I rarely see this being discussed. As it stands, I don't believe that abortion should be illegal on a federal level. As for the morality of it, I have yet to hear a compelling argument as to why it's a terrible act. Shapiro, Crowder, Milo, McInnes, all of these conservative commentators abandon any real discussion about it with "muh killing babies & jesus".
Personally, I think abortion is one of the last lines of defense for the collapse of Western Civilization. Black women have a staggeringly higher unintended pregnancy rate, but Hispanics have the highest unintended birth rate because blacks get abortions. Since Sup Forums believes in a racial hierarchy, I'm curious what you all have to say about it. Red-Pill me on abortion.
Evil. But a necessary evil to prevent the collapse of civilization.
Jaxson Evans
The moral argument is you are killing someone who has committed no crime. The white race is now below sustainability.
Benjamin Williams
Abortion is not Sup Forums approved, but we tolerate it because it kills more niggers than cops, aids, cancer, homicide, and heart disease COMBINED.
Lucas Peterson
>that picture R.I.P. Voldemort
Gabriel Torres
It's one of those moral grey impossibilities that will only be answered by some new, completely out of left field factor.
Namely birth limitations imposed once we're all immortal, cyborg super-men. There won't be any more babies so it won't matter.
Henry Richardson
I understand that contention, but that's when the debate gets a lot more complex. At what point in the development of a fetus does it cross the boundary from "human" to sentient consciousness? McInnes, for example, believes that it's a child from the moment of conception.
So when is abortion okay and when should the woman be stuck with it for good?
Henry Murphy
It is wrong. It is immoral. It is degenerate. It should be banned. Women should be controlled by Men. Jews are behind it. Stormfags need not apply.
Luke Martinez
>truly believing that sexual desire will just one day disappear Humans will be fucking until the end of our time, even if it's retractable titanium cocks.
Adam Stewart
This, it's definitely a satanic ritual, but on top of getting rid of niggers it also gets us rid of liberals. The Jew doesn't understand evolution, only thinks in terms of numbers, thinks he weakens us by lowering our numbers when he strengthens us by culling our weak-minded.
Elijah Flores
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.
William Gray
it's undeniably human from conception. it has a full set of unique human chromosomes. trying to set any other point is relying on mystical bullshit that can't be objectively tested for.
Hunter Evans
Unironically good post.
Robert Ortiz
>you are killing someone >someone >killing
Asher Brooks
>conservative commentators abandon any real discussion about it with "muh killing babies & jesus"
Setting the religious element aside, it doesn't get much more immoral than killing babies, I imagine they feel that there is not much need for discussion beyond this point.
I guess if you want to take it one step further, I think it a fairly easy to accept argument that killing those who have done nothing wrong is an act of evil. Babies have done nothing wrong.
You also must recognize that you are an extreme outlier when it comes to reasons for being pro-abortion. Most pro-abortion arguments are something along the lines of "muh body" which is a thin coat of paint over the fact that most women want a safety net for when slutting around produces unintended consequences.
Nicholas Harris
I believe that abortion is immoral for two reasons; >An unborn baby, unconcious or not, is a potential life and will one day grow to be an adjusted human as us. Denying the thing that, is wrong in my opinion. You would not kill a baby and justify it because they cannot comprehend morality or ethics, it will do so one day. >At I think 5 weeks into the pregnancy, the foetus' heart starts beating. That, in my eyes, is the start of it's biological life and taking it is taking a human life.
Elijah Foster
>At what point in the development of a fetus does it cross the boundary from "human" to sentient consciousness? It's an inane question and poorly worded, not sure you have a basic grasp of the concepts at play.
Jayden Long
Is this a pasta? If the thoughts expressed in this post do not drive men to God then nothing can.
Xavier Barnes
Main users are >welfare leeching minorities >piss poor whites >whores >rape victims >people with a non human baby (Downies and so)
Nothing of value is ever lost by abortion. A whore can not be a mother, a rape victim and a rapist are not a family etc
Also, the Bible clearly states that man (Adam) was brought to life only at first breath by God, hence life begins with proper birth
Noah Diaz
>is a potential life and will one day grow to be an adjusted human as us. Denying the thing that, is wrong in my opinion. By that logic every woman should be forced to be pregnant all her life, because every day she isn't carrying a baby she is denying life to a potential human.
