>european countries are tiny
>think their 'cultures' are actually different
>get super assblasted when no one can remember which 3 stripes their shitty country has
fucking lmao. actually remembering where all these 'countries' are, and what about them is important is like doing that for each STATE.
get fucked, eurocucks
European countries are tiny
Other urls found in this thread:
>get super assblasted when no one can remember which 3 stripes their shitty country has
>posting the whole US
>just posting texas or alaska would have been more dramatic
still true tho
Go back to robbing someone you nigger.
so... everyone just get shit for space and living conditions?
whats your point, eurotrash?
No, you're below most countries in living conditions too.
>Muh "living conditions" meme
US has some of the largest single family houses in the world and we're even allowed to protect our own shit here.
>in my cozy ac cooled room with wood floors fully stocked with furniture walkin closet and window that faces out to the desert mountain
>read that post
Fucking kek
pretty much anyone who isn't a nigger or a spic has better living conditions here than in europe.
Well I am living pay check to pay check in one of the poorest states in the union, in a rural small town, in quite a low income bracket, and I bet you cannot name one amenity you possess in whatever Euro nation you still call home that isn't simply the convenience of living in the city.
A/c, my own car AND a truck, an acre of land, a fully stocked grocery store within walking distance, any sort of cuisine in my area without leaving "city" limits, high speed internet, more clothes than I could wear in a month, relatively mild summers usually without any droughts and even milder winters, running water and plumbing, a government that allows me to carry a gun in my own state freely, if not openly, the right to speak my mind far past what the rest of the world would possibly allow, cheap education (if you know what the fuck you're doing), 3 national parks within 20 mins from my house, and being in the bible belt, a church on every corner and neighbors who look out for one another.
Besides socialized healthcare, which you wouldn't have without us protecting your sorry asses not having to field a military and its effectiveness and neccesity to be provided for by the gov in a society in questionable at best, and public transportation in your cities, you have nothing more than I, at the lower end of the US...
why? my dude...why?
>A fucking desert country
The thing that I find funny is Euros expect you to know all their countries and their country's histories and flags, and when you don't, they call you ignorant.
You people don't realize we are proud of not knowing your useless countries. Like we are actually proud of it, it's a trophy, because it means instead of learning about your country, we have more important shit to do. Would Chad know the names of all the loser kids in the chess club? Exactly.
So futile we pay people not to raise crops to crash our own economy....any everyone else put tariffs on us not to crash theirs.
"what hahaha? You can't find Andorra on the map? Hahaha fucking American education hahaha i bet this guy doesn't even know the flag of Latvia hahahaha. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take my wifes son to the mosque"
That's the Somali flag M8
>basically lives in a third world country.
>makes fun of europe
Colombia is also big
Atleast we euros dont have school shooters ;^)
i only believe you because i don't care
Who is breivik?
we need more school shooters.
only we need them at all-black schools
Yet Europe has more whites, armed and active soldiers, a better economy and at the same time isn't >56%
euros cant seem to grasp the fact that america is huge and niggers/spics are contained in certain areas. they drag down the average IQ and crime rate but the white areas, of which there are gigantic swaths - far more than europe, are the lowest crime rate and best quality of life in the world.
They go straight to bombs and semi trucks by you I guess.
Good one, Denmark
Even germany has 4 differwnt cultures you muritard
>"look at me I have no idea what I'm talking about"
Your post
>europe has more armed and active soldiers.
>than the biggest military in the world
>yet you reply
His post literally made you reply, yet you say you don't care.
In germany and swizz, antifa doesn't pretend to be the good guys or use masks. Their antifas say they hide their faces because they're scared to get tracked down by """huwite supramemists"""
+1 eurocuck culture
Full of oil and gold
it's a personal duty of mine to berate eurotrash and i take great pride in it
>boasting about a lack of knowledge
never change usa
I thought it was China
tfw no lebensraum
>ameriniggers will be gone in your lifetime
>Paid $250,000 for my house
>2,300 sq. ft., has a pool, water softening system, central air and heating system, skylights, and in a good neighborhood
>Eurocucks tell me it's actually a shithole and I really don't like it because it's in a subdivision and was mass produced
>Brag about their €1.3 million 300 sq. meter home, crammed into a tiny row of city townhouses, with no yard, modern amenities or conveniences, because it's a couple hundred years old, on a curved street and made of stone
Europe active personell: 1,823,000 (and that's just the EU)
US active: 1,429,995 (and actually ranked 3rd)
Stfu you fat mongrel lmfao.
