"It's a working vacati..."

"It's a working vacati..."

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.ca/books?id=j2iBJI7ivI8C&pg=PA190&lpg=PA190&dq=von manstein 80 20&source=bl&ots=Rlg9PHImpj&sig=QmZmEwQHTCbTElLigCv2CFrlq2s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia5vWy28HVAhUW24MKHYjYB9sQ6AEILTAB#v=onepage&q=von manstein 80 20&f=false

why does trump takes a vacation every week?

that lazy fat fuck

it's your fault this happened

What is the honest to god point of the Trump golfing threads? Theres nothing funny, theres nothing ironic.

Trump is golfing for 12 hours every day. Fuck Trump and fuck white people.

Settle down there snowflake.

There wouldn't be so many golfing threads if he didn't golf 2-3 times per week.

The Jew will make corpses of us all in his Talmudic quest for world domination and the destruction of the goyim, whom he hates.

So make some jokes, photoshop a fatter gut, make it look like he pooped his pants, at least make it look like hes flicking someone off in this one.

You didn't know? Lefties can't meme. They just make a shitty copies of our insults. See how they're trying to call us snowflakes now? It's hilariously sad.



Republican president takes long ass vacation in August.

wcgw in September?

>there are actually niggers who buy into this bullshit

y'all a special case of delusional.

A shillbot. Nice. I remember your replies.

>he flies on his own plane, uses his own resorts when possible
leftist faggots love to leave that out when this shit is discussed. why dont they just flaunt FOIA lists with the costs?

Because Trump pays for most of it himself and uses his own shit. I'm fucking sick of liberals to the point where I would fully fucking support the federal government physically removing all DNC party members and disbanding the party

This triggered snowflake cuck is gonna have trouble with the next 8 years of Trump

reminder obama has been on us soil for a grand total of 4 weeks since trump was elected, i cannot imagine why that would be :^)

Because he's king of the US

>Trump drives the cart

Alpha confirmed, holiday approved

Can someone explain to me why there is so much bitching about trump golfing? First of all, who in Washington works on the weekend anyway? What is he suppose to do, sit in the oval office and do paperwork all weekend? Also not to mention it's his own private golf course, and his own plane. So I really don't understand all the bitching

Counter-shilling in a shill thread is truly God's ecstasy.

How is Clump not a professional golfer by now??

Because he's garbage at it, like everything he does.


Because he understands the Von Mannstein Matrix

books.google.ca/books?id=j2iBJI7ivI8C&pg=PA190&lpg=PA190&dq=von manstein 80 20&source=bl&ots=Rlg9PHImpj&sig=QmZmEwQHTCbTElLigCv2CFrlq2s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia5vWy28HVAhUW24MKHYjYB9sQ6AEILTAB#v=onepage&q=von manstein 80 20&f=false


Grip tape

You may hate him for anything he does, but the one true thing nobody can dispute: Golfing

Dudes a fucking monster at golf. That's not shit talking, look at him on (((jewtube)))


>why does trump takes a vacation every week?
do you keep playing the game after you've won

I don't get it, aren't you lefties supposed to be happy he's "not getting anything done"?

Military people are so stupid they need everything put into a quadrant graph to understand human behavior which is much more complex and layered than that stupid fucking graph

>A man that had a life before he started a new job should disregard all previous relationships and focus only on his job.

Fucking losers. That's why nobody likes you.
Every other dirtbag we had as president was a politician and their lives revolved around jerking off other politicians.
This guy shows up, handles his business and takes the weekends off when he can and it puts leftys heads in a spin.
>bwah why won't he work?
>he doesn't work!
>I don't have a job.
>why doesn't he work all the time?
Fucking. Losers.

Hardworkcel detected, have fun slaving away.

It's the weekend faggot.

He's done more for America in the past week than any president since LBJ fucked everything up, he's bloody well welcome to take off all the time he wants.

>you're all losers for wanting to the president to be held accountable for the all the time he's wasted in office
you have no idea why people are even angry, do you?


is that rand paul? if so, how can shills even talk? spending time with rand is one of the best things he could do.

I wish they were streamed and that they kept and posted his scores
A lot of ppl here and Sup Forums would love to cheer the Prez on while he takes time away from MAGA for a little well deserved r and r :-)

>A million jobs in less than a year
>All time DOW high
>Consumer confidence at record high
The man deserves a break. Get over it, lefty kike.


Isnt he hitler? You should be glad he's on vacation

He's taking a 3 week vacation

Only the left are angry. And you shouldn't be. You should be afraid instead. I cannot wait for the civil/race war to finally commence so we can start hanging you kikes from the street lights.

Work smarter not harder.

Still shorter than the useless Senate's

>Because Trump pays for most of it himself

hahaha oh wow

Trump deserves a break - he's done a lot to fix America, and the presidency is a marathon, not a sprint. He built the wall, fixed health care by repealing and replacing Obamacare, has defeated ISIS and gotten NK to get rid of their missiles, and done tax reform. But we need to keep winning for 4 (actually, 8) years, not just six months

>Can someone explain to me why there is so much bitching about trump golfing?

mainly because Republicans (including Trump!) spent 8 years whining about how much Obama golfed, and now Trump golfs even more. it's hypocrisy.

"Get in, Faggot. We're going to golf."

>Military people are stupid
>Probably works at a gas station as the new "assistant shift manager"

>He built the wall, fixed health care by repealing and replacing Obamacare, has defeated ISIS and gotten NK to get rid of their missiles, and done tax reform.

holy shit our fake news hasn't said anything about this!!!

yeah I know, it's criminal. I'm surprised Trump doesn't sue the shit out of them frankly. You have to read real news and look at the Congressional transcripts and various records from the White House themselves

Working vacation because the WH can't stop leaking shit.

>It's a working Epstein meeting.

>enjoying an ice cream cone
Have a post worthy of your post.



What the fuck, Al. Stop raping reporters.

>Golf more than previous president
>gets more shit done than the previous president

Man, can Obama win at anything these days?

show me the cost list associated with the government ONLY on travel not for specific government use

Oh we know. We just don't care.

careful, your asspain is showing.

literally larping

I can't blame him. If I had to be holed up in the White House with that lingering nigger stench from eight years of the building being converted into a zoo, I'd need to play golf and get fresh air too.

He's the best golfer in the history of politicians.

I guess that was supposed to be an insult. Or have a nefarious hidden meaning

>goes golfing with chinese and japanese leaders
>solves north korean nuclear crisis

The biggest deals are made in "unusual" places.
Could be he he is making the biggest deal for the USA right now