Dylan Perez
like and subscribed
William Rodriguez
Through out the Bible, Satan seemed like a superior God. Think about it, the all knowing and all powerful God could not see the rebellion comming, nor that little stunt with the snake. Biblical Satan even punishes the wicked in hell.
Satan is more a God for mankind than "God" could ever be. Hell all in all is a foolish ideal brought forth by Zarathustran influences on early Christianity, but aside that, Satan never did wrong humanity, God did.
Matthew Wood
> carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience >It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself
I hadn't even thought of it like that, very good post overall.
What is the solution for young teens getting impregnated then, and bringing a child into being on an already unstable foundation? Contraceptives like birth control and condoms are an obvious given, but say that the condom breaks and an unemployed High School senior and her drop-out boyfriend are now faced with a situation to raise a kid? "Deal with it", yes, but couldn't that be detrimental to our economic future?
I guess what I'm saying is that everyone desires sex. To deny this and reserve it for marriage seems to contradict a big theme on Sup Forums, being the alpha, as well as go against our very nature. Obviously you should practice safe sex, but if by rare chance pregnancy occurs, what would you suggest doing?
Grayson Foster
Think of it as "expanding murder laws to include the unborn".
Dylan Lopez
God is all that is good.fag.
Robert Price
>a potential life Tell me, please, how a disgusting hooker, slut, etc could be a good mother? She can't. Especially if she is a minority, the kid will grow up to be a thug and criminal. A rape victim can't raise a child either. Actually, in both cases the father would be absent. Homosexual parents would be better than that.
You are also forgetting one major flaw: most people who abort are themselves lower class trash. Their genes are useless, their child will never finish a relevant college, and once automatization kills lower class jobs, that child will leach and strive for those sweet gibs hidden in communist lies like UBI and whatnot.
Joshua Hughes
I'm trying to spark a discussion, not argue over a trivial semantics issue. Is taking the Morning-After pill the same as abortion? At what point in pregnancy does it become immoral?
Jaxson Foster
>Ending a human life is the solution to 'x' problem
Liberals, everyone.
Jose Barnes
>Is taking the Morning-After pill the same as abortion? As soon as semen enters the egg that "bundle of cells" will in most cases become a healthy human being, barring getting scrambled because reason.
Henry Jones
>not sure you have a basic grasp of the concepts at play You're implying you are worth his time.
Tyler Hughes
>I'm trying to spark a discussion, not argue over a trivial semantics issue. Sorry it seems like that is exactly what this line of logic is.
It's semantics to argue over whether a fetus is a human and has rights, if left alone it will develop into a human, this should be enough.
Matthew Evans
>As for the morality of it, I have yet to hear a compelling argument as to why it's a terrible act.
There is no arguments besides "muh morals". And, considering that argument comes from "we care about our citizens only if they are not born yet or they are in the age of cannon fodder" cuckservatives, this argument has little credibility itself.
Let's wait until the introduction of artificial wombs and then we will see the true nature of pro-life public: if these faggots will support putting the fetuses into artificial wombs, ensuring their survival, but at the certain costs, then their arguments are valid. But something tells me, that cuckservatives will still bitch. Because, like liberals, they love to virtue signal (preferrably, without wasting money on shit).
Easton Thompson
>Keeping a human life with no security helps my feefees
Conservatives, everyone.
Jeremiah Richardson
a conversation that should be about personal responibility is turned into one about muh vagina and muh jesus
Ryan Perry
I have always been against abortion but i have never tough about it that way, thanks for the post.
Jack Johnson
It seems like you don't really want to help these poor folk? Look at the society they grew up into. They were conditioned to think that cheap thrills and quick fixes can be called living. Abortions and similar acts give people a means to spiral into more apathy and disdain for themselves and their kind.
Caleb Watson
More niggers than anyone else get abortions. Praise abortion for this simple fact alone.
Colton Barnes
No buddy, the biblical, that is, generally the Abrahamic God, is no God at all.
He is not all knowing and infinite. How can he be all knowing if he didn't saw that fall from grace of Adam and Eve happen? How did he not see Sodom and Gommorah happen earlier? The flood? The tower of babel?
Furthermore, I do not disagree that man is fashioned in a godly image, but that does include omnipotence over our own life when ever we are able to. The core ideal of inner freedom at least is what makes one human.
