Why is it that every expert says hard Brexit is a disaster?
BREXIT - suicide edition
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Because they are globalists shills.
And it's not every expert, just those that get TV time.
did you really think Brexit was going to happen? the UK has one of the most authoritarian governments in the world
>every expert
they're afraid, simple as that
>Why is it that every expert says hard Brexit is a disaster?
same reason that experts claim climate change is real
because money talks. Don't believe me, than compare "Bill Nye saves the world" to "Bill Nye the science guy".
Because a lot of people will lose their jobs. But people knew that when they voted for Brexit.
the facts on brexit speak for themselves, regardless of brainwashed chavs thinking they are more clever than people with degrees because they read a fucking daily mail article written by some idiot about how we need to bite the hand that feeds us (europe)
Yeah... Damn science... That's the experts main agenda.. promoting science.
>says former EU chief
Yeah, def going to believe that..
t. Pakistani
The US is looking for a quick deal between them and the UK.
The EU isa cancer and will fall
don't be naive... fucking normie.
>shakespear says 'let your eye smile like a friend on denmark'
>this fag smiles at sweden...
actually the first person who Trump called when he became president was the EU and not Britain, which just says it all. Stop deluding yourself with this britainnia rules the waves crap, we are stronger united
How does the economy benefit by staying in limbo where people are unsure how they should plan their futures?
Rip that bandage of, and make some trade deals so that people know what their future will be and they will feel more comfortable in knowing what they are investing in.
They believe in globalized government and think EU is instant free trade access. It's not like you have to be in the union to trade or travel or anything else. If EU nations are not willing to compromise, negotiate or trade with the UK then they're just out to spite them out of greed and a dangerous agenda. I hate when people highlight how terrible the economy gets, there are always pitfalls/dips when restructuring the economy then people adjust and climb back up. The politicians don't want to take the brunt of the adjustment period because they don't want to be seen as bad or lose out of a job so they delay it as much as possible out of fear (no one really likes actual change from their comfort zone). Then you got bozos like who are just naysayers and want them to fail and support pushing for their failure.
Cause elites know Britain had their shit sewn up. They were in a great position to be a powerhouse in 10 years time. They could be top dog of Europe if they gave a toss. But it wouild be pretty ahistorical for them to play the dominate of the continent
Stop lying you deluded Eu shill
Brexit is just the start, get ready for more, cunt.
>Implying that a strong, independent woman is no much for men
What a sexist image. Report to the thought police at once for reconditioning.
Because they are convinced that Germany will crash the economy with no survivors by not allowing GB access to the single market. Brussels cares more about doing whatever Germany wants than protecting the developing economies of eastern Europe.
>Donald Trump expects
Dude, wud? TTIP has been in negotiation for 5 years and not nearly done - mostly due to reasons which apply in Germany just as in the UK (farm subsidies and farm products access and financial services and investments).
All trade deals are like TTIP??
They could just negotiate the same deal they have now.
>If EU nations are not willing to compromise, negotiate or trade with the UK then they're just out to spite them out of greed and a dangerous agenda
No it's not spite. It's just protecting their own interest and make it look like a bad idea to leave the EU. The EU have to do it even if it's uncomfortable. They will give Britain as bad deal as they possibly can give britain. If that means going down to WTO levels like some African country, then that is the smart thing for EU to do.
Why would they do something to hurt themselves in the long, medium AND short term? Especially in this political climate. It will fail of course, it is the only logical action to make sure that Britain is significantly worse off. That is not spite, but the best thing they can do to protect their interest and the interest of the people in the EU.
What do they mean by hard?
>the UK is thus on course to leave the EU in March 2019.
2019 is soft and smooth, hard is right now, but right now politicians want to forget people voted leave and are pretending EU is already out of EU.
Same reason not joining the Euro would have allegedly been an economic mistake.
Experts are all EU puppets seeking cushy jobs in the EU where you get paid as much if not more than our PM does for doing jack shit.
Their best way to a meal ticket is to try to stop brexit against the will of the people so that their EU overlords will keep them on the pay.
((((((((((experts)))))))))), thats why
EU needs UK money more than other way around.
BREXIT BOOST: Britain would be '£156 billion a year better off WITHOUT a deal with EU'
NEW analysis has revealed that Britain would be better off by £156 billion a year by simply walking away from the EU without a deal.
No wonder they want BILLIONS from Britain! The EU’s poverty problem EXPOSED
POVERTY across the European Union has reached new levels while the Brussels elite continues to preach about unity and success.
>get a tax rebate
>tons of opt outs, special favours
>Strong ally of liberal, free market countries
>Strong opponent of the Russians
the V4 are going into tailspin cause their best ally is walking out the door.
Its mostly just sad. Tony Blair really was a disaster. He didn't put the hold on immigration.
Propaganda machine. The EU doesn't to lose £11 billion of it's yearly gibs
And why are those Muslim women trying to destroy Europe??
>>NEW analysis has revealed that Britain would be better off by £156 billion a year by simply walking away from the EU without a deal.
Except of course 700 000 jobs in the Finance sector would have to be moved out of the country. London would suddenly lose pretty much all investment straight away just due to rules and regulations even if people WANTED to invest. There needs to be rules in place.
>Stop lying you deluded Eu shill
seems the brexit broflake is triggered eh, rofl
>Brexit is just the start, get ready for more, cunt.
actually other countries have seen what a disaster it is to break away so that wont be happening
if you actually look at the polls you will see suport for the union has gone up since brexit, europe is more united now and theres nothing you leave shills can do about it.
