Part 2. Let's try to keep it civil this time. No insults or vulgarity please.
I'm a female white nationalist but I sometimes date Hispanic and black men. Is this ok?
I've noticed a lot of male white nationalists find it ok to date non-white women so long as they don't get married or have children.
So as a white woman (half German half Swedish), is it ok for me to date non-white men as long as I don't have children or get married? or is there a double standard? Statistics show that white men are much more likely to marry outside of their race than white women. White men are also much more likely to have a high amount of sex partners throughout their lives than white women.
(from former thread) But what are you seeking from the non-white relationships? Sex, love or friendship?
I would imagine that friendship and love would be hard, if they knew, that their genes would not be deemed worthy of creating a family together with you.
I could only imagine that you would >Keep it secret from them and from your social circle >Only use them as sex toys
sage, hide and report this thread made by the butthurt nigger male
Ian Phillips
>wasting a nice sunday to humor some troll on Sup Forums i'm going out on a nice bike ride before dinner, i suggest you guys do something similar.
Logan Turner
It's obvious that white girls crave black dick like white men crave Asian pussy.
It's impossible to stop white girls getting that black nut, however a person can choose their own partner and dating history is part of a package to consider when choosing a mate.
A girl that has been blasted by giant jungle dicks is not on the top of the list for a choice in stable partner.
Dylan Barnes
blacks are disgusting
Caleb Flores
Hey again sad bitch, are you going to respond to this post you ran away from in your last shit thread or not?
God you are fucking dumb. Its those monkeys you're dating that apply the double standard losing their minds with savagery when we date black women. Get over yourself you sleazy fucking traitor, you should count your blessings visa vi Suffragettes, womens rights movements etc, because you're compromising all of that with your rampant promiscuity. White men who date black women aren't just simply in it because its a fetish unlike you heathen fucks, its always to the heart and bone and the flesh. How does it feel that men universally look at you like worthless shit for being dumb, shallow and legs wide open for the ghetto next door? Fucking whore.
Carson Collins
sage, degenerate whore
Levi Campbell's not like i specifically seek non-white men. i live in a very multiracial city. sometimes i fall for guys that aren't white. is that too much of a problem?
Brody King
ya know...when a girl is attracted to a's usually not because of the size of his penis. mmkay?
just some friendly advice for you sweetie ;-)
Wyatt Allen
reeee my narrative waaaaa
Julian Collins
uh what? im not sure what your point is.
David Brooks
Parker Nelson
You (Sleazy)
Camden Diaz
If you're attracted to people outside your race, men or women, just racemix and take yourself out of the genepool, please. No man or woman should suffer a partner with deep seated issues.
This applies to all races, anyone that wants to racemix, just do it and fuck off, you're disgusting and your children will be defect mongrels. You're damaged goods, you don't deserve someone from the same group you come from.
The only kind of people attracted to those outside their race are those with deep psychological issues (mommy/daddy never loved me, self-hate, low confidence, etc)
Isaiah Russell
Rest of us (Sophisticated)
Benjamin Watson
you are dirty if you date blacks. America really is awful.
Connor Roberts
Are you getting the fucking message yet? You're just in it to be a reckless deviant whore
David Cox
Any non-black woman that intimately touched a nigger should be drown, along with the negroid and their filthy mongrels.
Angel Murphy
Thanks for clarification.
>sometimes i fall for guys that aren't white. I don't understand how you can fall in love with someone, who you deem genetically inferior to you. It seems as if you are working against your natural motives, when you claim to be "nationalist".
But again, what is love? I have "loved" a girl, who was 25% arab, because she adored me, and we had good sex. But I ended the relationship rather fast, because I simple couldn't cope with the fact that her father was half Arab.
I don't know, if it was "love" at all. I think that love has a lot to do with mutual worshipping - so that being in love requires two people to worship each other.
I imagine that the guys you date, they worship you, and you feel love this way. However, you have a principle (or awareness or goal) of having white kids..?
Hmm.. So they are basically okay grabbing the role as beta
Brandon Myers
no not really. like i said in the other thread. i don't give a fuck whom white guys date. just don't apply a double standard.
Luis Bailey
Or impale them with a sword
Carter Nelson
America get your shit together.
Asher Sanchez
Subtle cuck thread detected
Nathan Carter
i do believe they're genetically inferior but that doesn't mean i can't have a good time with them if im not planning on having children with them.
besides they know how to fuck me good. one guy had a stamina that led me to having a leg-shaking orgasm literally. what can i say, niggers are good at fucking
Daniel Gonzalez
Why the fuck shouldn't we apply it. You ungrateful whores have luxury based on our patience and its wearing thin with your rampant unappreciative taunting just like you're doing now. We get to fuck whoever we like because we say so, and you are lucky to have a vote at the very least. We conquer and spread our genetic purity while you sick scarlet sluts just do it for the mayhem. I hope you pay the toll real soon and learn the hard way because that's exactly what you need to wake up.
Andrew Moore
So that was what I was seeking and anticipating.
It is just for the sex. It cannot be more than sex, because you will never be able to give them the worship and love, any relationship needs.
And so, if your question to the audience is: is it okay to be a mudshark? Then - as you apparently already know - it is not okay, if you seek to be with a white guy in the future. So better keep it secret.
Besides having a jungle cock inside you, the fact that you choose your social circle to include niggers also tells a lot about your own estimated value. So besides the turnoff of having been mutilated by niggers, you are also viewed as something of less value.
John Martin
excuse me? i have luxury because of my hard work as a woman. thanks to the 21st century western feminist-driven culture, i have a masters degree and i make more money than a woman would have in the 19th century (assuming she would in the rare occasion even have a job)
Parker White
And further.. It's interesting as to what strategy you might use, when you want a black guy. Is it known by both of you that he is only there for the sexual desire - and that he is not worthy of having kids?
Mason Stewart
enjoy your ruined life, cumdump
Dominic Brown
You post this:
Then lost all subtlety with this:
Learn to troll m8
Evan Lee
>sometimes i fall for guys that aren't white. is that too much of a problem? no it's fine you just ruined your life thanks for the lulz
Bentley Martin
You must be trolling, nobody is this stupid and avoiding my points unless they were. You have rights because we allow it, pure and fucking simple. But keep up with your behaviour, and we will take it all away from you sooner than blinking an eye, and before you know it, there'll be arranged marriages, and you'll be sweeping our floors and sucking our cocks for the rest of your lives (You white women).
Julian Butler
i don't think you understood me. i didn't say it's just for the sex but the fact that black guys know how to fuck like champs is a positive factor. it doesn't really change my openness to dating them though
learn to read m8
Charles Thomas
>just don't apply a double standard. nature does that: it applies a double standard to males and females your denial of it condemns you to a life of misery just for riding cocks as a dumbass
Nolan Brooks
men arent attracted to your job or money no self respecting man will commit to a coalburner whore and yes they can tell it shows on your face already, imagine when you decide to settle down
Brandon Gonzalez
yeah keep dreaming about your weird fantasies you misogynistic virgin
Juan Brown
Guys of all races can do that. You are just whore or troll.
Parker Powell
having sex doesnt make you superior as a girl, it makes you inferior you'll see in a few years when, you try to settle down too late and too niggerfucked