>it's a personal duty of mine to berate eurotrash and i take great pride in it
Well the whole "h-haha I totally don't care bro" facade went out the window fast didn't it
*your mother and father paid 250,000
Remember your place, neet.
I hope your visa gets revoked
>murrilads think we care about their mexican and nigger infested waste land where helathcare and high speed internet are luxuries
Care enough to make a meme montage. Thanks frenchy.
>Yet another burger flaunting ignorance as if it something to be proud of while shitting on the history of the world
Literally a frozen waste land
Have you ever been to Europe?
>american states are tiny
>think its 'burgers' are actually different
>get super assblasted when no one can remember why they shart in the mart
fucking lmao. actually remembering where all these 'states' are, and what about them is important is like doing that for each burger.
get fucked, burgerlards
>house made of wood
Its like you want it to be easily destroyed
>crammed into a tiny row of city townhouses, with no yard, modern amenities or conveniences,
Sounds like murrika
Ok why are you proving your painfully average house to a bunch of random idiots on this god-awful board, you truly are pathetic.
It's like there's actually trees in our country
I know you live in a third-world shithole, but that doesn't excuse you forgetting what brick is.
Either complain about suburbs, or complain about inner cities. You can't have both, Yuropoor.
I agree, why do Yurofags brag about their horrendous living conditions?
Elmer my friend. I bet ypu feel just like home in murrilardistan
>tfw hate living in 'muricuck
>tfw surrounded by dumb ignorant burgercucks who know nothing of history
>want nothing more than to return to my ancestral homelands and forget about this irrelevant third world non-country
>tfw Americans are actually dunecoons
My country is 70% of trees kek
Every good American knows Europe sucks. That's why we don't have to go there.
Not as big as Brazil, stay cucked fags.
>UN flag
>waste land
No. Shortsighted thinking is for retards. Try not to be retards. Alaska is full of rich bounty, beautiful nature, loads of land, resources, wealth, and highly strategic territory. You could only dream of having such land.
Holland has trees?
great grandpa knew it, i don't need anymore convincing
Who you callin ignunt?
>"Im an irrelevant island nigger where only 20% of the fucking Island is hospitable and doesn't have dust mites that can kill your ass just by looking at you". detected
>when a 3rd wold mexican nigger shithole calls any european country 3rd world
Loving every laugh
I would rather live here than move to america,only the pay is better there and nothing else (gun laws too but idgaf,you can easily get a zastava-m70 in bosnia) Wew
>go to university
>3-5 years
>spend about 6000 ish (depends on degree) euros
Meanwhile in the JewSA
>apply to any university
>get denied because muh diversity quota
>watch mediocre niggers take your place lmfao
>finally get in after sucking massive amounts of dick
>finish your mediocre degree
>debt status : 75000 dollaridoos
Never change
Why you got a bunch of muzzies in your pockets EU? Plans for some more suicide bombings? Dead kids are the slice of life aren't they? You all make me sick.
>Yurofags triggered by higher standards of living
le 56% still managed to vote Trump in.
Meanwhile +85% white Eurotrash continue to vote in the likes of Merkel.
Not true actually. The Northern counties are frozen wasteland. The southern half of Alaska is actually pretty comfy. The US has designated much of the State a wildlife preserve though, and there is little incentive for people in the lower 48 to move there. The climate and landscape is comparable to southern Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Its blessed by the Pacific ocean, so it can stay warmer then other regions at similar latitude.
Standards are an alien concept to americucks
your first lady pls
>4 cultures
>goat fucking
Take off that fake flag, Yuropoor, let's see your true identity.
Murrika looks like a proper 3rd world shithole. Lets be honest lads
Wait, people live in Alaska? Thought is was all reindeer an sheeeeit
Alaska < western australia
Fuck me I love this country
If you actually consider inhospitable land useful than Russia is way better than USA
Don't listen to him he's buttblastered about something.
You might be a yuropoor but your mai yuropoor :)
death to america
Lol i wasnt triggered at all.
It's actually comfy here,sure you got "better" standards (if even you have them at all) but I wouldn't stand living in a country with spics,niggers and half-breeds.
Literally 3rd world shithole murrika is
>flag-fagging out of embarrassment
Who could possible be so cucked?
UKuck? kek
>All that time between posts
VPN's don't count, Abdul.
>le comfy meme
We're done here.
Just sitting here in my country watching the west burn
They live here but we don't live with them.
you're a fucking retard
americans are such faggots holy shit