4 more days until a special anniversary!

The day was much like any other day for Michael Brown. He was heading home for a healthy meal and some MCAT prep after a day spent building habitats and feeding the homeless, with a box of Bibles in his arms and dreams of attending medical school.

But His life was taken from the world so senselessly and needlessly on 9 August, 2014. Just 4 days shy of being THREE YEARS ago.

He lay in the street, doing nothing, for hours.

RIP Gentle Giant.

Rest In Peace. The world lost a first class mind and a world class heart.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will there be a 3rd Year SHRINE for the Gentle Giant?

Perhaps Dr. Michael Brown would have worked to teach "white" skills to his black brothers and sisters.

Skills such as communicating without violence.

Skills such as listening before speaking.

Skills such as writing coherent paragraphs.

And of course, parenting skills.

We lost so much when we lost Doctor Mike. So much.

Happy Dindu Day!

A day every bit as important as Martin Luther King Day, for sure!

He's stealing stuff and roughing up shopkeepers in heaven now.



How is this thread either of those things?

Are you a Diversity who wants to shut up opinions you don't like? Because that is un-American



That poor bastard got fucked over and over again by the diversity he served.

1 nigger down, still millions to go right enough


Kelsey I never knew about this alcohol and cigarettes riddled shrine

Every anniversary party needs good music.

holy shit

A special shoutout to the one and only Michael Brown. Four years free of crime. You did it!

Who else misses the riot streams



I miss the trials most of all

It was all such a street spectacle.

Remember that Black Panther Oakland negress who was on disability but moving better than anyone and who left her kid in the cold car? What ever happened to her?

Or the porn star who came out to camwhore in Ferguson?

Or that coalburner fat chick?

Or the other SJW chick in the wheelchair?


You may be mixing DINDUs, user.

Ferguson could have been stopped if Trump had been President.

And that would have possibly prevented Black violence in Baltimore and Minneapolis and Charlotte and Atlanta.

>Remember that Black Panther Oakland negress

I think this is her. Along with Sasha Pain. I remember this streaming event, I think.

Thought they both happened at about the same time, the Trayvon and Brown incidents.

she looks Somali or maybe some other kind of East African. Oh wait, actually I think she looks Sudanese now. Probably a Muslim Communist. They exist, apparently John McCain is a big fan of theirs.

whos that bitch?

chicken juice gorilla

Is this the one with the skittles.
All these chip-outs bleed into each other I can't remember who is who.

She called herself Sasha Pain back then. Not sure whatever happened to her.

nah mayne u thinkin bout tray tray nigguh
dis da nigguh with da cigars nigguh

She do porn or google show the wrong one?

Apparently she was using some of the proceeds from her cam shows to help fund the protest.

I wonder if she feels like she wasted her cam money since Officer Brown has been completely vindicated.


A blast from the past.



Here is what that drugged up nigger boy was really doing that day and why to cops came to take care of him....


I wonder if the media will commemorate the anniversary?

And whether they will tell the truth about Officer Brown's innocence.

We need to meme the hell out of this image to commemorate the event.

What sucks is that a single generation ago Ferguson was mostly white and mostly law-abiding.

THEN they moved the Projects in.

Now it is overwhelmingly black. With the grace and logic we saw among the dark citizens of that city during the riots.

Feels bad, man.

Here is a simple chart the liberal Jew controlled media will never tell you about.

Powerful graphic.

Should be used whenever a black congresswoman wants to ban guns from WHITE people because a Black teen kills another Black teen in the Projects in Los Angeles or something.


How to get your ass fired from huff post....

White hispanic... so are all Hispanics white now?

I forgot, are Hispanics all white now?



Only the flimflammable.

>White hispanic... so are all Hispanics white now?

For a long time the FBI, and others, used to contaminate the "white" crime rate by counting spics as white too in teh crime rates. That made the true white crime rate look far worse for political reasons than it really is... But that is now changing once their game got found out.

Note the 10.a fix to the national firearms form they were forced to awkwardly make.

This will bring back memories.


Congrats Mike! Three years without crime. You did it!!

So in otherwords, Hispanics turn white when it fits. Incredible.

Just so you know how that calling dark criminals "white" game works to make the numbers against the true white people look far far wore than reality....



Those long nights.

pour one out for mah homie

No one has posted this completely factual and realistic recreation of the incident where a noble, nubian white male was cowardly shot down by a terrible albino hobgoblin after going to a store and pondering about college with one of his most trusted friends.


(2:22, if it doesn't start you automatically there).

>*record scratch*
>So, you're probably wondering how I got here

Is that cough syrup on the right?

As a former resident of the once fine town that was destroyed on his behalf, fuck Michael Brownstain.

Interesting that his friends and loved ones would choose to commemorate his passing that way.

>Not a textbook to be seen for miles

It's dey culcha.

>this is what half the country literally believes

Were you there for the Black Lives Matter tantrums?

>Were you there for the Black Lives Matter tantrums?

Dat sheeit was soo cash!!

No, had moved north for a job by that time. Broke my heart seeing Little Caesar's go up in flames though.


Such an unexpected feeling of satisfaction.

I had forgotten that interchange.

>pic unrelated

my history teacher made us watch that movie


To celebrate I'm going to update this image. Happy 4 year anniversary of Dindu Blasting Day Sup Forums.

3 Year, user. 3 years.


Big Mike was doing the work of Jesus the day he was murdered you bigots.

Excuse me, you are correct sir. RIP Gentle Giant, you dindu nuffin for 3 years.

They are all such jokes.

Especially Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is still paying off his $10 million he cheated the IRS out of... He will say or do anything now to make money just like all those old poverty pimps.

>tfw Soros et al. bitch out and stop funding shitskin riots entirely
What will they do with all those savings? Focus on antifa?

>The day he murdered you bigots.
uh-huh your punctuation and syntax needs improvement.

Take. The. HEH. PILL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was such an upstanding young man. A true treasure to the cummunity

White dudes like
>ive made a big mistake


Maybe you should put one more candle on your cake this year, user.

And when you blow out your candles, blow that one out first.

To symbolize the brilliant and caring life that was taken from the world on that special day 3 years ago.

He probably thinking that the sun is setting soon.


Congratulations to the one and only Michael Brown. Three years free of crime! You did it!

I hope that poor shopkeeper was smart enough to leave Ferguson, shithole that it is.

I wonder if he would have made it 3 crime-free years if he hadn't kicked his air addiction back then.

fuckin mad dog 20/20. kek

im sure someone went through all that before the sun went down. there is no way all those intoxicants lasted 2 hrs on that street.

oh i will

I'm really disappointed that there hasn't been any major chimpouts this year