The Race War Begins

An ooga-booga hurled rocks at an Italian eatery in this jungle attire.
Locals chased him down with a shovel.
He begged for mercy as they kicked his head.


Slippery degos are racist as fuck.

Why was he throwing rocks at Italians?


>Doesn't even run away and vanish into the night

Based Itaka

stay strong for the great uncucking

back when there was still actual justice this nigger would be roped and italy would be a better place for it.

then the jews created the JEWdicial system.

of course the females screech for them to stop.

>Italian women are fucking hot
>.. But they protect niggers, even when niggers act like niggers and do nigger things

the struggle is real

Were those whores at the end screaming AYYO HE DINDU NUFFIN WHY IS YALL SO RAYCIS? Half the video was unintelligible.




Anybody ever met an Italian SJW?

I'm almost positive they don't exist. I'm Italian American and I've never even seen an SJW with Italian features.

They always look English or something

the women never saw him do this, they chased him for a while


they oppressed him by inviting him into their country where he was safe, offering him the opportunity to work, and giving him free money when he chose not to. Who wouldn't try to murder the natives of a country who treated you that way?

I was hoping for that niggers blood to be splattered across the sidewalk

Bless you dagos.

they do exist

Every Italian university student ever since about 1800.

Politics in Italy is mental. Communist parties do far better than in virtually everywhere in Europe.

implying they still wouldn't defend the nigger. their something wrong with the female brain it's those muh feelings.

>lazy halfniggers
>communism popular

what did you expect
the only acceptable italians are german anyway

Italy's "California" is Emilia-Romagna. Followed by South Tyrol and Tuscany.

This is the problem. We jump in, hold people back, call the police, protect the perpetrator.

There is absolutely no reason to do that, yet most would still do it.

From the patterns I am seeing by reports among articles is the migrants view being invited to another place creates a new internal problem and the host should be responsible for intervening with their internal and external problems.

You mean Bologna

>Italian SJW

Yes. They're called Young Women.

All the older Southern European women here are even more conservative than the whites. A lot more actually.

But young women, of all races, are ultimate SJW tier.

>Politics in Italy is mental. Communist parties do far better than in virtually everywhere in Europe
Yea no sorry, that's bullshit. Out of all the post war governments we had the extremely vast majority were right wing ones

>Ruining Tuscany with niggers

Thanks Camorra.

Fuck yes. I got a contact high from seeing his nigger head get bashed in.

Italian Americans are pretty right wing

East coast Italians are like cartoon characters

>women protesting altough they know fuck-all about the situation

So do neo-fascist parties. Italian politics really are mental because they're all over the place.
Campanilismo "bell-tower-ism" runs rampant. You love your town but hate your neighbors. Italy is hardly united.
Bologna might be the head but Emilia-Romagna as a whole is pretty bad.
Tuscany is full of chinks. The Camorra is in Campania.

Especially in europe where the police and legal system wont do shit but if you teach the nigger a lesson

Chink sweat shop workers. But anything south of Naples is niggers.

>chased him to other street
>started beating shit out of him
>everyone immediately thinks you are a bunch of white racists chasing down runaway slave

Isn't Tuscany a commie shithole?

Did I say Italy had Communist governments? Did I say Italy had a majority left wing population? No.

I stated something in response to "there are no SJWs in Italy?". Anyone who has been to Italy or spoke with Italian youth would know they have a far greater radical left than any country in Europe. The position of broader Italy is an irrelevance, the fact is that there are millions of hard left people in Italy.

same reason chimps throw their own poop

>reddit spacing
No, the niggers are primarily in Bologna, Milan, and Lombardy generally.

>caught by customers of the restaurant armed with a shovel

When your means of production are your weapons

But their were so many niggers in Naples and Sorrento...

>they have a far greater radical left than any country in Europe.
Italy overall leans right. The majority of the population has a negative view of immigrants, muslims, gypsies, etc. In fact, the majority proudly state that their culture is superior.
If you think the few in the south are bad wait until you see the condition of the north.
Very few immigrants actually move to the south.

Why is this funny

>Don't hit him
Fuck that shit, he deserves a good fucking lump, and I'd tell the roasties to shut the fuck up too.

These fucking scum get off most of the time, he needs some sense beat into him.
God I hate how these ungrateful little wankers behave, can you imagine being given the chance to live in a semi-first world country after living in sudan and then fucking up the place and trying to kill the ones that let you in.

They seriously need to be fucking deported, I hope a lot of the dinghys sunk when the NGO boat got locked away

Getting really sick of women defending these yard apes, I say kill the worthless bastard.

