Will there be war soon? Hopefully not

Will there be war soon? Hopefully not.

The situation in Bhutan is escalating. The standoff is now more serious. Both sides obviously don't want senseless bloodshed but how long can this last?

If we do go to war, both sides are evenly matched. Assuming Indian and Chinese allies don't take part in the war (which I highly doubt considering Donald Trumps relationship with the Chinese government, we both stand the same chance of winning.

Strengths of the Indian military-

+Much better trained and experienced infantry and air force

+Terrain favours the Indian side

+Superior missile technology

+Better intelligence group

Weaknesses of the Indian military-

-Border patrol awaiting ammunition supply

-Only 22 out of 73 all-weather roads along the LAC are ready

Strengths of the Chinese military-

+Can mobilise 34 divisions

+Superior air defence

+Electronic warfare

Weaknesses of the Chinese military-

-Military highly disorganised

-Low experienced troops as they haven't seen action since 1979

-Low experienced pilots as the Chinese side has not fought an air war since 1953

Ehh. Thinning out a billion or so ought to improve those countries considerably.

You will never be that original and witty user who made others laugh on Sup Forums

sounds like a shitty situation


Who's joking? The demographics of both nations would be improved by pushing young men through the capability sorter of war. I'm not even mentioning there modernization related to reconstruction.

The fittest and strongest of our people join the military. If they die, all that's left are poo in the loo scum.

You want to actually know who wins though?


No question. It's a matter of logistics. India has inferior capacity in this regard.

>Will there be war soon? Hopefully not.
>Hopefully not.

Actually, we have an advantage in size as well.

War isn't as simple as taking your entire military and making them go head on against another country.

Syria hmmm....

What the fuck is wrong with everyone, there should be a massive war that kills off billions of people, we need to reconquer the rest of the world and depopulate unwanteds

There is no capability sorter in large automated modern warfare. Nationalist strong men are first to die. This is how you remove bravery genes from the pool.

bravery gene?


War is hell, we gotta avoid it at all costs.

>War isn't as simple as taking your entire military and making them go head on against another country.

Who's talking about an entire military? You identified to examples of the logistical weaknesses yourself. What does it mean when you came go over ground? Air. What kind of air lift can operate in the region? Gonna have to be helicopter. Initial helicopter lift capability is weak. I'm willing to give India fighter superiority. But if you can't do anything with it ...

No, there will not be a war. SCO exists and India is a new member in it. Think of this current border gaffe as joint military exercise.

Blood for the blood god?

Choppers and jets are important, sure but they don't make or break victory.

Not to mention we have superior anti-aircraft guns and missiles.

I wonder who'd win

Fucking ISRO

They could have atleast named it something cool

Apparently the geniuses in New Dehli have a choice between losing face because they've crossed an international border in a dispute that doesn't concern them or, getting their shit rocked by the PLA.

Whatever choice they make I doubt they brought any porta-loos with their literally illegally invading battalions.

This is the war that will turn India into a superpower 2020.

>tfw the next big wars will be fought in Asia

thank God Europe isn't a supapowah anymore. as long as we can keep the Russkies busy

Bhutan is a close ally of India. Bhutans problem is our problem and as they don't have a military of their own, we had to intervene before China annexed their land.

>nuke india
>poopzilla gets created

This war will just cripple us. We're developing fast, unnecessary bloodshed will just slow us down.

>Choppers and jets are important, sure but they don't make or break victory.

You can't have victory if you can't show up or sustain yourself in theatre.

>Not to mention we have superior anti-aircraft guns and missiles.

Which mean nothing unless you can get them there.

Here's how it will play out:

A Chinese assault will find little resistance. India may be able to counter later, but taking back the territory from a dug in China will be hard and bloody. Political will won't be there for it. Result: China restores its 18th century Qing border.

