Illegals didn't vote for hill-

illegals didn't vote for hill-

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>Leaves U.S in tears
Who's this "U.S" they speak of? Because it's sure as shit not me.

It's proven that illegals vote in sanctuary states

Good riddance

>american education

How is it even possible to vote as an illegal? Why don't you retards require people to show their driver's license, passport, id card or whatever to prove that you're an american citizen?

Because Whaa Whaa that's racist.
That's what the democrats say.

leftists think requiring ID to vote would be racist against the people who cant "afford" one

Leftists/democrats have some incredibly low expectations for blacks. How do they expect dindus to buy their tobacco and alcohol? Or do they just assume it's all stolen?

Seems like a fairly cheap thing considering it would you to vote (under a system requiring it). Quick google search showed California's state I.D. only costs $29 for a six-year card, I can't imagine it's much different for other states.

If people can't afford (or don't want to pay) just under $5 PER YEAR for the privilege of having a say in government elections, their vote isn't worth counting anyway.

The party shift in America in 2016 came as a big surprise, because it used to be that both parties would have quality people in them and then low quality people also but it would generally be somewhat balanced.

So for example, Democrats would have a bunch of niggers, a bunch of dude weed lmaos, commies, and all kinds of assorted subhuman waste, but then also a lot of academics, people who work in high tech industries and so on.

Likewise, republicans used to have all the creationists, rural and suburban retards etc. but then also many qualified professionals, college educated people and so on.

But that day when Bernie conceded to Hillary, all the subhuman waste left the democrats and started supporting Trump, and simultaneously, all the highly educated, wealthier people who otherwise would have supported the republicans, became democrats. Today, there are no more quality republicans. They brag about being backed by the “working class”, but fuck that, it's total bullshit. The “working class” are illegal Mexicans, and somehow I doubt that they would support Trump.

There's just no diplomatic way to say this: in 2017, republicans are the party of subhuman waste, democrats are the party of ultra high IQ next step of human evolution master race.

Not my problem shouldn't have fucking committed a crime simple as that

>voter fraud in land of freedom
She should have known better that freedoms and liberties aren't to toy with it, American eagle isn't going to allow the rights of Americans to be diminished. Uncle Sam is displeased, she won't be missed.

Everyone can register to vote here without paying a direct cost (paid by tax for the a piece of card). Even the homeless can vote.

My post was under a hypothetical assumption that an I.D. law were passed. Hence the "(under a system requiring it)".
You realize that $5 per year can be paid by picking up ten pennies off the ground every week, right?

Liberals are illegal to stay in usa and must be deported asap

Lmao canadian sand nigger spotted

People who commit voter fraud commit whatever they deserve. Do they really think an additional 2-3 votes will make a significant difference???

>Illegals don't vote. Why would they? You think Illegals would put themselves in harm's way for nothing? Obama didn't tell Illegals to vote he just said nothing bad would happen to them if they decided to vote.
>Surely this is an isolated incident.

That would be RAYCISS and somehow discourage minorities from voting, according to Liberals. Gee I wonder why?

>0bama told her nothing would happen to her.

Aye dios mio... what a liar!

some black guy was telling me how I could get a free ID if I didn't have the money. He said the church's will pay for it. This is in Texas.

I've always thought of "voter ID laws are racist" as a conservative strawman desu.


Side note that I thought about, you know that scene from spongebob where he shows Patrick all the dirty diapers the scallop made? Should make all those diapers illegals in a vid for hearty keks.

Is this facetious? Trump won every income bracket over 100k.

And the big ass pile in the backof the house should be labeled California

"tearfully leaves U.S." would've been clearer
"leave in tears" is an expression.
I suppose modern journalism doesn't care about clarity though

Hooked it for nordbro

why do people focus on the sob stories instead of the fact that SHE BROKE THE FUCKING LAW?

>she was here illegally...

>but it's a sad story!

she willingly broke the fucking law.

>deported for voter fraud
>old roastie cunt hag shitskin
couldnt make me smile any wider

>The letter contains a threat to sue the Secretary of State if Padilla does not remove from the rolls “persons who have become ineligible to vote by reason of death, change in residence, or a disqualifying criminal conviction, and to remove noncitizens who have registered to vote unlawfully.”
I'd be willing to bet that if they ever actually do comply, they'll only remove enough so that the number of voters equals the number of voting age citizens.

fucking funny thing about that, I live in the super ghetto in ca, and honestly I think these libtard faggots legit believe that black people can do no wrong, I only have one liberal friend, he lives in a nice area, one time he came to kick where I live and kept talking about how nice it was to have some diversity around him, I told him to shut the fuck up, and we haven't hung out since.

>believing what a black person tells you
you honestly deserve it, especially if you're latino

oh god... you have it so wrong. I want you to go look in a mirror, that is the face of shill, a shill who is eternally butthurt and btfo, the face a 33 yr old leaf who shitposts for cents on the dollar to try and stop an overwhelming changing of the guard in american politics. keep going leaf, you'll make it someday, remember there is no going back from suicide, but y'know, no one would blame you if you did it.

get out you dirty fucking reddit nigger.

what needed to be done was to slit her fucking spic throat and shoot her spiclets in front of her as her lifeblood runs out

Should have been hanged as a spy

What's moviebob doing in canada?

He fled the US because Trump would deport mexicans
So of course he went North instead of South

Best timeline.