Was 2006 the end of an era?

Was 2006 the end of an era?

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I've always noticed that shit began to suck around 2006-8,
Like think of something that began or ended around that time, it's like everything just started sucking around that time

iPhone was released in June 2007, and the Recession began in December 2007. Maybe those are it?


And also most of the internet stopped having that Sup Forums-esque type of formatting.

Damn also xbox live was one of the biggest signs of changing times, but that was like 05

2006 was my last good year
2007 was my transitional year
Everything after 2008 sucks and been depressed ever since
>1995 fag


Same, and I'm a '93 fag from a far away place.



>Planters cheez balls

Fuck, they don't make those anymore?

I just entered by sophomore year of high school in 2007. I was so much happier back then...and happier still in 2003.

The only thing I know is that things will get far, far worse before they get better. I'd give anything to go back the time when I would play with friends, outside, all afternoon; and, at night, play Super Mario Sunshine on my futon, next to an open window with a warm breeze.

Like tears in the rain...

2007 was the year of the iphones introduction. Its been a slow degeneration ever since.

i remember using a home phone to contact my friends, and how i would ride my bike to their houses. now u can pay for an uber to take u anywhere at anytime, and u can now jackoff while making a phonecall on one device, crazy how far we've come in just 10 years

The Teen Titan's one got me. That show was THE shit.

I don't know. I was homeless from 2005-2008.

>Super Mario Sunshine
>Literally one of my favourite all time games and at the forefront of my childhood
I'm already dead inside, why did you have to mention this?

iphones were the normie's gateway to the internet, now every website looks like a fucking app


Jesus christ, don't tell me that this is going to be the new 90s kids meme. Everything seems better when you are kid, there is nothing special about this era.

sam goody was a fucking ripoff store.

pretty much this. When they unleashed the floodgates for normiees it got so fucking dumb downed it wasn't funny. The good new is that they're places on the webs that are still anti normiee but seems to be ever more shrinking.

The music was shithouse.

1989 ancient here. i'd say 2009-2011 were the last rays of hope. 2004-2006 was fun though. no smart phones.

2016 went pretty well

95 fag here, can confirm.

yes but it feels like it's too late. we need drastic action to fix shit.

Confirmed we where the last generation to have film phones and not have it be some hipster trend, the good old days


i remember getting privilege checked at a party in 2009 when i jokingly called someone his nickname Big Gay. it wasn't even meant in a mean way. i was informed it was homophobic and told to check my pronouns. that's when the sjwisms started.

2006 wasn't just the end of the Teen Titans, it was also the end of the DCAU as a whole, which includes the Justice League as well. Very sad.

I remember when executable code was called a program. Apple has turned the internet gay.

You mean a film camera?

This fucking """app""" shit infuriates me so much.


2008+ is smartphone era

and it showed us who we are


They started getting us ready for when that one nigger took over.

its showed us that that the west is a failing state

Oh man...

>hurr back in my day durr

You guys are dumb.

Mainstream music was way better in 2007-2010.

What are you fags talking about?




That's just growing up.

Take heroin and feel like its 2003 again.

It turned everyone into a screen dependant short attention span people.

This is shit

>complete garbage was better than current garbage because I was not yet morbidly obese when they made the previous shit

Seriously not even the muh back in my day meme. But you gotta admit that since they've more or less opened the floodgates and have allowed millions of normiees to flood into the mainstream parts of the internet. That it has become watered downed and full or virtue signaling bullshit. For instance 2016 election donald trump is elected to potus. Next day ever normie is saying muh #Notmypresident so you have to admit even you think the internet back then had crappy features or whatever; the fact that you have over saturation of people who sit in star bucks either ranting about how bad capitalism is, or saying OMG guys like this so diverse movie is Fucking rad!.

the cancer must be purged.

Also the last year ytmnd was 'good'.

>Surge listed for 2006
>graduated in '06
>remember shitting bricks in '04 when my school had a few cans to sell

You made me look it up, since I knew my memory wasn't that shit. Surge was canned in '03 for most places, Norway was the last to cancel it in '14, where it was sold under the name Urge. Apparently it was re-released in convenience stores in the Eastern United States in '15.

Yes, we have Surge again here.

Its been 11 years