I would assume the Xingjian and Tibet would use the opportunity to free themselves from Chinas grasp

Look how that turned out in Germany,U.K & France all brave men died in the war leaving only weak cucks behind and know they have goverments who let child rapists free out of fear of offending them and same shit with terrorists who blow up children

It's herd thinning time. Prepare for war.

India wins

they have chemical weapons (poop) and the Chinese haven't won a war in like ... 200 or something

you will back down again or your people will die. its that simple. playing with pakistan is nothing

china fought and won against australia with a naval battle and the west was so ashamed all they did was mirror image the vid taken by some tards in the philipines and pretend there was a new battle australia won but it was clearly the same footage of the original

and china set foot on american soil in washington state not long ago. india cant handle pakistan currently. you wont save the west and be praised poo. you will just waste time. china wont let you have land and they sent a misile over the united states. india sent a rocket carrying a satellite into the indian ocean

its nothing personal its just 40 years to soon for you to be winning that fight assuming the west keep supporting you for 2 more decades

>free themselves

No such opportunity exists.

At the very least distract the Chinese from the Indian border.

What India lacks in sheer number of choppers and jets, we make up for in strategy and experience.

Chinese pilots have zero experience. Our pilots know what its like out there, they know how to improvise, they know how to strategize.

We have an air base close to Doklam whereas for the Chinese, the closest one is back in Tibet.

They towed artillery and anti aircraft missiles is outnumbered two times so if China and India do engage in an air war, its likely China will face heavy casualties.

>Look how that turned out in Germany,U.K & France all brave men died in the war leaving only weak cucks behind

I think the lesson of the Great War is mine. The survivors of WWI rebuilt Europe in ONE GENERATION to put together WWII.

Im worried that if China and India go to war the Chinese victory would be so one sided that India would just say fuck it and escalate it to a nuclear conflict.

Both india and china has like 30m excess men, right?
Yeah, just send them to die
Unemployment down
Rape per capita down
GDP per capita up

The Pakistani military is a joke. You're talking out of your ass.

They spend 40% of their GDP on their military, while we spend a mere 3% and yet, they're still inferior in all categories against the Indian military

I'am so bored. This war better happen soon.

India has a no first strike policy so as long as noone nukes us, we wont nuke anybody.

it is chinese territory as agreed in the chinese british raj treaty of 1890 and confirmed after the indian republic and bhutan anarchy (it isn't a real country) took shape in the 1960s
on every official international map dong lang is shown within the chinese border and they can build fucking roads wherever they want on their land. it doesn't threaten india, the local border patrol are just retards and new dehli is willing to trash it's economy because of some paranoid belief that china wants too invade them

Like I said, the strongest and fittest of our races are in the military. If they die, all that's left are dog eating and poo in the loo scum

Nice blue camo, chinkfags

>The negros-slimes is right beside you, raping and plundering
Nah, I'm bored

>What India lacks in sheer number of choppers and jets, we make up for in strategy and experience.

I give you air superiority based on that. Indian fighters are likely to out dogfight Chinese.

But you simply cannot make more materiel move by "strategy and experience." N helicopters can lift P pounds in S stories (requiring F fuel.) That's a matter of math.

The British Raj can fuck off. No third party can take a decision concerning us.

POK and Ladakh are part of India but we don't make an issue on their foreign rule, same goes for Bhutan.

That's true

Skulls for the skull throne!


>confirmed after the indian republic...

Seems like India agreed with it.

>The British Raj can fuck off. No third party can take a decision concerning us.

You ever look at a map of the region from the 18th century? That little dangling bit of India in the Northeast is China. That you have it at all is because of the British Raj. Specifically the unequal treaties of the Opium Wars.

China sees this as a restoration of the Qing borders.

The Chinks train with the Russians all the time. Actual combat experience is helpful but lets take this into perspective. Combat experience in strikes against a nation without a credible airforce is meaningless against a nation with a modern airforce, anti-air defense, and support systems.

If its 'restoration', then free Tibet.

