Can someone give me a rundown on the Wiemar republic?

Can someone give me a rundown on the Wiemar republic?

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literally degenerate. when using the word degenerate, use it in the context of the Wiemar republic. also,


Child prostitution and drug addicts.


nice short documentary about weimar berlin, degenerate pregnant whores, pedophilia, etc etc.

Corrupt garbage. It was doomed to fall to either communism or fascism eventually. It wasn't sustainable at all.

The libtards see such degeneracy of the time as "social progess".

Meanwhile in America, society was functioning just fine without this severe degree of degeneracy.

The Europeans are filthy imbeciles.

I visited a small grocery store near the town of Llodefyord Norway in 2005 and they were selling nude magazines with uncensored nude women on the cover in the checkout lane, the way we sell tabloid magazines. They weren't even sealed in plastic.

American Christian Conservative society is far more domesticated & evolved than that of the filthy and degenerate Europeans throughout all of Europe.

Watching this now. It's remarkable the similarities between Weimar Republic and current America

Basically modern germany except there will be no hitler to save them


donkey shows, live gay anal sex, etc all funding Jewish families

Turns out Puritanism was the way to go.

Even if there was, the German people would shout him off the podium because "muh progressivism" and "diversity is our greatest strength."

Weimar was better tbqh

germans today shouldn't be associated with the germans pre-1945, 70+ years of heavy propaganda in every facet of life can change a culture beyond recognition

So what caused this degeneracy to begin with? I'm watching the doc now and it seems like sexual, drug, and alcoholic degeneracy seemed to stem from massive economic woes. What caused Germany to get to that point?

>Second Reich dismantled
>economy goes to absolute shit, hyper inflation makes paper money worthless
>armed forces banned, traditional Prussian aristocracy ousted
>hyper degenerate society trying to force people into accepting trannies and pedos
>commies trying to take over and start their own revolution like in Russia
then the WW1 vets stopped the madness and saved Germany

>fitness gram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

First world war

Christ, I may have answered my own question. It always comes down to kikes, doesn't it?

The documentary is now talking about about the (((doctor))) who tried to redefine sexuality. Apparently he's the source of the word transsexual

Not really. The fucking obnoxious SJW shit that's infested New England is the ugly bastard child of it.

SJWs are unchurched Puritans.

oh no people are gonna see titties >:(

So where do the Jews fit in

It really wasn't. At least modern Germans have money.

>trample all over personal freedom and forbid upstanding citizens from having a barley beverage and spawn massive organised crime with immigrants gunning people down in the street and causing all out mayhem while people die of poisoned moonshine in illegal whorehouses and women run around in slutty clothes with manhair listening to negro music
>end it all in a grand finale of crashing the world economy

doing great lads

Wherever there's gaps.


>Antifa everyhere

When you get the wiemar republic, you've secured a natsoc nation later on down the road.

Not just economic woes, but a government that tried to keep the population just comfortable/scared enough to endure it.
that was the Jews
They were fucking up our economic system ever since we had a (((central bank))).


the German people are now even more hopeless, there will be no saving them this time.

Didn't watch the whole documentary, but apparently Claire Waldoff had a bunch of Jewish lyricists, and she was the 'ideal' woman of Berlin (short and stocky, wiry hair, sang about sex and was a lesbian.


watch the documentary, read up on the frankfurt school and the fact that most of the communist leaders of the german and russian civil wars were jewish