Selling a product in an area that demands said product is now racial profiling

Selling a product in an area that demands said product is now racial profiling.

God I hate niggers.

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This PSA is bullshit. They are making a false equivalence by arguing that marketing towards a demographic is somehow the same in tone and intent to racial profiling.

Her uppitiness makes me have to change the channel every time it's on.

You know damn well if those businesses stopped selling KOOLs the same exact niggers would be screaming, "Dis bullshit, you know I gotta walk tree miles now to get Nanna her KOOLs? We gotsa get more bidnesses here in duh community. I axe our politicians to make sure bidnesses have to open up in the hood. It's profiling that they wont.

All the Truth campaigns are doing is trying to use talking points and trends that are popular with the younger generation at the time. A few years ago they were making commercials using outdated memes and annoying as fuck EDM songs and now they've moved onto racial and civil rights issues. Instead of just saying "smoking is bad mmkay" they're deliberately attacking people's emotions, and it's not at all subtle. And for that reason I go have a smoke every time I see this nappy headed ho.

The intent is noble, but it's hard to take someone seriously who's essentially saying "the man be keeping us down with cigarettes n shieeet" when black culture itself glorifies violence, rejection of education/employment opportunities, drug trafficking and drug use. Cigarettes aren't destroying black communities, niggers are.

Popeyes knows what's up. I have to go to niggerville if I'm going to get that delicious chicken.


The intent is noble, their methods are scummy. One of the videos is literally based around the premise that cigarettes will lead to the end of cat memes.

I'm eagerly awaiting 'the cigarettes are transphobic/homophobic/misogynistic' ads. Maybe they'll even do one about how "90% of cigarette smokers voted for Trump".

niggas love kools and menthols tho. you just know that if they didn't exist, niggers would demand some separate cigarette anyway

Cities are lower income than suburbs and has way more bodegas and corner stores selling cigarettes

I know smoking is bad, everyone and their mother knows smoking is bad for you. I hate how smoking is portrayed as the worst than hitler.

Just in: Selling state-sponsored lottery tickets is racial profiling!!!!

what's this thread about? link?

Just as the swallow returns to Capistrano, so the negro returns to his Kools and the white girl to her Pumpkin Spice latte. It's the nature of things, why fight it?

>these companies are targeting certain demographics! das profilin!
>makes an ad targeting certain demographics

Dresses like an older White woman, like Rhoda.

Shouldn't she have a tank top and spandex pants on?


Cigs are nigs last worry

>these companies are targeting certain demographics

oh no, companies are selling products to groups of people who buy them

how fucking stupid do you have to be to think this is racist, it's just markting


What about the low income areas that are predominantly white?

These anti-smoking "PSAs" might as well be televised cigarette ads. They're just reminding people that cigarettes exist.

>Companies directing ads toward a demographic
>not doing such
>don't ignore us

>Sup Forums is now sticking up for big tobacco

>everything is black and white


ty user

thought it was gonna be worse

>never heard of market segmentation

Niggers, man.

It's hard to argue that it's even racially targeted advertising. Bodegas and gas stations are the only businesses that I even see with cigarette ads any more. Guess what the ghetto has a lot of?

Anti smoking campaign using racism to say smoking is bad.

Former smoker here, fucked up and ran out in NYC. Cigarettes that are normally $4.75 from where I'm from were like $12 there in (((NYC)))...
It doesn't make sense until you abstractly think about it, they have you over a chemical barrel, everyone involved knows it so (((they))) decide to see just how far they can pull you over it until you can't do it anymore.

That was the day I decided to quit.

At least she's cute but not smart. How can it be racist when the people who are selling the cigarettes in these inner city areas are not even white ?

Honestly smoking is disgusting and if the only way to get people to stop is calling cigarettes racist I'm fine with that. Cause calling shit racist actually gets the lefties to stop doing it a lot of the time. Now if only we can convince everyone vaping is racist, sexist and homophobic.