This is all just an excuse for Chinas ambition of expanding its borders as it wants to spread out its population in the east

America will join us in purging the communist menace

>China sees this as a restoration of the Qing borders.

Compare prior map to this map of 1789.

Dude, come one. Poos don't even want to live in India, you think the Chinks want to fight you for it?

Jai Shri Ram.
One day chinese and pakis will pay with their life.

Nice job hiding your flag, cunt.

Us Indians are patriotic as fuck. We love our country and our proud of our rich culture.

You on the other hand are so ashamed of your country that you hide its flag on a place like Sup Forums

Most of the soldiers are from UP, and other poor states.

I hope we don't go to war with Pakistan. Regardless of politics, they are still our people. They share our same blood.

Lol no
You will buy arms from america to purge the communist menace
Though you being a good friend, are offered a 30% discount and 20 year 0.5% interest rate loans

Only South Indians use that flag mate. If you use that, you are outing yourself as south Indian nigger.

The state that produces the most selection in almost all relevant exam

Chink soldiers look like little kids that haven't exited puberty phase tbqh.

>Chinas ambition of expanding its borders

If you believe this, you do not understand China. They are an ancient nation that things in very long timeframe. For them, the opium wars was just last week. They're correcting the matter.

China seeks balance and stability above all. Expansionism is incompatible with that. They want the Middle Kingdom restored and able to maintain itself for another thousand years. And a thousand after to that.

Qing was established by the barbarian race called manchus who litteraly killed 30 million chinks and forced every chinese person to wear a certain hairstyle.
I don't see why normal chinese would want Qing back under manchu rule.

I have no idea where you got that but its most certainly not true.

Not to mention, it doesn't matter where you're from. If you're fit and you have good genes, you're important to the country.

Nope we have a base sharing agreement for this exact scenario and we are friends with Israel too :^)

No surprise why we have so much corruption.

We want the same but we are not annexing territory to achieve our goal.

Are those sikhs soldiers?

Well in time is all I can say, we have proper government after a long time

Come on now, I don't give a fuck which country you're from.

Men in uniform deserve respect.


t. Congress

Don't get my fucking hopes up.
I waited for the Korean war to start up again and that shit fail hard.
I want you guys to fuck china up, god fire the frist bullet already.

The chink looks like hes trying to talk some sense into the terrorist.

I would love a war where I hate both sides.

Syria and Ukraine were too stressful

>We want the same

Undoubtedly. And the Moghul got along just "fine" with China for millennia.

>but we are not annexing territory

China doesn't see it as annexing. They think you guys (the Brits, really) did that. They see it as restoration.


>tfw the subhumans begin to eradicate themselves

It's beyond the Himalayas and is almost 300 years old, fuck off with unrealistic claims

Thats the Chinese view.

Seeing it from another perspective, you'd say what they're doing is wrong.

what are poo in the loo`s gonna fight with?
Shit in the streets of china?


Poos will lose the "war" if it ever happens with in 3 days.
But it's not going to happen.

It can't be avoided, we are accelerating into a global battle for living space. You better get your shit together India, because I like you guys a lot more than China.

Poo for the shit streets

But China would win paneer.

> you'd say what they're doing is wrong.

Oh, I've got no dog in this fight. Personal opinion doesn't much matter. (I'd like to see the Chinese get past their isolationist tendencies and join the team of the world, which means putting silly territorial stuff like this to rest.) I'm just trying to give you a realistic evaluation of the situation.

Good luck.

Good job hiding your flag, faggot

No side will dare do anything. It's not 1900 anymore.

This will fizzle out and we'll not be talking about it in a year. Screencap this.

>Camo turban

Sikhs a beasts

I hope it fizzles out, Britbro

Look dirty south Indian is butthurt because sri lanka doesnt give fuck about him

do you have maps that a look like they were not made in MS paint

how about actual maps from the time period

Please fight

Again, nice job hiding your flag


I'd come to your aid though, however, Indians would probably be too proud to accept British aid and my "aid" would probably consist of shitposting