Why aren’t we getting any happenings this summer?
Did we piss off Kek?
Why aren’t we getting any happenings this summer?
Did we piss off Kek?
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Building up for something big.
*cough Yellowstone*
Calm before the storm
The next happening is war with North Korea which will evolve into WWIII
Because the happening of all happenings will soon be happening... see you in September senpai
Those school shootings and "terrorist attacks on gay faggity nightclubs" were all 100% government staged false flag events. The Donald told them to cut that shit out, or at least simmer down with the normal retardation.
He's waiting to give us the greatest happening of all time. Gathering all the power he can.
This Monday the happenings will begin.
I'm hoping for something of scale.
Any way it goes I'm fucked, and I'm a-ok with it.
ramadan ended
I don’t know if anything will ever top 9/11 in our lifetime
>total solar eclipse
>no happenings
satan PLS
No. People started whining, shills turned us against Kek and his prophet Pepe (mbuh) but this does not matter to the lord of Chaos. He is merely taking a break and preparing for the endgame.
Little Caesar Pizza is the solution to Pizzagate.
It all started with the Little Caesars “Pizza-Pizza Guy” on the roof of the new Red Wings Arena in downtown Detroit. There’s a hidden message in the logo that I’ve never spotted before. Can you see it? There are many famous hidden messages in logos. There’s a “MOM” in the necklace worn by “Wendy.” Of course you know about the hidden arrow in the Fed Ex logo – once you see it, you can never un-see it. So what is the hidden Little Caesars message?
NIKE has a Saturn tick too... Also known as Chronos. The first tick of a clock, is the second, if you follow me. … Want a hint? It’s in his toga. Those lines aren’t random. Look closely. LC LC LC LC for Little Caesars. How has no one ever noticed this before? It feels as if we’ve stumbled on some arcane piece of hidden pizza knowledge.
[b]It's Jesus.[/b]
Opus Perfectum
Ptah aka God of craftsmen and architects. Carpenter is a mistranslation from Hebrew for ARCHITECT. It's a bloodline. Julias Caesar's son was Caesarian "Chosen by Ptah" aka Jesus.
Unfortunately, Ramesses destroyed the temple of Moses/Abraham/Solomon. Oh dear.
So this is the solution to pizza gate and cicada3301. The email leaks contain mention of free energy which was used to build the pyramids apparently!
So we can all have hope for the future of man. ヲB、sヲbァヨウtキサクム
Cissus quadrangularis is a perennial plant of the grape family. It is also known as veldt grape, devil's backbone,
Cissus quadrangularis/veldt grape, devil's backbone Cissus Antarctica
Worry not thought, the phoenix is actually The Devil you know!
The Dragon of course, gave birth to the Phoenix
You sweet summer child.
One of the first posts on the Sup Forumscicada3301 puzzle is by user "IDeliverPizza" voat.co
The commenter on that post is called "JulianDate"
This refers to the change in calendars around the time of Jesus aka Relative of Ramesses II (quoted in the alien covenant film).
The rod of iron, is the central sun, which is The Staff Of Hermes, with Wisdom at it's head and Mercury at it's feet.
Like a thief in the night, the sun of man appears.
The word "cloud" is commonly used in science to describe a large agglomeration of objects that visually appear from a distance as a cloud and describes any set of things whose details are not further inspected in a given context.
Iris is Egyptian for Eye Iris is Greek for Rainbow
Material monism is a Presocratic belief which provides an explanation of the physical world by saying that all of the world's objects are composed of a single element
Time Flows Asymmetrically At The Electron Level.
Basic physics suggests that electrons are essentially immortal. Tzion being the spiritual point from which reality emerges.
The Dry place now that the ocean has given up all secrets.
The history of the Inner Temple emblem, the Pegasus. ... The winged horse; or from the Templars' seal which showed two knights with shields on horseback.
The rod of iron, is the central sun, which is The Staff Of Hermes and forms the mystery of God, Sophia.
Beneath the tree of knowledge in the garden of paradise stood a rosebush. And here, in the first rose, a bird was born. His plumage was beautiful, his song glorious, and his flight was like the flashing of light. But when Eve plucked the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and she and Adam were driven from paradise, a spark fell from the flaming sword of the angel into the nest of the bird and set it afire. The bird perished in the flames, but from the red egg in the nest there flew a new bird, the only one of its kind, the one solitary phoenix bird. The legend tells us how he lives in Arabia and how every century he burns himself to death in his nest, but each time a new phoenix, the only one in the world, flies out from the red egg.
And like to a young unicorn, The mountain Sirion. 7 God's voice divides the flames
False flags were canceled when Trump took office.
Hebrew קרן, keren. Horns are the symbol of power, of alarm and of other-worldliness.
Is it any surprise really that Right Honorable Rhea should feed Chronus this Lapsit Ellixis by which he should perish?
see you then
Because obongo isn't pushing for gun control.
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.