All in all, do you think that someone who wants to abort a child would make a good parent? Of course not. Never.
Brayden Baker
Even those morals are arguable. Most people Base it on the Bible which clearly states human life begins at first breath
Cameron Murphy
Really though abortion is one of the best things ever, I wish more took advantage of it. I'll admit I have 0 moral qualms and do not even care if a fetus is human or not. Post birth abortions should also be a thing for brain damaged retards who are incapable of functioning without government support.
Jason Walker
Morals and ethics are different.
Jaxson Price
So, what you are saying is "Killing your enemies makes them win"?
t. Justin
Brandon Davis
Offer a better solution.
Pro-tip, you won't,
Jace Davis
>muh killing babies do you not have a problem with killing babies? lmao what the fuck
Using abortion to control the black population is serious pussyfooting. Just do a genocide you punk bitch.
>this post is satire pls no arrest me trudeau
Connor Jackson
Not just the black population, but the lower class whites and the abnormals too.
Jace Rodriguez
It's virtue signaling. And a cheap one, to say.
I don't see much difference between this, shilling for "muh refugees" from Hollywood cunts or reposting and liking shit on kikebook without doing anything useful.
Picrel: Translating from russian:
>I've made a paper bird to support Japan! >I posted Sakura branch in my blog to Support Japan! >JAPAN, WE ARE WITH YOU >Well, that's just fucking great.
Benjamin Roberts
most of the stuff you mentioned isn't actually in the bible
Liam Williams
>pic related
William Scott
Use it to kill minorities
If I was a billionaire, I'd offer free abortions to minorities and parenthood counseling to white folk
Jace Garcia
>An unborn baby, unconcious or not, is a potential life and will one day grow to be an adjusted human as us.
An acorn is not a tree.
>At I think 5 weeks into the pregnancy, the foetus' heart starts beating. That, in my eyes, is the start of it's biological life and taking it is taking a human life.
A beating heart does not make a person.
I respect your beliefs. They're no better or worse than mine. It's a choice that everyone takes differently. Me, I don't like the current idea within polite society that EVERYONE has to live.
Mental handicap? Chromosomal addition or deletion? Do a mercy killing. Abort.
300 gorillion little black babies aborted every year? I have no problem with it. They would all be raised by poor, stupid, single un-wed mothers. Abort.
Rape babies? Incest babies? Abort.
Mother is a minor, and her parents don't want her to have a baby? Abort.
Father doesn't want the baby? Document it before the birth, he's not financially obligated for the baby.
Wyatt Foster
>yes, but couldn't that be detrimental to our economic future? yes goy, better kill infants that could be detrimental to our shekels
Wyatt Young
>Father doesn't want the baby? Document it before the birth, he's not financially obligated for the baby.
Meant to say that this would be the ideal. It certainly isn't the current legal reality. Damn it's late.
Jordan Wood
I'm just not seeing a viable solution here. Most people will never stop chasing sex, it is one of the most powerful driving forces in our existence. And even with proper precautions, sometimes shit happens. And shit happens quite a bit in impoverished communities. The statistics about unintended pregnancies are scary, the implications ominous for our future.
>In 2011, nearly half (45% or 2.8 million) of the 6.1 million pregnancies in the United States each year were unintended. >The rate of unintended pregnancy among poor women (those with incomes below the federal poverty level) was 112 per 1,000 in 2011, more than five times the rate among women with incomes of at least 200% of the federal poverty level (20 per 1,000). >At 79 per 1,000, the unintended pregnancy rate for black women in 2011 was more than double that of non-Hispanic white women (33 per 1,000).
So what's the argument, Sup Forums? That we must prevent the collapse of western civilization, or make abortion federally prohibited? Because you can't have both. If the former is a higher priority then you have to make exceptions as to when abortions should allowed. Unless the goal is to not stop abortion, but to push out diversity and spark a new Enlightenment Era which is not a realistic one.
John Butler
You gotta admit that abortion is eugenic as fuck. Hate the method, love the results.
John Morales
artificial wombs will destroy the abortion argument, but in the opposite way that you think. since the fetus will be viable from any point women can no longer make the "muh body" argument. why would the cost be maintained by anyone but the parents? obviously conservatives would be opposed to the government subsidizing it, but that's not inconsitent with their positions on grown children.