Do you have fucking autism? Did I say otherwise you thick nigger?

My post was in response to "I am fairly sure that Italian SJWs don't exist". Not only do they exist, they exist in numbers not seen elsewhere in Europe.

Probably smiled on accident


>the U.K.

Fucking LOOOOOOOL I hate the U.K. so much

>Did I say otherwise you thick nigger?
Yeah, you literally just posted that Italy has a far greater radical left than europe. False.

>be italian woman
>see italians beat up black man
>won't risk his BBC getting damaged
>"please don't hit him!"
italycucks BTFO by their own women.

I was thinking the same
>>please someone slap the stupidity out of this bitch
Hold on there brothers the great uncucking of Europe will come

good, the cops wont do anything to him, if they want to kick him in the face for payment for their windows, why not?


Because a nigger got put in his place.

they do have a messed up left in italy
no cunt works
they get half the year off in vacation time

they probably protected their men from getting charged desu
but women don't want you to put down a dog that bit someone either

That's not a left thing. That's a laziness thing.

>White woman screaming "STOP" like it'll make any difference.
Every white country on Earth

it is a left thing

Same reason it's funny when a race traitor middle class yuppie or hipster participating in a black lives matter riot get's assault by the very people he or she is trying to help.

And what happens when a bunch of black men are beating the shit out of a white dude? The black women cheer them on.

after ww2 usa and ussr both battled for political influence in italy, cia ultimately ensured victory but the commies never went away

>and your face when they still refuse to take the redpill after that

Roma Victrix you dirty, dark skinned untermensch.

good job Hungary

It's a deep seated cultural thing.

>336644 what's my prize?

whats with that weird half skip/step thing nogs do when they are approaching in their cocky manner?

Thanks Bro

For me, I think the changes that happen for people are when existential questions are brought up by things like death.

a blessing and a chance to do something incredibly stupid for an internet frog god

That's an odd looking wizard.

Lynch that fucker!

c o m f y

they could've just written [CONVERSING IN ITALIAN]

Thanks. Scored this yesterday, I guess the Sup Forums god has (((chosen))) me.


they might unless he interrupted their dinner then they'd get their bf to cave his head in with a shovel



>Communist parties do far better than in virtually everywhere in Europe
0.26% in the last elections, i wouldn't say that's an incredible result

Don't fuck with out dining establishments. It is all we have left.

My aunt is Italian. She volunteers at an asylum center to help niggers. One of her kids did a 1 year college course called immigration and social justice.

Based Italians.

Nope, they just sit there and watch.
T. Guy who got ganged up on by five niggers from behind in a public park for $20 in my pocket

>women don't want you to put down a dog that bit someone either
This. Women always try to make a mans job more difficult, they'll try to help whichever side is losing. They want men to compete. Even with a dog, which they view as a retarded human.

Because left defend them whatever they do, like the retarded women in the video.

This was depressing, I bet they didn't say shit when the shit eating chimp was hurling rocks as hard as he could.

>but excuse me, call the police

hahaha italians in italy are so polite

Sad, that some people refuse to acknowledge things right until it's very late and goes down to the individual monetary level. If nothing else, people should ask themselves: "I may still live a comfortable life in a country I can still call mine, but what country will I leave to my grandchildren?"

>Even with a dog, which they view as a retarded human.
If they had introspection, they could use this feeling to understand how we see them.

Of course he's a fucking kike.

Italians get antisemitism and the anti white shit and are positively mixed, I mean the women hypergamously fucked attractively and plenty still have pre-turk hellenic or Tuscan blood. There is sometimes lots to be resentful about.

Basically it's hard to sympathise with someone pointing a gun at you.

Bless their slippery Hearts.

>Anyone who has been to Italy or spoke with Italian youth would know they have a far greater radical left than any country in Europe.
except that's not true. Just go to Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria or the UK and you'll see that you are wrong.
Hell even my openly communist friends all agree that Italians must stay a majority in Italy and not be replaced by immigrants. Can you say the same about the average SJW in Western Europe or North America?

Did the guy told the cucks sitting by the table to shut up in the end?

It's a shame vigilantism isn't what it used to be.

I live in the UK and have met an italian working here and she was SJW-ish.

She said how Italy is racist and it's so bad they don't do more to help the refugees.

She sucked my dick in the car but didn't come over to let me fuck her when she found out I had a girlfriend (who let me fuck other women)

(This is why Italian food is so good)