She's coming back. With a vengeance.
The calm before the storm
>She's coming back. With a vengeance.
citation needed. id like for her to come back to but ive seen no proof yet
which episodes of star trek was she on?
We know. Sooner or later her bank account will run dry and she'll be making threads about how she needs your $.
She's just another e whore.
When she comes back I'll be supporting her with a vengeance. And I say that as someone who used to think she was a total fake cashing in on the anti-SJW fad.
this and basement NEET nazis will ask their moms for money to send
>Tasha Yar
who cares. did she say anything 100 other people haven't already said 100 times before?
no but she said it inducing 100 times more erections
>constantly on my jewtube frontpage
>never logged in
>dynamic ip
Anyone else?
Women will soften the face of the right. It also encourages other women to be secure in their conservative beliefs.
It's a good thing.
wud u cuck 2 fuk OP???
I understand the grill-bashing, and they deserve it, but women are going to play a crucial part in our future and spreading the red pills. They have a certain social intelligence and way of communicating. They were a huge part of creating the problem, but I also know they are going to be a huge part of turning things around.
All of you writing off and being dismissive of these pretty YouTube women as just wanting Patreon shekels, what are you doing to advance our cause exactly?
>implying women want to follow soft men
>implying men want to follow soft men
people are drawn in by strength. not softness
nobody gives a shit about your little eceleb whore, fuck off
>reading comprehension
I didn't say the men of the right. It's good to have women on the right. Period. No matter how you try to spin this.
>Men want to follow soft men
I am not a faggot gaynon
Post her feet
May your tendies always be warm, startrekbro
Those feels in the air.
Better, faster, stronger. 2 shekels says she ditches the nose ring on return.
Okay, fuck it, I'm going to go ahead and level here.
You want attention to your content. I get it. The whole point of content is for it to be consumed, so people need to be aware of it, but take some time to get good at what you're doing, let some of the attention come to you, and establish yourself a little bit before resorting to blatant e-marketing like this. Trying to become a thing strictly based on hype and forcing people to see your face is very, very cheap, lacks merit, and will make a lot of people royally fucking hate you, which you will completely deserve.
This is just spam and comes off as flagrant attention-whoring. I don't get mad when I see posts about Lauren Southern, or that Varg guy, or Mike Cernovich, or Jack Posobiec, or Reality Calls, or any of those people, but these posts instantly make my blood boil because their intention is so fucking obvious.