Jason Young
>posted 113 times before and I only saw it now, fugg
Hunter Green
I have two female friends who have had abortions. It fucked them up. One of my lassmates went to the toilet shortly after and was screaming. I'm married with two kids. I'm 45, kids are 18 and 10. Having abortions is a a difficult moral question. In cases of rape, incest, or horrific deformation, the mother being in life threatening birth horror, then it's the mother's choice. As abortion is used in my country, I'm against it.
Josiah Sullivan
saved, I already knew it was evil and unjustifiable but this sums it up well.
Jacob Brooks
I've never heard Shapiro (Jewish btw), crowder, Milo, or Gavin use muh Jesus (or religion at all) as their reason for opposing abortion. I already think you're a kike and a liar. Conservatives rarely use religion as their reason in public debate because a quick study of gestation heavily implies that the fetus is a separate life from like day 14 with rudimentary beginnings of its own organs and bodily structure. It even has its own heartbeat after like 20 days or so. It's only retards who spout "le cluster of cells meme" who think they're having a religious debate when conservatives, as always, come to the discussion with facts and liberals show up with rhetoric and ad hominem.
The only red pill you need to to learn the true nature of abortion is to study pregnancy and gestation. Further reading would be the effects of abortion on women who have them (long lasting depression for example) and the existence of abortion survival.
Julian Green
Is the end-goal to transcend our primal lust for sex? And if so, then how is that even feasible given the exponential rate of degeneracy every year? To just beat off every single day in order to expel one of the strongest driving forces in our lives? Even without watching porn, that's how you become a docile population. Alpha mentality depends on sexual desire, it's just the fucking truth, that's why people that sit in their man-caves beating off to hentai are socially autistic; they're artificially satisfying that force that should be making them compete in the dominance hierarchy.
Eli Taylor
actual original post >posted in 2014
Xavier Kelly
Abortion is necessary to keep nigger populations in check.
Benjamin Adams
>Shapiro (Jewish btw) top kek
Tyler Parker
From reading your earlier posts, it seems like you've already accepted the notion that abortion is fairly evil as a practice. What you're doing now isn't looking for an argument as to whether it is evil or not - you're trying to reconcile the fact that it is evil with the fact that if it were not being practiced to the degree that it is, the demographic inevitability with which western civilization is currently struggling with would reach critical mass much more quickly.
Jose Reyes
Except that its not really all this deterministic. Many could be saved
Dylan Harris
>Nazi flag >doesn't appreciate the benefits of a eugenic process pathetic desu
Landon Fisher
And I'd say that's a fair assessment. I'd like to understand all angles of the argument before changing my stance is all.
Samuel Hernandez
if it's such a big problem how come we weren't swarming with orphans in the hundreds and thousands of years before abortion was legal?
Carson Ross
I don't really have an answer for you. Everything is fucked demographically. That doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize evil where it exists.
Eli Garcia
>In cases of rape, incest, or horrific deformation, the mother being in life threatening birth horror, then it's the mother's choice.
>mother's choice
Nah, I think the father should have his say, too.
I know what I would do in these situations, but I want to know what you and others think:
If my wife got raped and chose to have the baby that resulted, and I didn't, what do you think I should do?
If the baby had a chromosomal deletion and would be mentally retarded, and we knew this before the birth, and my wife still wanted to have the baby but I didn't, what do you think I should do?
If the birth of the baby was 50% chance going to kill my wife, and she still wanted to have the baby, and I didn't, what do you think I should do?
Jayden Watson
To understand the anti-abortion argument, you must first define when a human is considered human When does life start? Trying to define life at an arbitrary point mid pregnancy is not possible. Once you understand that, you have two options as far as the time abortion could be carried out.
The pro life side says life starts at conception and thus abortion shouldn't happen after that or it is murder. The other option you have is to allow abortions up to the point where the mother is ready to deliver.
arguments can be made for both sides. Just think about it yourself and come to a conclusion
Joshua Hughes
black and hispanic women get the least abortions.
abortions besides the case of down syndrome or a birth defect is just unethical.
You're killing the future generation of your own due to being irresponsible.
plenty of choices are available to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Use protection, Plan B, if you don't want to compromise pleasure, use a diaphragm.
Vegans oppose chickens on a conveyor belt, try stacking up all the fetuses.
Liam Martinez
>in the hundreds and thousands of years before abortion was legal?
