Freedom from the Union

Hey American bros, daddy Britain is leaving the EU and i'd just like to know when do you plan to leave your Union and join us in paradise?

I'm looking at you California and Texas, you wanna join us in freedom yeah? Or are you ok with your star spangled slavery?

>california and texas
You mean Mexico?

You don't want California, they'd sooner join the EU

the truth

What states should come join us then?

One if full of liberal faggots and the other is full of niggers

Still gotta do something about those muslims dad.

They are the only two I've seen that want to leave, so I used them as an example. The whole YesCalifornia and Texit things.

So do you and all your fucking beaners too. When did America become Spain Part 3?

You crave freedom right?

California is degeneracy central. True working states like Illinois and Wisconsin should secede.

Personally i'd like Ohio, seems all the midwest states are based.

Texas fag here

Please help

now some of us just need independence from britain

Sit tight, if the US threatens you or won't let you leave democratically, will send the ramp ship for aid.

The pilgrims left your piece of shit island, to escape persecution. Then brave patriots gave their lives to expulse you poofy faggots out again.
Then during World War 2 you dragged us into the war because you were too cowardly to take on the barbarians, and you were more interested in keeping your "empire" wasting valuable resources in North Africa rather than bring the war to germany. Then after the Russians win the war, you lose your empire anyways and give a large portion away to the jews, and your beady eyed roach Churchill continued to spread fear about commies so we would be perpetually in wars. Now that you're getting what's coming for you and you're afraid once again you come to us thinking you're "daddy?"
Fuck off with you queen worshipping faggots. United Khaliphate is getting what it deserves, I hope you're all under Sharia law so Trump can drone strike your inbred piece of shit island. Any person that supports United Khaliphate isn't an american; they're traitors, traitors that need to be castrated and hanged.

Oh you, you're silly.

You fucking idiot. Is your brain as bad as your teeth? California is a shitty state, you either choose Texas or California, not both.

Depends, you all still socialist, antigun, anti knife, anti defending your home, and pro taxation without representation?

What? You are mixing up Texas with the deep south, we have tons of spics.

Illinois is liberal.

Your skin is probably more yellow than my teeth.

Again my reasoning is these are the only two states with the balls to consider leaving in the last 5 years.

I can't offer you much but I can negotiate. Unless you'd rather be under the rule of the Federal Reserve instead? How is that income tax btw? feel represented on that?

Hopefully sooner than later Britanon, I hope to live in England one day. God Save the Queen!

>Your skin is probably more yellow than my teeth.
kek, insulting yourself
