Marriage, Women vote, femeneization of society

On another thread, an italianbro posted a bunch of screenshots discussing marriage, the partiarchy, women vote (and participation in workforce), femenization of society, etc

Interesting reads, but the thread was deleted before I could finish reading, does anyone have those? (pic related was one of them)

Other urls found in this thread:



this seems to be the best one that explains it

ill post what i have but I think the 3 you posted are the same ones i have

come on italyfag, show your face, share your stuff


feminism for africa and india when?

Western degeneracy must die. If you remove the whole circumcision and alcohol thing (only wine allowed) then islam is good.

It will never happen naturally, their IQ is too low to go on an (((intellectual))) spree and kikes dont want to subvert them.

It's a western and Anglosphere problem mostly. Most of those non western ones don't really have to worry about it.

Japan is mostly however men refusing to do anything.

Why would you want that for anyone?

it is not that I want it for them, but overpopulation is a problem because of those areas, see pic related

A more current one, which also takes into account reduced mortality because of better health tech

I wouldn't say polygamy is good, but maybe not that much of a problem with sexbots becoming a thing, but still a problem, you want most men to have the opportunity to be men if you want a good society, polygamy reduces chances because a few men get all the pussy.

finally some data I can work with

Ok, I found the images, here is another


Hey OP, I was going to start a screencap thread but your thread has potential for a broader theme, should I dump screenshots, or fuck off and start my own?



Do as you wish, I already found what I was looking for, if this thread serves as a starting point for your stuff, go ahead




Gynocentric cultures have never worked in history.

This list is only a sample. To poll more wpould be worse.


Black women have the most hiv in USA.

Have another

Third one

Well, this became a "women are sluts" thread quite fast.

Anyway, if anyone has more stuff to share related to what I posted originally (it is the medium and long term effects on the society as a whole that I'm interested in) please do.

I feel bad for single moms, they are easy to fuck, but in the end you always have guilt because you know you are taking advantage of their situation

There are no marriages in heaven nor vaginas. Jews are matrilineal. Isis is an old ass fertility cult. Benisbagoo is not the only way to make babby. Surrogacies are better anyways and that's just the start. The end is like the beginning. Nothing new under the sun. Who fucked up in the beginning? Woman. She didn't even keep it in the species. Went mixing with an upright talking possessed lower creature

Married woman sending me stuff. She has stomach cancer shit bring paid by her husband.

Lot of women who use social media are cheating or into degenerate shit. I like to send shit back to their husbands.

also, by the time they are mature enough (if ever) to understand the consequences of their actions, it is already too late.


Marriage was supposed to be the female vote.

Now they have BOTH and some of you fucktards are pushing to strengthen their second vote.

If you don't repeal the female vote or kill the cult you are done.


She looks really young, too bad that animal she has of son is gonna make her life hard

Only way is to remove women rights.

Or remove propaganda in media that Obama allowed, certain websites like tumbler and tinder, abortion, free birth controll.

Problem with freedom is eventually degeneracy takes over part of the countries. It's quite easy to brainwash women with media and bs. They're the ones who enable other sorts of degenerate behavior to come to fruit.

Also girls with no real father figures make terrible wives.

A redpill that's highly analogous and transferable to today is how government sex orgies were used to jump-start the communist revolution, and then how monogamy was reinstated so that stability and power could actually be maintained for Lenin.
Women are biologically predisposed to think a certain way, and so not being individuals (instead just being mother&child), they are highly susceptible to being brainwashed and manipulated by (them) though state propaganda. Without trad men & women, there is no stable family, and without stable families, there is no stable state. Even the free loving commies knew this, and they deceptively used it as a destabilization technique.
Jordan Peterson on the archetypal "devouring mother" that women tend to play out:
Men have to step up to the plate. Men are individual, and carry within them the power to revivify the stagnation, deceit, and tyranny of the (((state))). (Though they're certainly are fighting to prevent this.) Jordan peterson has a lot of interesting stuff on the "divine individual" or übermensch which man plays out.

>Woman. She didn't even keep it in the species. Went mixing with an upright talking possessed lower creature
THIS. will Sup Forums ever learn ?