Wait, how long has abortion been illegal?
Ryder Martin
Invented as a tool to reduce the number of slavs and Black's by the WASP. Slowly the WASP are becoming it's main consumer.
Solution, give niggers trinkets and money for getting sterilised.
great when nigs do it, inhuman savagery otherwise.
Carter Mitchell
Excluding niche cases like rape we can all agree that there is plenty of ways not to get pregnant, so by being careless and knowing what can come of it you have already done something morally questionable Then the question comes down to what is morally more wrong, to abort and kill a child or to bring up a child and not be able to provide what he needs
Owen Carter
>God's wrath because of abortion
>Even God doesn't want those fucking babies and he's pissed off we're putting them on his doorstep.
Kevin Ramirez
So, do those who are adamantly against abortion care about the kids at all after they are born or do they just want that the kid is born no matter how poor/junkie family/mother it is born to? Or if the parents/mother absolutely do not want the kid and then proceed to treat it like shit for it's entire youth? Yes, kids getting treated like shit can happen in any household but im willing to claim that it is much more likely to happen in households where the kid is absolutely unwanted
James Williams
The problem is that we are in the end time anyway, grace is almost up and tribulations is about to begin.
Why bring a child into a world where the Antichrist is about to rise?
Aiden Butler
I care about them just as much as I would care about any other stranger's life You can put your kid up for adoption if you don't want them that badly I just don't believe it should be legal to kill babies, or anybody else who is unable to give consent for that matter.
Noah Mitchell
But you think its ok that you just dump the baby somewhere and ruin its childhood? Its morally less wrong to kill the child
Samuel Price
You probably know plenty of women who have had abortions who are fine about it, but don't tell people. Only two people in my life know about my abortion. I married in my teens, aborted at 22 and a few years later we had some great kids when financially stable. Off the top of my head I know 4 women who have had abortions, most of them told almost nobody (very close friends) and only one of them might have been negatively affected, and she was a basket case anyhow. It's a myth that abortion fucks women up. Abortion only fucks women up if they make the decision under duress. I had mine in Germany, before I could get the procedure I had to meet with some kind of social worker who interviewed me and made sure that it was what I wanted to do, and that I wasn't being pressured. I think this is pretty sensible.
Most women who have abortions go on to have kids later in life under more stable conditions, or already have kids to take care of.
Either it's wrong or it isn't, and if it is wrong then you have to disallow abortions for ALL CONTINGENCIES rape, incest, missing organs, life of the mother.
That's insane. A fetus has no value to a society that doesn't know it exists. Abortions are a net gain.
William Allen
I was adopted. my childhood was fine. killing people so they don't have to suffer is jrpg villian tier motivation.
Kayden Rivera
Good for you, yet i still think its morally worse to gamble on the child's wellbeing i think you're the exception and not the rule
Landon Long
Also, you can't force someone to give their kid up for adoption. Oxytocin is a hell of a drug, and this is why poor people, people in abusice households, mentally unfit people, even though they logically should, hardly ever give their kids up. Not to mention the stigma and push back one would face from extended family.
A mother who loves her kid, but maybe living in a crack den with a guy who beats her, is programmed biologically to believe she can love and care for her child adequately.
Nicholas Bell
Is your lung a human being? Is your kidney a human being? Is your heart a human being? No they're not. Just like the fetus to a point.
Even if it is a human being, parents and more importantly mothers should reserve the right to terminate no matter how stupid they are.
Oliver Barnes
there have been plenty of children who managed to pull themselves out of poverty or abuse. there haven't been any who have managed to come back from being dead.
Juan Wood
abortions are an abomination. they were prohibited by EVERY civilized society's medical oath up until the degenerate 1920s
when negresses get abortions, they are fighting crime, but when white women do it they are murdering an unborn child for their own convenience
exterminating a negro spawn before it can hatch and steal your bike is just common sense, but unfortunately, dumb bitches and roasties also get the coathanger out, even when they are sure that the kid is not the product of their mudsharking.
adoption roles are full of niglets, and taco benders, the only white kids up for adoption are retarded spastic droolers
abortion should be illegal, so only niggers and spics will get them. those shitskins will always break the law.
Ayden Morris
So you meet a black chick that gets an abortion every 3 months as birth control and fucks a bunch of guys in the meantime.