I'm a Trumper. But it's as it should be. The God Emperor and MAGA are far more important than some chIck buddy. Praise kek.
pls tell me this is reddit pasta
I hope this emotional blackmailer dies alone.
Checked & no, it's all too real. She genuinely was a fun work buddy for a long while and had a good sense of humor for a woman. We were tight after being in the same office day after day for years. But she isn't hot at all and was even a bit on the frumpy side when she was in her late 20s/early30s back then. I actually hooked up with her once but I couldn't "finish" because her body was a turn off - her muffin top was much worse than it had seemed with her clothes on. But having ZERO sexual tension made it easy to see her as a real buddy. MAGA
women are too easily influenced to be involved in politics
I was in a somewhat similar situation, but the sexual tension was very high tbqh. I wanted her so bad it hurt. Also, I was pretty into her muffin top.