>complains about mexicans
>has a mexican country in its union
explain this, americans?
>complains about mexicans
>has a mexican country in its union
explain this, americans?
>a mexican country
>>has a mexican country in its union
>asian education
We just wanted to be more like Britain and annex third-world shitholes.
are you purposely trying to be stupid?
you first
and you call Americans stupid
>wat is parody
yanks call anyone spanish "mexican"
double guilty
ricans and mexicans couldn't be more different. even the spanish they speak is different. different words, different meanings.
the native americans they come from are completely different as well. mexicans come from midget ugly shits. the ricans come from better looking and taller statured indians.
ricans have a lot more white race in there unlike mexicans. there are a lot of white ricans.
big difference between south americans and CARIBBEANS. ricans are caribbeans. pirates. completely different FOODS and cultures.
most ricans i know hate mexicans.
No, not really, you fucking moron
yes really you fucking nonce
no we don't you fucking moron. kys.
we call anyone spanish latino
>Doesn't live in America
>Assumes how people act in America
>takes everything so seriously
you should return to reddit immediately
>>has a mexican country in its union
Are you sure you're not a Burger??
Eurofaggots constantly talk about how Americans are just fat dumb mongrels yet they pull shit like this.
Why aren't the Moroccans even nearly has butthurt of Ceuta or Melilla as Spanish are of Gibraltar.
I would like my island to be a state, but I know it is very unlikely so far.
If we become a state, many americans will hate us and it may not be so good after all.
If we become independent, we may just be a worse shithole, as the rest of hispanic countries are. Also, we would become a puppy state for the USA in a less obvious ways anyway, and I doubt americans will remove citizenship from Puerto Ricans living in the mainland and soldiers, so we would have a divided country.
There is no way to address the colony problem without a lot of sacrifices.
I just know here in the south and the mountains are a lot of white people, even with clear eyes, but If you do not want us I'm sorry. I hope the best for USA anyway, you made us great whatever youintended it or not. Thnaks!
If you never met a Puerto rican just image a "mexican but of the nigger type".
Only more annoying.
Bam. I honestly dont know why we let Spanish speaking nignogs into the union.
Seriously why? Why?!
Yeah. We fucking do.
Real fucking talk. We do this all the time.
Makes it easier for them to "cross the border" and get those sweet gibs.
>otherwise they might have to raft over like the ones coming by Italy.
this burger is an idiot. ricans are extremely similar to cubans.
in no way similar to mexicans.
cubans and ricans are both CARIBBEANS, not south americans. and have a lot of white race.
lucyyy, i'm homeeee!
i guarantee you there are tons of cubans and ricans that look completely white and you wouldn't even know they were hispanic unless they told you.
not so with beaners.
they don,t just sometimes they mix up our continent.
autism is off the charts here
im from new york. i find it hilarious when some one calls a puerto rican a mexican. only reason being puerto ricans are quick to shit bricks trying to distance them selfs from actual mexicans. kek
its true. i see it all the time. we do call anyone that speaks spanish "mexican".
We don't though.
We might call most Latinos "beaners" or "spics" or something like that....but not "Mexicans". That would be retarded.
Maybe you just associate with idiots or something?
The fastest way in the world to piss off a Puerto Rican
lmao. fucking this a million times.
Pic related is my understanding of the situation.
>dated a Pwwerrto_Rican in high school
I fucking hate wetback Puerto Ricans more than any other race on Earth. I fucking hate Puerto Ricans more than I hate niggers. Want to know how you're talking to a Puerto Rican? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
We arent fucking Mexican you uncultured swine most of us look whiter than fucking whites these days since yall all wana be black now
No, you are shit, you are worse than beaners. Leave my country. We would incorporate you as a state but you would singlehandedly cause our GDP to plummet because your nation is a 3rd world shithole
>it's a "statehood fags pretend all problems will disappear if we become a state" episode
Lmao @ ur lyfe
you arent even white stop larping fucking faggot youre probably the real mexican
You will never become a state
Nice ad hominem while not actually arguing against anything I said. Typical low intelligence of a Puerto Rican. I would bet money that you have a Puerto Rican flag in your car on the rear-view mirror.
One time we kicked Spain's ass and thought taking some their colonies would be a good idea. But joke was on us, those colonies were shit and now we're stuck with them.
nigger fucking argue against what?? I am not arguing that Puerto Rico is a fucking rich place you idiot its obviously poor as hell but im arguing that unless youre actually legally retarded its obvious we are nothing like mexicans
Well you're not Mexican, you're worse than them like I've already said. You're certainly not white. You don't behave or look anything like whites. Everything is a constant macho match with you retards and you get so unbelievably pissy about the smallest, most miniscule shit. Every single Puerto Rican man I've met acts like a 15 year old boy with something to prove.
I'm quite the opposite, but generally yes especially in NY.
>its obvious we are nothing like mexicans
Yeah, you fuckers are worse.
You do sound different, maybe it's different in Puerto Rico, I don't know. I've met a lot here in Florida and I also met a lot of Puerto Ricans when I was in the Army. I can remember 2 of them being alright people. Every other Puerto Rican that I've met has been very rude.
okay I wont argue that you basically just described me but we are not worse than mexicans thats just stupid and makes me think youre a mexican
mexicans are naturally shorter, lazier, uglier and overall dont got the juice Puerto Ricans got
That's just their "pride". Even some of my family question why I'm not prideful of my background, which I always answer "why should I? There's nothing to be proud of".
>itt: one triggrered puerto rican trying to justify not being mexican
Que pendejo eres lol
Puerto Rico is NOT part of the union.
It is a colonial possession, a foreign country that belongs to the United States.
They will never be our equals.
>>explain this, americans?
America has a colonial past just like the British do, and unfortunately, we have lots of trash left over from mistakes made 100 years prior. That's what it's about.
Imagine if Jamaica or India were still British Colonies, and they didn't want to be independent. That's what Puerto Rico is to us.
>Not part of the Union
All Puerto Ricans who are born are U.S. citizens. All Puerto Ricans can come into the United States and do so, constantly.
We must give them up, they're a nuisance and bring nothing.
What do you bring to America? Thats right nothing.
>A NEET talking with another NEET
Same with dominicans
>puerto ricans
topkek you islander niggers stop pretending
Taino gene got erased from our genepool, most Puertoricans in the island are either spaniards or south africans.
t. Franquelis Garcia
>>complains about mexicans
>>has a mexican country in its union
What do you call Mexicans from Colombia?
The only thing worse than Dumbminicans are Haitians. We need to nuke that entire Island.
I agree with Cubans being white. Cameron Diaz is Cuban and she looks pretty damn white to me.
Also checked