Deal with it.
Peace the fuck out.
Margaret Thatcher created the single market and pushed the EU to the east. Its one of those ironies history loves to throw up.
>I, a retard, know more than every expert because I say so
Sure thing, retard.
>afraid of a failing indopakistani colony
The PVV and FVD won seats after the brexit
Half are for a Nexit
suck on this poll
the eu is falling apart. good.
>the EU administration cares more about itself than its member countries and will brutally punish anyone who steps out of line
>I bet you feel silly about trying to leave now!
> brainwashed chavs thinking they are more clever than people with degrees
as well as Sup Forumstards and OAPs
>Why is it that every expert says hard Brexit is a disaster?
No easy answers in life but I am looking forward to watching the fireworks from the fallout on this, consider the following.
>UK holds a large banking sector that is one of the keys of the whole world.
>M.A.D situation with trade and other areas
E.U mad at their project coming down however it will end at some point.
>a second referendum would be impossible
but that's true
>Why is it that every expert says hard Brexit is a disaster?
Same experts claimed that Brexit would fail, and that the British economy would collapse after the referendum. Also when the tories were elected again
experts think children should get hromone blockers and hormone treatment to change their gender too
Because they want to work for the European Union. Notice how the current head of the EU Commission was the leader of Luxembourg, and the head of the EU Council was the leader of Poland.
>NEW analysis has revealed that Britain would be better off by £156 billion a year by simply walking away from the EU without a deal.
>Except of course 700 000 jobs in the Finance sector would have to be moved out of the country. London would suddenly lose pretty much all investment straight away just due to rules and regulations even if people WANTED to invest. There needs to be rules in place.
That extra 158B economy wouldn't occur overnight. As the poster above mentioned. it would require restructuring of the entire economy with a massive loss in the financial sector. It's quote possible you would experience a short-term recession that would outweigh that extra savings
Also would like to point out that 156B is nothing compared to the size of the entire economy.
>Also would like to point out that 156B is nothing compared to the size of the entire economy.
It's nothing compared to what the UK finance sector gets in a month
>leaving eu is bad, says eu official
More news at 11
>bite the hand that feeds us
If you bongs had a fucking spine you wouldn't have to worry about a hand feeding. You used to rule over a quarter of the globe and now you're groveling for scraps from an unelected, pro-Islam, globalist Belgian scumbag.
What bollocks. The EU is inextricably linked economically with the UK. EU chiefs have admitted they will be poorer without the UK contributing to the budget. If the seek to diminish the UK they inevitably damage themselves. Ever been to the UK and seen what cars we drive? Fizzy wine we drink? Where we go on holiday?
Try to make the UK's pie smaller, and the EU makes its own pie smaller too. It's basic economics.
Exactly. Poor Cleggy had his eyes on the gravy train just like Mandy, Kinnockio etc.
>ignoring china, north korea, philippines, russia, venezuela, cuba, and every arab country
"one of the most authoritarian governments in the world"
>The EU is inextricably linked economically with the UK.
>EU chiefs have admitted they will be poorer without the UK contributing to the budget.
Yep, and they would be EVEN poorer if other countries left it as well. The UK is not contributing to the EU budget when they are outside of the trading block anyway.
> If the seek to diminish the UK they inevitably damage themselves.
Not in reality, not as much as they would damage themselves if Britain got a deal that was not significantly worse. Because that might inspire other people. The people who do the trade deals with the UK have jobs that rely on Britain getting a bad deal. If some businesses are worse of because they cant deal with britain without huge tarrifs then tough shit. Do you really think EU beurocrats are willing to risk their cushy jobs to placate a few businesses?
>Ever been to the UK and seen what cars we drive?
Yeah, lived there a few years. Euro cars (and maybe other cars like asian cars because the EU might demand it from their asian trading partners) will likely be way more expensive for the british due to tariffs.
>Fizzy wine we drink?
Yep, will likely be way more expensive as well. It's going to be more of a luxury thing to get European wine
>Where we go on holiday?
It will be just as much hassle as going to anywhere else other than the EU. Many places like hotels on Ibiza, Malorca and greek islands have started to ban British tourists so that they can appeal to other countries and other type of tourists because they expect much less british tourists after brexit anyway ( dailymail.co.uk
>Try to make the UK's pie smaller, and the EU makes its own pie smaller too. It's basic economics.
The EU will get a smaller pie anyway. And the EU beurocrats jobs do not rely on the size of the EU pie. Their job relies on countries NOT having their own exits which they will fight for with evrthing
Brexit = "Hard Brexit"
Same elite that tried to stop it last year hasn't given up. Brexit is inevitable anyway, the British aren't European in the way a frenchman of german is.
(((experts))) were wrong in every fucking prediction about Brexit, including the fact that it would win.
But I have a first
>Implying """"British freedom"""" isn't russia, vene, cuva, or arab tier
Maybe if you surgically extracted all the Muslims this would work
But you haven't and they're still breeding, so all you've really done is cut off ties with the German pyramid scheme for no pay-off
nobody gives a shit about your wannabe countries
They're kikes or puppets and they want their britex shekels. This is the death throws of the 30 year EU fleecing of Britain.
>the first person Trump called
>was the EU
Illiterate Paki detected, gtfo